The strongest soldier

Chapter 1694 Ease in front of the station

Ten minutes later, at the entrance of the valley cave, Luo Zheng rushed out with a group of people. He was shocked when he saw the barren valley. Three large pits appeared in the middle of the valley, and they were connected to each other. The soil was exploded. It was everywhere, and the cliffs also collapsed. A large amount of soil fell down and fell on the valley floor. The originally flat valley was completely unrecognizable. There was no flat open area in sight, and there was no way to walk.

The only good thing is that the missile did not fall in the trench at the entrance of the valley, otherwise everyone would have been busy. From the cave to the trench, you need to pass through a big hole that was blown up. After going down and coming back up, it adds a lot of difficulty. It took a lot more time, and Luo Zheng's face became serious.

"These pits will affect the speed of the troops' movements. They must be prepared in advance, mainly ammunition. There must be enough ammunition in the trenches. It will be very troublesome to transport them when the time comes." Lan Xue reminded softly.

"Yes, this road is not easy to walk on." Luo Zheng said with a heavy face. He looked up at the sky and asked through the headset: "Headquarters, what is the situation at the enemy's missile base now?"

"It's great to hear your voices. It means that everyone is fine and survived. There is no movement at the enemy's missile base. There should be no more bombings in a short time. Missiles also cost money." Blue Star replied jokingly.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly looked at Hook and said, "The troops will go into battle immediately and prepare enough ammunition."

"Understood." Hook agreed quickly and commanded the troops.

Luo Zheng looked at Wei Jian, Shadow, Jiugui and Xuehu and said: "Bring the anti-aircraft troops and weapons and enter the trenches. The enemy will definitely bomb them with helicopters first. It will be up to you then."

"No problem." The four of them agreed in unison and got ready.

"Scholar, farmer, gardener, farmer, you are responsible for the air defense on the cliff. The terrain here is dangerous. If the enemy helicopter wants to attack, it must fly at low altitude. An RPG is enough. Be careful." Luo Zheng warned, anyone on the battlefield Accidents may happen, Luo Zheng must be as careful as possible and take precautions before they happen.

The four of them agreed and went to prepare. Luo Zheng looked at the mountain eagle and solemnly warned: "Your people are scattered in the trenches and are responsible for sniping valuable targets. They must kill the enemy's commander and heavy firepower as soon as possible, especially the enemy's stinger and heavy machine gun. You know how to do it, so be careful.”

"Yes." The mountain eagle agreed and led the team towards the trench.

After a while, the cave entrance became empty, and those who received the order rushed out. After a while, Hook brought Leopard and Langsen over, and said solemnly: "The troops are making preparations for the war, the trenches Only three hundred people are needed inside, and the rest of the troops are on standby in the cave, ready for battle. Do you think there is anything else I need to do?"

There are three troops of the Huk tribe staying in the valley. They are Huk's 1,000-man Guards, and Langsen and Baoli also have 1,000 men each. Although most of them are in other strongholds to look after the tribe's people, there are also many around them. The total number of people was nearly a thousand, which meant that Luo Zheng could mobilize two thousand Huk tribesmen, not counting the other two troops on the periphery. They defended according to the danger, and there was not much problem with the strength of the troops.

"This battle may result in heavy losses. It's too late to retreat now. Are you sure you want to fight the enemy to the end?" Luo Zheng asked seriously with a serious look on his face.

"I'm very sure that we will be discovered when we get out of here, and we will be hit by ruthless air attacks. At least we don't have to worry about this problem if we hide here. Facts have proved this. The three missiles only blew out three big craters and did not cause any damage to us. It is strategically right for us to inflict losses and defend based on danger. We must fight. Only by hurting the enemy can we gain a breathing space and attract people around us to seek refuge. It has both political and military significance. Why? No fight?" Hook said quickly with a serious face.

Luo Zheng looked at Hu Ke closely, and saw the persistence and lack of regret in Hu Ke's firm eyes. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said: "Since you have made the final decision, then fight, the worst is to keep secrets." We must retreat, but if we want to achieve the political and military goals you just mentioned, there must be casualties. I hope you will be mentally prepared. As an old friend, I firmly support your decision."

"Thank you." Hook said gratefully.

"Stop talking about this, ask people to build a bonfire here, let's make some tea, and let's direct the battle here. Let the brothers see us and know that we are behind them. This will have a great impact on the morale of the army. Great help, let Bao Li and Lang Sen check out all the preparations, make sure you don’t make any mistakes." Luo Zheng warned.

"Okay." When Hook heard this, he felt proud and agreed. He gave Baoli and Langsen a few words of advice, and the two of them left quickly.

Hook and Luo Zheng chatted for a while at the entrance of the cave. Someone came over with dry firewood and lit a fire. Several wooden pillars were moved over. A shelf was set up on the bonfire with a kettle hanging on it. Water was poured in and placed on the fire. After brewing some local tea leaves, Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Hu Ke sat around the campfire and chatted.

After a while, Captain Li also came over, found a place to sit down, and said with a smile: "You are so elegant. The war is about to begin, and you are actually making tea and discussing the war on the battlefield. It's interesting. The enemy should be arriving soon. The trench position I've checked the situation and everything is ready. The enemy can't even think of rushing over unless there are a thousand people."

"If we lose a thousand people, the enemy will never agree. At most, five hundred people will withdraw. Don't worry, but they will adopt siege tactics. This battle will be fought." Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile.

"It doesn't matter. The mountains and rivers here are good. Just treat it as a vacation. It's not a big problem to stay here for a few months. Hook, do you have enough food?" Captain Li smiled and looked at Hook.

"One month is enough. If it's not enough, why don't you guys airdrop it?" Hook said with a smile.

"That's right." Captain Li smiled.

After chatting for a while, Lang Sen and Bao Li also came over. Everyone continued to discuss possible attack methods by the enemy. Time passed before they knew it. Suddenly, Lan Xing's words rang in the headset: "Here we come, we are still three kilometers away from you." To the right and left, the enemy had stopped and looked as if they were preparing to dig trenches.”

Luo Zheng was startled and immediately realized a serious problem. The enemy was going to fight a protracted war. He immediately smiled. If there were no caves, no food and water sources, and no secret passages leading outside, the enemy's protracted war would definitely be fatal. , but with these, there is no need to worry at all, and he couldn't help but sneered: "The enemy is digging trenches to fight a protracted war with us? It's interesting, then let them dig it."

"The enemy helicopter is coming." Blue Star's words continued to ring in the headset.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that the enemy's ground troops would dig trenches and fight for a protracted battle, but the air force would impatiently launch an attack. With a stern look on his face, he shouted: "Attention, air defense troops, take aim and kill them."

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