The strongest soldier

Chapter 1719 Killing powerful enemies

In the deep primeval forest, a murderous aura soared into the sky, frightening countless birds and beasts. Shadow shot like lightning and did not chase after him. Instead, he rolled to the bottom, huddled under a big tree, and suddenly opened a door. The shuttle bullet came over and hit the big tree in front of him. He was shocked and roared: "Cover fire, hurry up."

"There are too many trees to target, Drunkard, Snow Fox, one each, block the target with firepower. Xue'er, rush up with me and kill them. Shadow, I leave the sniper to you, everyone, be careful." Luo Zheng shouted in a low voice, Swish He slid down the big tree and rushed forward in pursuit after landing. Although the view from the big tree was relatively wide, the enemy kept changing positions and there was no chance to fire. The best way was to fight in close quarters.

"The enemy is running away." Xue Hu's urgent voice sounded in the headset.

"Catch up." Luo Zheng shouted in a low voice. He moved a little faster and rushed forward. Soon, Luo Zheng saw two figures rushing forward quickly, as fast as lightning, under the cover of trees. Being unable to fire at all, he was so annoyed that he sped up to catch up.

Swish, swish, countless sounds were moving through the dense forest, silently, but as fast as a cheetah, disappearing into the woods in the blink of an eye, without a trace.

Shadow did not participate in the pursuit, but stared coldly at the sniper in front. After three bursts of fire, the sniper lay motionless on the ground, looking as if he had given up resistance. However, it was this action. But he saved his own life. Shadow's shooting point is advanced. In other words, no matter whether the sniper flies to the left, right, or forward, he will hit the muzzle of the gun. If he doesn't move, the bullet will be advanced due to the advance. All the relationships were empty, and they flew past each other.

"You are very good. Come on, let's give you a fair duel opportunity. Let's see the real results." Shadow was quite impressed by this guy's courage and judgment. With the situation in front of him, he only needed to pull the trigger again. He could kill the opponent, but Shadow didn't want to do it anymore and said coldly.

The sniper turned his back to the shadow. He knew very well that as long as the shadow fired, he would definitely die. He was ready to sacrifice. He was startled when he heard the voice. He raised his hands slightly over his shoulders, stood up slowly, and then slowly turned around, cold Looking at the shadow coldly, with a cold light flashing in the tiger's eyes, he shouted coldly: "Should I thank you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, slowly throw the weapon on the ground, draw your sword and fight." Shadow said coldly.

The distance was only five or six meters. The sniper knew that he had no chance to shoot, so he dropped the weapon on the ground, then slowly pulled out the pistol and threw it away. He also took off the two grenades hanging on his body and threw them away. He held the military dagger behind his back and raised both hands. He moved his feet back and forth in an attacking posture and said coldly: "You will regret your choice, but don't worry, I will cut off your neck artery in a very short time and give you a happy death. ,bring it on."

Shadow snorted disdainfully, threw away the gun in his hand, moved his head, raised his hands back and forth, and assumed an attack posture, and said coldly: "I hope your fighting skills are as good as your marksmanship. Come on."

Seeing that Yingying didn't draw his sword, the other party roared angrily, kicked his feet hard, and rushed towards Yingying. His eyes were filled with cold light, like an enraged cheetah. His movements were as fast as lightning, and his identity was agile and powerful. Yingying looked at him coldly. He kept the opponent motionless, and when the opponent's sharp saber slashed towards his neck, he snorted coldly and remained motionless, staring firmly into the opponent's eyes.

Seeing that Shadow was so powerful, the sniper decided to kill him with one strike. He didn't use the remaining back hand. He accelerated his hand a little and attacked with all his strength. A cruel sneer broke out in his eyes. Shadow was waiting for him. At this time, any smart person would have a backup plan when attacking. Shadow risked his life and risked his life to give the opponent hope, dispel the idea of ​​a backup plan, and let the opponent fight with all his strength.

The cruel sneer exposed the sniper's decision. Shadow remained motionless and raised his head slightly. It looked like he was exposing his neck to the opponent, but suddenly he stepped back a little, and the sharp military dagger emitting cold light came from behind. It passed by the neck, as fast as lightning, but it was still three inches away from the neck, and the fatal blow missed.

The sniper immediately realized that he had been fooled, but the moves were old, the old strength was gone, and the new strength was not born. The body speed and reaction were half a beat slower. This half a beat may be negligible, but it is a fatal opportunity for the master. , Shadow flew up and kicked the opponent hard in the crotch.

"Ouch - oh" The sniper was hit hard on the crotch, screamed and fell to the ground, curled up into a ball, covered his crotch with both hands, and looked at the shadow with blank eyes, full of disbelief, the whole person looked like Like a punctured rubber ball, lifeless, how terrifying is the power of Shadow's full blow? One kick shattered the opponent's lifeblood.

Any man who was kicked in the crotch would not have the strength to stand still, let alone the sniper whose lifeblood was directly kicked to pieces. He was so angry that he could not recover for a while. Shadow heard the sound of gunfire in the distance and knew Unable to wait any longer, he took a step forward and stepped hard on the sniper's heart.

With a "click", the sniper's heart and ribs were directly crushed by Shadow. Another scream was heard, and a large mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He fainted. Shadow picked up the pistol on the ground and pointed it at the sniper's forehead. One shot completely ended the opponent's pain.

After killing the sniper, Shadow quickly picked up his weapon and chased forward, shouting: "Mountain Eagle, send someone to take away this bastard's equipment. It's a sniper. You can use it, but the others won't move."

"Understood." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

When Yingying heard the gunshots in front of him became more intense and there were still a lot of people, he was frightened and chased after him. He rushed forward about two hundred meters and saw Luo Zheng and others relying on trees to counterattack hiddenly, while the enemy It was actually surrounded on three sides, and there seemed to be dozens of people. I couldn't help being shocked, and smelled a conspiracy.

"Bang bang bang!" Shadow fired three quick bursts at the nearby enemies. He glanced at the battlefield and saw a direction with weak defenses. The enemy was trying to break through from this direction. Everyone was held back by the enemy's firepower and couldn't help but panic. Horrified, he rushed up like lightning, hid behind a big tree, opened fire quickly and blocked the enemy who was trying to attack. He whispered in surprise, "Who can tell me what is going on?"

"We were ambushed. There are no less than thirty enemies, probably three Jarhead troops. This is a conspiracy." The drunkard roared. The sound of gunfire and explosions were intertwined and resounded through the woods, making it impossible to hear anything without shouting.

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