The strongest soldier

Chapter 1688 A fierce battle

"Tong Tong Tong!" The RPG showed its power, and the rockets came out of the ground with terrifying murderous intent, stretching out streaks of fire in the void, like mighty and powerful dragons roaring, roaring, and carrying the soldiers with them. They rushed towards the enemy group with fighting spirit. After landing, they suddenly exploded, bursting out with huge fire. Countless fragments wreaked havoc and penetrated into the bodies of the surrounding enemies. The powerful blast blasted the surrounding enemies directly out into the void. There was a shower of blood and broken meat, which was extremely terrifying.

Compared with the terrifying explosive power of RPGs, the barrage formed by heavy machine gun fire is like a huge death sickle, slashing with endless chill. The terrifying bullet kinetic energy directly tears the target into pieces, and countless bullets are quickly harvested. One after another life, the attack power is even more devastating.

Hook also commanded his hundreds of warriors to open fire, focusing on the search troops in front. Under the sudden attack, and with the wide and unobstructed view of the surrounding area, there was no enemy hiding at all, and the distance was only fifty meters. This distance It was not difficult for Hook's man-gun skills. The enemy was caught off guard, and most of the dozens of people fell before they had time to react.

By the time the search troops in front reacted, it was already too late. The second round of attacks came, and they fell down to dress up in an instant. The few remaining enemies turned around and ran away in horror. They forgot that handing your back to the opponent on the battlefield will only lead to death. Faster, all of this happened suddenly and was so terrifying that even the well-trained regular army of Sam State was thrown into disarray.

The search troops in front were quickly eliminated. Hook immediately ordered his men to attack the enemies farther away. The distance behind them was only about 150 meters away. Everyone could not kill them with gunshots, but the intensive firepower annihilated them, which still created trouble for the enemies. A horrific threat.

Rockets, heavy machine guns and intensive firepower made the enemy in front unable to resist. The ground was covered with corpses and minced meat. The soldiers lay down and fought back, waiting for the officer's order. However, the officers were killed immediately by the Mountain Eagle Squadron. Many, no one gave the order. There was no order to retreat on the battlefield, which meant running away and going to court-martial. Everyone had to hold on for dear life.

In this way, this unit became a living target, being suppressed and beaten by Luo Zheng and others. The sound of explosions, bullets, and shouts intertwined and filled the entire battlefield, as if the entire space was about to collapse. Endless The murderous aura spread far and wide.

Jackson, who was behind the enemy, heard the sound of gunfire and immediately realized that something was wrong. He rushed forward with his troops with a cold face, only to find that most of his leading troops had been killed or wounded and were basically disabled. It was only a matter of time before they were completely wiped out. He was furious. , shouted loudly: "Tiger Camp."

"Arrived." A battalion commander heard the sound and shouted.

"Come up to me immediately and kill them." Jackson roared hysterically. Not only were the enemies not killed by the missiles, but they ambush and attacked halfway. What's more terrible was that he didn't even notice. This huge mistake led to heavy losses for the army. There is no way to explain without killing the enemy.

The battalion commander's face darkened when he heard this, and he became embarrassed. Seeing that the other party actually disobeyed the order, Jackson shouted angrily: "Brothers are bleeding, what are you waiting for?" He went to touch the gun.

"Report." The battalion commander's face turned red, but he still had the courage to shout: "The terrain of the battlefield ahead is narrow, the ground is flat, and the field of vision is wide, which is not conducive to the deployment of troops and concealed attacks. If you rush forward, you will die. My subordinates suggest that the troops withdraw. Call in air power to strike."

"You?" Seeing that the other party dared to contradict him, Jackson angrily put the gun to the other party's forehead and eyebrows. A cold murderous aura rose into the sky, as if possessed by a demon. He was about to shoot, but the last trace of clarity suddenly came to his mind. , his mind regained some calmness, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at the battlefield ahead in surprise, and found that he had indeed been impulsive just now, and issued the order to die. His face turned red, but he still slowly put down the gun.

"Report, my subordinates are willing to lead the team to support and cover the retreat of the brothers." The battalion commander secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly suggested.

"You are very good. Go ahead and rescue the brothers. I will arrange an air strike." Jackson said coldly, but there was a bit more appreciation and gratitude to the battalion commander in his words. If the battalion commander hadn't just said If the troops swarm forward, there will be more deaths. No one can afford this price.

"Yes." The battalion commander roared, saluted and hurried away with his men.

When Jackson saw the battalion commander leaving, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. He quickly regained his composure and looked coldly at the direction of the battle. His fear and jealousy of Luo Zheng invisibly increased. He shook his head angrily and quickly After making a gesture, a communications soldier ran up. Jackson said coldly: "Ask for the headquarters."

"Yes." The communications soldier immediately picked up the individual radio phone to call, and after calling, handed the phone to Jackson.

"Our army is at war with the enemy. Helicopter support will be dispatched immediately. Hurry, missiles are ready." Jackson shouted coldly over the phone, telling the story of the ambush and the battle. This way, the scene would be easier to explain.

After ending the call, Jackson handed the phone to the signal soldier and looked ahead with a cold face. The battlefield ahead was filled with flames and bullets raining down. People were dying every moment. On the other hand, the opponent's losses were not great under the cover of the trenches. This As a result, Jackson was so anxious that he wished he could lead his troops to rush forward to help. However, seeing the narrow terrain, he had to give up this idea and forced himself to wait patiently. He shouted: "Everyone listen to the order and dig trenches and build fortifications on the spot. Hurry up." ."

"Yes." The surrounding officers shouted loudly after hearing the order, and ordered the troops to take action. Although they didn't understand why Jackson had to dig trenches so thanklessly, they all knew that Jackson was angry at the moment and could not disobey, otherwise he would come to grief.

The Sam Army was well-equipped and well-trained. After receiving the order, they took out their folding engineer shovels and dug foxholes on the spot. At that time, they only needed to connect the foxholes together to form trenches. This digging method The speed is relatively fast, and the sharp engineer shovels, the soil is easily shoveled out, and is thrown to the front to build up.

Jackson did not explain why he dug the trenches, but looked at the battlefield ahead with a cold face. His muscles were tense all over his body, and anger surged in his heart. Old and new hatreds made Jackson's hand holding the pistol tremble slightly with anger. , the cold murderous look in his eyes became even more intense.

"Da da da!" On the battlefield, the heavy machine gun continued to shoot at the enemies in front. Gui Shou and the others were even more beating and roaring, as if they were venting the anger of being captured and integrating their endless hatred into the heavy machine gun. The bullets were filled with cold Leng Leng attacked the enemy fiercely.

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