The strongest soldier

Chapter 1701 Jackson is shocked

The overall situation is basically determined, and the retreat plan has been implemented. When everyone heard that Lan Xue asked such a question, everyone couldn't help but become curious, and they all looked at Luo Zheng. They were all brothers present, so there was nothing to be taboo about. Luo Zheng looked at everyone calmly. , after signaling everyone to turn off all signal transmitters, he switched to Mandarin and whispered: "Negotiation is just a delaying tactic for Sam Country, and it is impossible to actually negotiate. It is the same for us. Our purpose is to capture the enemy's missile base. Instead of ending this war, the same is true for Hook. If he wants to establish his own country, he must continue to fight."

"Hiss?" This was the first time that everyone heard that Hook had the idea of ​​founding a country, and they couldn't help but be shocked. However, everyone present was not stupid. They immediately smelled a political opportunity from these words. Since Luo Zheng dared to say this and do this, It must have been approved by the superiors. Thinking of the country's unconditional support, everyone vaguely guessed something, and everyone became excited, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of fanaticism.

Luo Zheng looked at everyone calmly and saw that no one objected or questioned, so he continued: "So, negotiation is a expedient measure for both parties, no one will take it seriously, and seizing the missile base is our mission this time. The first step of the strategic goal must be won. Part of us will be withdrawn tonight. After the negotiations, the remaining troops will quickly evacuate here and go straight to the missile base. What are your objections?"

"Okay, it's a lot of fun." Captain Li shouted excitedly: "This battle was a lot of fun, I agree."

"Agree." The others nodded in agreement and smiled excitedly. For soldiers, only by fighting in wars and making meritorious deeds can the value of their existence be reflected. How could they miss out if they fought in battles?

"This matter is classified as a fatal matter." Luo Zheng's face turned serious and he warned seriously.

"Things." Everyone knew what death meant, so they all agreed with serious expressions.

"Okay, everyone goes to your places." Seeing that everyone had nothing else to do, Luo Zheng warned and turned on the signal.

The others also turned on the signal and turned around to leave, returning to their command positions. Luo Zheng climbed up the wooden shelf and looked towards the direction of the canyon. There was still no trace of the enemy. He could not help but frown slightly, thinking deeply. Lan Xue beside him seemed to be watching. Luo Zheng was worried and said in a low voice: "Jackson should not have the right to decide political matters, not to mention the failure of this attack. He may have been relieved of command. There will be no movement in Sam Country for the time being. It seems that, I finally got through it today.”

"It makes sense, but our old rival may be sad this time." Luo Zheng said with a relieved smile.

Three kilometers away, Jackson was indeed as Luo Zheng and Lan Xue analyzed. He was sitting on the grass with a sullen face, looking indifferently at the busy troops around him. The soldiers were reinforcing the defenses. The results of the failed attack had been counted. The cost was very high, but the opponent was unscathed. This result was difficult for Jackson to accept. What was even more difficult to accept was that his superiors issued an order to suspend all actions, and canceled Jackson's command authority, and the troops were handed over to the regiment commander. .

Although the leader was an old friend of Jackson, this result made Jackson realize a very important issue. He had lost the trust of the president. When he thought of the successive failures, Jackson did not hate his president, but he aimed all his hatred at him. Luo Zheng's face was so cold that it became even more difficult to look at.

At this time, the regiment leader came over and signaled the guards not to follow him. He came to Jackson alone, sat down on the ground, glanced at the busy troops around him, and whispered: "Old friend, you are still angry. ?”

"What do you think? You're not here to laugh at me, are you?" Jackson said coldly.

"Why do you think so?" The leader looked at Jackson in surprise. Seeing that Jackson's face was cold and deep, and his eyes were full of hatred, he immediately realized and said with a bitter smile: "You have hatred and hatred in your heart. , don’t come at me, don’t worry, although the command is given to me, what’s the difference between my command and your command? If you have any new plans, you can tell me, we will discuss it.”

"Don't comfort me. I don't dare to harm you if you give orders above." Jackson said coldly.

"Oh, you're quite angry?" the regiment leader laughed. Seeing that Jackson was not interested in talking, he couldn't help but shudder, and said seriously: "Objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with your command. We didn't lose because of tactics." But they lose because they don’t understand the terrain. I have investigated and found that you have caves in the valley, which are very big and very deep. They hide in the caves to avoid missile attacks.”

"Cave? No wonder." Jackson's eyes lit up, and all the mysteries suddenly became clear. He said coldly: "I asked why the missile attack was useless. It turns out that there are caves. However, the mountains here are winding and towering. Even if There are caves but they are also dead caves. As long as you block the exit of the canyon, they won’t be able to escape, and then it’s up to you.”

"Don't say that. You have fought against the enemy several times and know the enemy best. I need your help." The regiment leader said quickly. Seeing Jackson's indifferent expression, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The three-wave attack tactics you originally planned are not the same." Not bad. After the missile attack, helicopters and ground troops advanced at the same time. The troops cooperated very well. They had already reached the entrance of the valley. If the enemy hadn't been hiding in the cave to preserve their strength, if we had known about the cave earlier, we would have arranged the attack. Putting heavy firepower in the front might change the outcome, so it’s not that your command is incompetent, it’s that we lack intelligence, or we lost because of luck.”

"Don't comfort me. If you lose, you lose. I admit it. What will you do next?" Jackson said coldly.

"I just received a notice that the above means to raise the war level, but this needs to be approved by the two sessions, which will take time. During this period, the superiors asked us to pretend to negotiate with the enemy to confuse the enemy. The negotiators can arrive at dawn. Before that You cannot take the initiative to attack, and you are not allowed to let the enemy escape." The regiment leader said in a low voice.

"The war is escalating?" Jackson looked at the leader in surprise. Seeing that the leader didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't help but think deeply, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. After a while, Jackson's face suddenly changed, and his eyes With eyes full of horror, he said coldly: "I understand somewhat. It's really a good trick."

"What do you mean?" the leader asked in surprise.

Jackson did not answer immediately, but looked around vigilantly, making sure no one was eavesdropping and then lowered his voice and said: "The above are stalling for time. Once the two sessions are passed, weapons of mass destruction will be used to attack the valley. Solve all problems at once.”

"What about our captured brothers?" The regiment leader's face also changed drastically, and he asked in horror.

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