The strongest soldier

Chapter 1699 Blocking reinforcements

Since the enemy doesn't want to surrender, let's just shoot him mercilessly. Everyone quickly rushed forward and started shooting at the front. Hook and his men also rushed up, and fired intensive firepower at the enemy's head, beating the enemy. Unable to raise his head, more people rushed up from behind.

There were only thirty or so enemies counterattacking in front, so how could they withstand the crossfire of hundreds of people? The canyon passage is not open enough and there are no bunkers. The enemy has nowhere to hide, and Luo Zheng and others have nowhere to hide. Everyone fights with bloody courage. In this type of confrontation, the one with the strongest firepower wins. .

The remaining enemy troops were quickly wiped out. Luo Zheng lay on the ground and watched the scene coldly. He felt the sound of dense footsteps coming from further distance, and knew that more reinforcements were rushing up. His face darkened and he shouted: " Brothers, rush forward and use the enemy's corpses to build fortifications to block the enemy's attack. Hook, lead your people to clean the battlefield as quickly as possible and prepare to retreat."

"Yes." Everyone roared. No one wanted to give up the hard-earned victory. They acted quickly. Captain Li led his men and rushed forward. They piled the enemy corpses together to form a human wall. The heavy machine guns had just been set up. I saw the enemy appear from the corner of the canyon passage.

"Hit!" Captain Li roared coldly.

"Chug, tug, tug!" More than twenty heavy machine guns opened fire rapidly, and the dense bullets were like the scythes of death, harvesting the lives of the enemies who rushed up, catching the enemy by surprise, and more enemies had to stop chasing. The ground fought back covertly.

"Boohoo!" The RPG also opened fire quickly, bombing in the direction of the enemy.

The huge explosion knocked away the hidden enemies, and more enemies retreated like a tide. The enemy's pursuit attack was blocked, and everyone started shooting with more confidence.

"Rumble!" The sound of a helicopter suddenly sounded in the sky.

Luo Zheng's face darkened. He looked up at the sky and saw two helicopters roaring towards him. He was shocked. In front of the helicopters, everyone was a living target. It was too late to evacuate. What should I do?

"Boohoo!" Suddenly two missiles roared into the sky from behind, rushing towards the two helicopters with unrivaled momentum, rolling away like an invincible tactic.

Luo Zheng was startled and couldn't help but look back and saw that Shadow was chasing after him with the air defense troops. He couldn't help being overjoyed. He gave Shadow a thumbs up and shouted: "Brothers, take aim and hit me. Don't allow the enemy to move forward."

"Kill!" Everyone saw that the helicopter was hit by a missile. Before they could show off their power, they were dismembered in the void. A huge fireball emerged. They screamed one by one, and their murderous intent shot into the sky, as if they were going to pierce the entire sky. .

Shadow rushed up, a tiger pounced next to Luo Zheng, and shouted loudly: "Brother, let's take advantage of the victory and pursue the enemy. We will defeat the enemy in one fell swoop and make a beautiful comeback to strengthen our army."

"No, the enemy has a stinger. Just block the enemy in front of us. If the enemy can't see us, the stinger won't be of much use. Just stop it when you see it." Luo Zheng shouted, while shooting in front of him. The exposed enemy's whole body was burning with murderous aura.

When Shadow heard that it made sense, he stopped insisting and started shooting in front. Luo Zheng quickly emptied a magazine and looked at the battlefield situation. The enemy was blocked at the corner. As soon as he showed his head, he was killed by his brother. The situation was great. Look. He turned to the shadow who was shooting next to him, grabbed his arm and shouted, "What's going on behind the scenes?"

"The enemies in the trenches who did not have time to escape were all captured. The scholars, farmers, monks and gardeners stayed in the valley for air defense. Don't worry. There are other brothers along the way who are doing air defense. Don't worry. We are making such a big fuss. The enemy Will you directly choose missile attack?" Shadow reminded loudly, with excitement on his face.

"No, the enemy doesn't dare to blow up his own people. There are not dozens of people here, but hundreds of people. No one dares. If there weren't enemy camps and well-built trenches in front of us, we could rush up in one go and drive the enemy away completely. Get out of the canyon." Luo Zheng shouted murderously.

Shadow also knew that the enemy was camping three kilometers away from the valley. When camping, they would definitely build trenches and build fortifications. Attacking them by force would undoubtedly lead to death. It was right to accept it as soon as possible. He couldn't help but nodded excitedly and shouted: "Brother, you did a great job. This battle is so majestic and it doesn’t matter, brother, I’m going to have a good time.” As he said that, he aimed at the enemies in front who were trying to rush up and started firing.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that Hook's men were cleaning the battlefield and escorting the prisoners to retreat. The speed was a bit slow. His face darkened and he shouted: "Hook, move faster."

"Yes," Hook shouted in reply, urging his men to speed up.

Intense heavy machine gun firepower and RPGs blocked the enemy at the corner of the canyon passage in front. The enemy's combat effectiveness was also very strong. Some skilled soldiers rushed up and tried to seize the favorable terrain, but were killed by the snipers of the Mountain Eagle Team. Gradually, no one from the enemy dared to risk their lives to charge.

"Old friend, let's withdraw first." Hook's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that the people from the Huk tribe had cleaned up the battlefield and were quickly retreating carrying the injured. He quickly shouted: "Copy that, Huk, move quickly, send all the wounded to the caves and arrange for people to guard the trenches." , to assist us in evacuation."

"Yes." Hook agreed excitedly, taking the first step with his troops.

Luo Zheng stared coldly at the bend of the canyon ahead. The enemy counterattack was very fierce. If not for everyone's accurate marksmanship, they might not be able to stop it. A few minutes later, Luo Zheng saw that Hook's men had retreated far away, and quickly shouted through the headset: "Li Brother, your people stay to defend, while the others retreat 200 meters and alternately cover the retreat."

"Yes." Everyone agreed. Captain Li's men stayed where they were and continued to use firepower to block the enemy in front. They fought very calmly and resolutely.

"Let my men fuck this guy." Wei Jian rushed to Luo Zheng and shouted.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement: "Get it right." As he said that, he quickly retreated with the others.

Wei Jian laughed excitedly, with murderous intent rising into the sky. He immediately aimed the Hongying No. 6 at the mountainside at the bend in front, adjusted the angle and quickly pulled the trigger. With a hiss, a missile roared into the air, accurately. It hit the mountainside and made a huge explosion.

"Boom!" A huge explosion blasted a huge hole in the mountainside. Countless soil collapsed and rolled down, filling the canyon around the corner. Luo Zheng happened to see this scene, his eyes lit up, and he immediately changed his retreat. Plan, excitedly shouted: "Good fight, brothers, hurry up and retreat quickly."

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