The strongest soldier

Chapter 1691 Strengthening Defense

The team rushed all the way and rushed to the valley in one breath. The enemy did not attack again. The reason was unknown. Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The team was disabled. If the enemy launched another attack, everyone might not survive. After returning to the valley, the wounded He was quickly carried into the cave to arrange treatment, and the others also went back to rest. Luo Zheng did not dare to rest and began to patrol the valley.

Many caves were blasted out on the cliffs around the valley. There are also many caves for hiding soldiers below. There are some soldiers hiding in them and they are on guard. They look very stable and hidden. There are landing platforms on both sides. People can rush out and shoot. They are very flexible. Gao, Luo Zheng asked with satisfaction and learned that every hiding spot was still being dug deeper into, striving to reach more than three meters. This depth can greatly improve everyone's survival rate.

There was a bunker at the entrance of the valley, and people were digging trenches. They were working in full swing. Luo Zheng walked up to check with uneasiness. The person in charge was Bao Li, so he came up quickly. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand the language. In desperation, he immediately asked someone to inform Hook that he was dealing with it. Hook, who heard about the incident, rushed over immediately, walked up to Luo Zheng and asked, "What's wrong?"

Luo Zheng pointed to the trenches being dug in front and said: "Three trenches are not enough, add two more, all five meters deep, dig a platform for standing in the middle, make a wooden ladder or build a shelf to stand on, it must be five meters deep, and dig below Hidden Soldier Cave, in addition, one connecting communication trench in the middle is not enough, we must add two more, just on both sides, the communication trench is two meters deep, inform your people not to cross the trench, I will have people plant bombs in front. "

"Understood." Hook quickly agreed with a solemn expression and picked up the walkie-talkie to contact his people.

"It's best to add two bunkers on both sides, just at those two locations." Lan Xue pointed to the cliffs on both sides and said. Luo Zheng looked over, nodded and looked at Hook, who agreed knowingly, Lan Xue continued: "Leave the matter of planting the bomb to me. You should also take a rest."

"I'm fine. You go and rest. I'll ask Shadow, Snow Fox and Drunkard to come later. They've been resting for a while. Let me take a look again. The war is coming. I'll feel better here." Luo Zheng looked worriedly. Looking at the sky, he continued: "It's getting dark. I hope the enemy won't attack again soon."

"Probably not. We have suffered heavy losses, and the enemy has suffered even more losses. In the previous battle, at least more than 300 enemies were killed and wounded. They cannot afford such a heavy loss. They should be studying new tactics to deal with us at this time. The terrain here is difficult, so you don’t have to worry about air strikes. You can defend or withdraw, and holding on for a while is not a big problem unless the enemy uses nuclear weapons." Lan Xue said seriously.

"Nuclear weapons are what I'm most worried about. We can't afford to drop any small-yield ones. Therefore, in addition to being able to defend and retreat, it's best to be able to attack. This war will be flexible. Fortunately, There are two troops of the Huk tribe outside. I plan to let the Ghost Hands and Snow Leopard teams go out and let them contact the two troops to fight respectively. What do you think?" Luo Zheng suddenly whispered.

"Okay." Lan Xue pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let them have a rest first, and then we'll talk later." Luo Zheng nodded, looked around calmly, and signaled Lan Xue to rest first. Lan Xue was not polite, nodded and left. At this time, Hook happened to After notifying the troops to come over, Luo Zheng asked: "How is the deployment here?"

"All the elderly, women, children and children have been evacuated, a lot of gold soup venom has been brewed, and other supplies that need to be prepared are almost ready. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be done?" Hook agreed quickly.

"You have to make good arrangements for your logistical life. As for weapons and ammunition, I will find a way." Luo Zheng said seriously. After seeing Hook nod, he motioned for Hook to come with him. The two of them checked the surrounding situation, from trenches to caves. From material equipment to casualty treatment and more.

After inspecting all the situations, it was getting dark. The enemy still did not launch an attack, but everyone did not dare to be careless. Their nerves were tense. The fortifications were still being repaired as soon as possible. Hook arranged for people to prepare food, including rice, Potatoes, wild fruits, stewed meat, etc.

After Luo Zheng had eaten and drank enough, he walked out of the cave with Hook and came to the entrance of the valley. He saw that everyone was still digging fortifications and the progress was good. Looking at the sky again, night fell and the enemy still did not appear. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After observing for a while, he asked Hook to inform everyone to work hard overnight and try to complete it before dawn.

Not long after, Guishou and Snow Leopard came hand in hand. Luo Zheng motioned for the two of them to come over and looked at Hook and said: "Old friends, I plan to let them lead a team out to find your troops and be responsible for raiding the enemy's rear transportation lines. The mountains here are high. Lin Mi, in addition to airdrops, the enemy's equipment is only carried by humans. The wounded and the logistics base are all targets of sneak attacks. I want your people to obey the command of my people. Is there any problem?"

"No problem." Hook agreed without hesitation.

"Is there any problem that needs to be solved?" Luo Zheng looked at Guishou and Snow Leopard and asked.

The two thought for a moment, exchanged glances, and then Guishou said: "No problem. He is a fat guy who sneaks into the enemy's logistics base. He has no shortage of food and clothing. He just doesn't understand the language and it will be more troublesome to communicate, but we will think about it." There’s a way, just be careful.”

"Originally, your health is not very good. You should stay and rest. But the war is coming. I need the help of my two brothers. I can only work hard for you. Be more careful. Your mission is to harass the enemy's rear. You must be flexible and maneuverable. Don't fight head-on." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Guerrilla warfare, we understand this, so don't worry." Snow Leopard said nonchalantly.

"Okay, get ready to go. The enemy should not launch another attack tonight. Our supplies will be airdropped in the early morning. Then you can take Hongying No. 6 with you before setting off. With this air defense, your battle will be much easier. Go and rest. Right." Luo Zheng added gratefully and seriously.

"Yes." The two agreed and turned to leave.

"Hongying No. 6, what is it?" Hook asked curiously.

"A man-portable anti-aircraft missile, which is carried on the back by personnel when marching and launched while standing or kneeling on their shoulders during combat. It can be launched in open areas, trenches, swamps, rooftops and armored vehicles traveling at low speeds. Missile volume Small, light weight, flexible and easy to operate, easy to carry and camouflaged, it is an effective weapon against low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude penetration aircraft and helicopters." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Same as RPG?" Hook continued to ask.

"Similar, but the attack power is many times stronger. More importantly, it can be infrared and optically guided, and can track the target and attack." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"So that's it, great. With this, don't we no longer have to worry about air defense issues?" Hook's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

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