The strongest soldier

Chapter 1728 A chance encounter with the natives

At dusk, the sky in the west is red, and the afterglow of the setting sun falls on the vast primeval forest, casting a cloud of clouds over the forest. The dense forest rises and falls with the wind, like green waves, and the returning birds sing happily. Drilling into this green wave from the void, there would be a whooshing sound from time to time, flying into the sky, chasing and playing with his companions, and occasionally an animal roar would be heard in the woods, adding a bit of terror to this noisy forest. and mystery.

However, there is a shocking murderous intention hidden in the noisy and peaceful forest. A bird stopped on the bushes by the river and tilted its head to look at the river, trying to find a small fish for a meal. Suddenly, a bowl came out of the bushes. The foul-mouthed poisonous snake came. The bird was frightened and flew away. The poisonous snake fell into the river. A piece of "rotten wood" floating in the water suddenly moved. It turned out to be a crocodile.

The crocodile was probably full and didn't bother to eat the poisonous snake. It just hit it with its tail in dissatisfaction, causing countless splashes. The poisonous snake's backbone was broken on the spot. It fainted and floated downstream. Soon, the river A large group of piranhas floated up below. The group of piranhas surrounded the poisonous snake and began to gnaw at it. In the blink of an eye, only the skeleton of the poisonous snake was left. It sank under the water and disappeared without a trace. The group of piranhas also disappeared together.

At this time, the crocodile climbed up to the shore to rest, and suddenly saw a heavily armed team approaching. Although he did not know who these people were, he felt the danger, quickly got into the river water, and disappeared. The team came quickly When they arrived at the river, everyone was wearing a ghillie suit and holding an 88 sniper in their hands. Someone was carrying two deceased people. It was Luo Zheng and his party who had withdrawn from the battlefield. Luo Zheng glanced around with a cold gaze and said: "I want to We have to cross the river, this is the shortest way back, we must get back before dark."

"The lake is not wide, but it is very dangerous under the water. You can't wade in the water. Let's build a bridge." Shadow said in a deep voice.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng said casually, looking at the tigers around him with slightly frowned eyes. The virgin forest here is different from other tropical rainforests and is more dangerous. Regardless of miasma, viruses, bacteria or microorganisms, they are enough to kill people. The scary thing is that poisonous insects, poisonous ants and poisonous plants are difficult to prevent and kill people. Jaguars and wolves at the top of the food chain are not a big problem to everyone's eyes.

"I'm worried. There is no battle news at this time, which means that the enemy has not taken any action." Lan Xue comforted in a low voice, looking at the river with a serious face, and continued: "Across the river is the canyon, and beyond the canyon is We can reach the Huk tribe valley, but there is no defense here. Once discovered by the enemy, we will be in trouble."

"Yes, it is possible to infiltrate into the Hook Valley anywhere in the vast forest. It is impossible to defend them all. Their troops are still not enough." Luo Zheng sighed and responded.

"Something's happening." Suddenly, Shadow's reminder sounded in the headset.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he was shocked. He quickly took cover and loaded the bullet. He lowered his voice vigilantly and asked, "What's going on? Everyone, be careful and prepare to fight."

"There seems to be someone, let me go and take a look." Shadow said in a low voice.

Luo Zheng looked over and saw that the shadow was quickly rushing towards the dense forest on one side. Worried about something missing, he quickly followed him and whispered through the headset: "Brothers, pay attention to the fire cover. I will go up and take a look."

Swish, swish, Luo Zheng jumped up and rushed forward, like a cheetah on attack. He soon found the shadow hiding under a big tree, and quickly found a place to hide, and turned on the individual night vision on his helmet. The night vision goggles were used to capture the pot lid head. With the help of the thermal imaging function, he quickly discovered that there were people hiding in the dense forest ahead, and there were quite a few of them. He was shocked and quickly lowered his voice and said: "If there is something wrong, be careful."

"Cover, I'll go up and take a look." Shadow said coldly, suddenly rushed out of the bunker and rushed forward, walking as fast as flying and as fast as lightning.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly there was a strange sound, and something hit the tree. Luo Zheng looked around in surprise, and saw that it was actually an arrow, a wooden arrow shaft, and a bone arrowhead. He couldn't help but wonder, Sam Country must not Knowing how to use this primitive weapon, only the local indigenous people use it, he quickly shouted through the headset: "Shadow, stand down."

"Bow and arrows?" Shadow also made a surprised sound, and quickly retreated. While running, he felt another arrow coming, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace. Several rabbits came to Luo Zheng and hid themselves in a big tree. Behind his back, he looked back in surprise and saw three arrows hitting the tree. They were buzzing and trembling, which showed that the opponent was very powerful.

"What's going on?" Shadow asked angrily.

"They should be local aborigines. Don't go up, so as not to arouse suspicion." Luo Zheng explained quickly, looking at the secret ahead, suddenly an idea came to him, and shouted in the local dialect he only knew: "Hook!" I still heard this sentence. The people from the Huk tribe talked a lot, and they memorized it secretly. Their voices were a little hard to pronounce, and Luo Zheng was not sure whether they were accurate.

Soon, the same response came from the dense forest opposite, but they also spoke a lot of local dialect. Luo Zheng couldn't understand it at all, so he had to continue to repeat the awkward words. The other party shouted anxiously for a few words and then fell silent. Luo Zheng Thinking that this was not a problem, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone was fired easily, so as not to misunderstand, I will go and meet them."

"Be careful." Shadow reminded.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly and glanced at the dense forest behind him. The brothers were all ready for battle. Luo Zheng then took off the ghillie suit hood on his head, revealing his face. He slowly walked out of the bunker holding the gun and looked ahead warily. , while continuing to shout in the only dialect he knew.

The people in the dense forest ahead saw Luo Zheng walking out of the bunker, and showed no hostility. After a moment of silence, one person also came out of the dense forest and approached carefully. The dense forest was dark and the light was insufficient, so it was difficult to see clearly, but Luo Zheng could still tell who the other person was. He looked like a local aborigine and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the other party came up, as if he recognized Luo Zheng, and shouted something in surprise. After a while, many people came out of the dense forest in front of them, all shirtless, holding bows and arrows, and some had arrows stuck in their heads. Feathers, faces smeared with various weird paints, some people also had weird patterns on their bodies, everyone trotted up.

Luo Zheng was startled by this group of people who suddenly appeared. They were so densely packed that they were not far away from him. There was no warning in advance. This hiding skill was not easy, but he was relieved when he saw that no one was hostile. , lowered his voice and said through the headset: "It's aboriginal, no hostility, continue to be vigilant."

The man from before walked up to Luo Zheng, gesturing excitedly and saying something. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly. The language barrier was troublesome, but he saw the other person pointed at his heart, and then made a "Hook" sound. , Luo Zheng understood this dialect and couldn't help but react, pointing at the other party and saying: "Hook?"

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