The strongest soldier

Chapter 1697 Violent Counterattack

"Boom!" There was another huge explosion, and the soil from the roof of the cave fell down, hitting his head and body. Several unstable torches were knocked to the ground. Someone immediately stepped forward to pick them up. , pressed and fixed again, the whole cave felt like it was about to collapse, but no one cared, and no one was afraid. The fighting spirit in their eyes was a little stronger, and everyone looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng patted the dust on his body, his sharp eyes were shining brightly in the firelight, without any panic. This confidence and calmness made everyone feel confident. It is the courage of the soldiers. This is not unreasonable. After that, After a while, there were no more explosions outside. It was estimated that the missile air strike was over. Everyone pricked up their ears and waited impatiently for the order to attack.

However, Luo Zheng did not immediately ask everyone to attack. Instead, he walked outside the cave. Lan Xue, Captain Li, Hu Ke and others followed him one after another. The soldiers along the way gave way, their eyes full of curiosity, but no one If you ask any questions, before you even get outside the cave, everyone hears the roar of a helicopter, just above the valley.

Luo Zheng's face turned stern, he stopped quickly and gestured to stop moving forward. The people who followed him squatted on the spot and looked coldly outside the cave, trying to see something, but there was nothing but light. , everyone looked at Luo Zheng, only to find that Luo Zheng firmly made an attack gesture.

Everyone was excited, and immediately someone could run quickly. After a while, there were dense footsteps in the cave, and then people holding heavy machine guns rushed out and went straight to the entrance of the cave. Luo Zheng gestured for everyone to follow. Behind him, he rushed forward at the lead.

Soon everyone arrived at the entrance of the cave. Luo Zheng looked up and saw an armed helicopter appearing in front of the entrance of the cave. He roared: "Spread out and take cover. Quick, the air defense troops are coming up."

"Yes." All the heavy machine gunners were their own, composed of Captain Li's people. They quickly dispersed after hearing Luo Zheng's order and found a place to lie down. The entrance of the cave was more than ten meters wide and about ten meters high, which was wide enough. , there were also a lot of falling rocks, which were good bunkers, and everyone quickly set up their weapons.

At this time, the air defense troops also rushed up and saw the ultra-low-altitude flying helicopters. They all looked for places to hide. At this time, the enemy helicopters also discovered the people rushing out of the cave. They did not dodge, but adjusted their angles to shoot. , a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The helicopter seized the opportunity. Once it opened fire, the people rushing out would definitely not be enough to kill. The helicopter pilot had a clear judgment on this point. At the moment of firing, he suddenly saw a black dot appear in the pupil, with the aura of death. This black spot enlarged at a speed that exceeded the human consciousness. Before he could react, the driver felt something penetrate his brain. A huge sting spread throughout his body, and then endless darkness surged up. The driver felt It's like falling into an ice cave, the consciousness is scattered, and you don't know anything in an instant.

"Air defense troops, rush out and kill!" Luo Zheng put down the sniper rifle aimed at the enemy plane, his eyes flashing with fierce fighting spirit, and he roared loudly.

"Yes." Everyone saw that Luo Zheng actually sniped and killed the enemy helicopter pilot first. He saved the lives of everyone present with less than a second of opportunity. They suddenly became fanatical. Seeing that without the pilot's control, Helicopters were flying randomly, and they rushed outside with roars, carrying Hongying No. 6 on their shoulders.

"Heavy machine gun, attack formation, charge forward and kill." Luo Zheng saw a large number of enemy troops appearing in the direction of the trench. His face was as cold as frost, and he gave the order to attack without hesitation. The brave man will win when they meet on a narrow road.

"Kill - da da da!" The machine gunners rushed forward wildly, roaring one by one, as if the god of war descended from the earth, rushing forward and striking with unmatched momentum.

"Kill!" More people poured out of the cave, roaring, and rushed towards the trench without fear of death, the guns in their hands kept ringing.

"Boohoo!" Three Hongying No. 6 missiles were launched, and the piercing screams greatly increased everyone's confidence. The murderous aura completely broke out, and the people who came out of the cave roared and rushed forward. Rushing over, like a tiger coming out of the gate, with extraordinary momentum.

The soldiers rushed forward fiercely. Although the helicopter above them was deadly, everyone believed in their own air defense forces and Hongying No. 6. The machine guns in front cleared the way. The intensive firepower and fearless fighting style formed a fierce force. The ultimate momentum was like a sharp sword stabbing towards the enemy.

Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly, his face resolute, and his hand holding the sniper rifle tightened a little. Next to him, Lan Xue whispered: "Do you want to rush up and help?"

"No need." Luo Zheng knew that his position was that of a commander. Although he wanted to rush forward to help, he still maintained restraint and shouted to Captain Li next to him: "Brother Li, I leave it to you."

"Don't worry, I'm just itching, these bastards are here." Captain Li was eager to rush forward and fight, but as an officer, Captain Li also knew that his position was to command, but Luo Zheng stayed. The command was different. Captain Li no longer had any worries. He yelled excitedly and rushed forward. He roared: "Hurry up, I'm here. Take aim and kill."

"Kill -" everyone roared angrily, charging a little faster.

The enemy was in the trenches. They were blocked by fire before they could rush into the valley. Instead of retreating, they stood firm and tried to hold on to the hard-won gains. However, under the firepower of more than 20 heavy machine guns, the enemy had no chance of counterattack. Opportunities were tightly suppressed, and receded like a tide under the RPG fixed-point bombing.

The soldiers rushed through the large hole created by the bombing and arrived at the trench at the mouth of the canyon. They found that the enemies were hiding in the trench. The trench was five meters deep. Shelves were built on the outside side for people to stand on, but there was nothing on the inside side. No, in this case, the enemy in the trenches will not be able to counterattack through the cover of the trenches.

Captain Li took the lead and rushed forward. When he saw this scene, he snorted and roared: "Brothers, blow it up hard, use RPGs and grenades, blow them up one by one, and set up the heavy machine gun on the spot. "

"Yes." Everyone roared angrily and threw grenades into the trench closest to them, making a series of earth-shattering explosions.

The trench was five meters deep, and the people below could not climb up to fight back. Even throwing grenades outside was difficult. Someone tried to fight back while standing on a wooden frame, but was shot by a heavy machine gun that was set up, and his body was blown up. When the trenches were built, the factors of defending from the front rather than from the rear were taken into consideration. Attacking from the rear is very advantageous.

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