The strongest soldier

Chapter 1733 Weird Behavior

The battlefield is not a child's play, and any decision may fall apart. Luo Zheng pondered and thought it would be a good idea to test the combat effectiveness of this tribal armed force. Anyway, the main force was still himself and the Huk tribal armed forces who were accustomed to hot weapon warfare, so he agreed. Said: "Okay, let them feel the atmosphere of war, let them dip all the arrows in gold soup poison, and teach the enemy a profound lesson."

"Okay, I'll tell him about it now. He asked me to fight just now and said he wanted to give me a meeting gift. This is also the custom here. First, it can be used as a gift, secondly, it can prove one's bravery, and thirdly, it can express oneself. I was afraid of messing up your combat plan, so I didn't agree, so now is the time." Hook said in agreement.

Luo Zheng looked at Captain Li and warned: "How can the staff come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"Understood, just give me one hour." Captain Li said confidently. When Luo Zheng nodded in agreement, he looked at the others and shouted: "Brothers, have you heard this? Come up with a feasible plan within an hour, and immediately Action, this battle is crucial, plan well."

The staff immediately took action. An hour later, the sneak attack plan was placed in front of Luo Zheng. The wolf pack tactics included a total of ten teams. Each team had ten members of Captain Li, which was a small team, plus members of the Huk tribe. A team of forty or fifty people is easy to move. Each team carries two light machine guns, five grenades per person, and two basic ammunition. The plan also determines the direction of the sneak attack, the route of retreat, and the time of the sneak attack.

Luo Zheng carefully looked at the plan. A team of Captain Li led a sneak attack with forty Huk tribesmen. There was no problem with the tactics, so he agreed. This kind of battle no longer required Luo Zheng to personally take part, and was completely left to the staff. I took care of everything and went back to my room to rest.

After fighting for a day, Luo Zheng was also very sleepy and fell asleep on his pillow. Early the next morning, Luo Zheng was awakened by the noise outside. He quickly got up, washed up, walked outside the wooden house, stretched out his hands, and looked at The warm sunshine in the early morning and the busy people around me walked towards the restaurant in a peaceful mood.

There were many brothers eating in the restaurant. After everyone met and said hello to each other, Luo Zheng packed some food and started eating. While chatting with the brothers, he understood everyone's psychological dynamics, asked about any difficulties, etc. After breakfast, Luo Zheng hurried to the headquarters and saw Captain Li's eyes were red but his energy was very high. He was shocked and asked: "You haven't slept all night?"

"How dare I sleep when you sleep? There is no one here." Captain Li said angrily, and then excitedly pulled Luo Zheng to the sand table, pointed at the sand table with a wooden stick and said: "Brothers, from ten They launched a sneak attack on the enemy in one direction, took turns in battle, and disturbed them all night. Although the results of the battle cannot be accurately calculated, it can be roughly judged that about two hundred enemies were killed, or even more. Twenty-three members of the Huk tribe were killed and ten were injured. One person, his brother didn’t sacrifice, but two of them got killed, so it’s not a big problem.”

"Killing one thousand enemies and damaging one's own body eight hundred, what kind of cannibals are they?" Luo Zheng sighed and said.

"Brothers have received news that those guys are indeed very fast and can even catch up with us. The bows and arrows are indeed accurate. They attack silently in the dark. No one knows where they are. Their team has the greatest success and has killed the enemy. More than fifty people." Captain Li quickly explained.

"The result of the sneak attack is supposed to be more than this, what's going on?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Nothing can be hidden from you. The enemy has built trenches on the outside, as well as individual radars and infrared detectors. Strictly speaking, it is not a sneak attack. It will be exposed before it can get closer. The enemy is holding on to the trenches and cannot come out. It is good to have this result. Yes." Captain Li explained.

"Stand in the trench and not get out?" Luo Zheng pondered.

"Yes, they have strong troops and well-equipped equipment. Now they are like turtle shells. This battle is not easy to fight. I don't understand what their intention is." Captain Li said angrily.

"The enemy should be eager for a decisive battle. What's the point if they don't come out? Delaying time? Are they afraid of night fighting? There must be something weird here, like us." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, took the wooden stick and pointed at a place on the sand table and said: "This is There must be enemies in the canyon and the mountains on both sides. If you conquer a hilltop, drop two Hongying Sixes and let me blast their camp to reveal the enemy's tactical intentions."

"These two hills are about three thousand meters away from the enemy's camp. Hongying No. 6 is completely within reach. The enemy will definitely attack and drive them away. Our people will lie in front and catch the enemy by surprise. What do you think?" Captain Li said seriously. He suggested, his eyes flashing with fighting intent.

"No, the enemy has poisonous stingers. We can use the poisonous stingers to attack them. When our people bombard the enemy camp, they will definitely attract the enemy's attention. If we mobilize people to take the opportunity to touch the enemy on another hill, we must kill their communication troops. We cannot ignore the situation. If it is leaked out, once the enemy counterattacks with a stinger, Hongying No. 6 will quickly evacuate to another hilltop and continue the attack." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"The coordination here is more complicated. The key is not to let the enemy notice that the mountain is being attacked. This requires elite troops to go up. Which team do you think is more suitable? In addition, according to our investigation, perhaps because of the night attack last night, the two The team defense has been increased on every hilltop." Captain Li said thoughtfully.

"There are more troops, how many?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It's tripled, that's more than two hundred people." Captain Li said helplessly.

"Hiss? These bastards are very alert. They are afraid of our long-range attacks, but are unwilling to take the initiative to attack. They have adopted a defensive posture. Are they delaying time? No, their conspiracy must be carried out. Let's concentrate our forces like this Attack a hilltop and capture it as quickly as possible." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, it's enough to send five Hongying No. 6 up. The missiles will clear the way and the ground troops will keep up. Three hundred people are enough." Captain Li agreed.

"It's too small, just send ten Hongying No. 6 up. I will lead the Mountain Eagle Squadron and the Hook Guard Group up. The troops in the south will not move, beware of the enemy's attack. The troops who attacked at night last night will seize the time to rest. We will continue in the evening. How to beat me will be decided temporarily based on the situation." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Are you going to the front line again?" Captain Li said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, I won't die." Luo Zheng patted Captain Li on the shoulder with understanding and said. He glanced at the staff around him, turned around and left the headquarters with a stern look on his face.

"Be careful." Captain Li reminded with concern, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes full of worry.

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