The strongest soldier

Chapter 1672 Counterattack against the pursuers

Ten minutes later, in a dark hilly forest, Luo Zheng waited for Shadow, Snow Fox, Drunkard and others. He also saw the lights in the forest in the distance and the noise. It was obvious that the enemy was chasing them, and they were still far away. , Luo Zheng snorted coldly and didn't take it to heart. With the speed and fighting power of the members of the National Blade, the enemy could not even hope to catch up with him in the dense forest at this dark night.

"The statistics are out, a total of fifty-five people have been arrested, and someone has arrested two." Shadow came up and whispered, with excitement on his face. He glanced at the noisy forest in the distance, frowned in dissatisfaction and continued He said: "Let's divide the troops. Your people will take away the prisoners first, while our three brothers will stay and ambush him, and capture some more by the way."

"Why? If you want to leave, it's up to you to leave." The mountain eagle was unhappy and said.

"Boy, you are so capable. Do you dare to challenge your brother and me?" Shadow smiled and said, "Don't accept it? Let's compete."

"Competition is a competition." Shan Diao said without giving in. Although he knew that his strength was not as good as Shan Diao's, he still won't lose the battle. His face was full of stubbornness and fighting spirit.

"Okay, don't make any noise." Lan Xue quickly came out to smooth things over.

As the only female warrior and officer, Lan Xue has been recognized by all the members of the National Blade for her ability and perseverance. Everyone respects Lan Xue. When Shadow saw Lan Xue coming out to smooth things over, he glared at the mountain eagle and continued: "Sam The country’s satellite radars are not good at it. If we withdraw together, we will definitely be discovered. I will stay here to ambush and attract the enemy’s attention. You take the prisoners and withdraw first, and we will catch up in half an hour. How about that?”

Luo Zheng also knew the power of Sam Country's satellite radar. Once it was discovered, it would be attacked by a large number of armed helicopters. It was really inappropriate to withdraw directly. He nodded, looked at Shadow, Drunkard and Snow Fox and said, "The proposal is good, but. I see there are many wounded in your team, wake up the prisoners, tie them up, and let the wounded take them out first."

The wounded and the prisoners were evacuated first, which not only ensured the speed of evacuation, but also guarded the prisoners. It killed two birds with one stone. No one insisted anymore. Everyone took action, took out ropes from the military bag and tied the prisoners up. When they woke up, the prisoners shouted loudly. They screamed and cursed, and everyone went up to beat them. If they were honest, they joined together, and the wounded were escorted away.

As soon as the prisoners left, the enemies in the distance came closer. There was a faint roar of helicopters in the night sky. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he glanced at the mountain eagle. The mountain eagle nodded knowingly and hurried towards the enemy to investigate. , we have lived and died together for more than two years. Needless to say, you can tell what you want to do with just one look. Everyone cooperates very well.

Luo Zheng stared at the surrounding terrain carefully and pondered. After a few minutes, the voice of the mountain eagle rang through the headset: "There are about fifty enemies. They have no heavy weapons. A few are equipped with night vision goggles, and most of them are armed with tactics." With the flashlight, we didn’t notice any situation behind the enemy, but the enemy helicopter came over.”

"Fifty people?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately made a decision. He glanced at Shadow, Drunkard and Snow Fox who were anxiously waiting for orders and said, "There are not many enemies. Let's touch them, get involved with them, and capture them." If you are alive, even if the enemy helicopter arrives, it will not fire indiscriminately, how many RPGs do you have?"

"There are five RPGs in total." Shadow said immediately.

"Choose five brothers who are best at using RPGs and distribute them around, find the commanding heights and attack the enemy helicopters. Be quick, and the others will hide on the spot, waiting for the enemies to come and swarm them, and fight them at close range." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent.

"Good idea. As long as you get involved with the enemy, the helicopter won't dare to fire indiscriminately and hurt your own people. Our RPG will have a chance. Agreed." Shadow agreed. Jiugui and Xuehu also agreed to Luo Zheng's tactics. Everyone Taking action immediately, the five brothers who were best at playing RPGs were quickly selected. The others spread out in a semicircle, each finding a place to hide, forming a large pocket formation waiting.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue hid in the pocket formation, under a big tree in the forest on a hillside, calmly watching the lights getting closer and closer in front of them, and saw the helicopter rolling in, roaring, looking extremely scary under the night sky , judging from the flight direction, it was obvious that something had been discovered. Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he asked in a low voice: "Is the RPG in place? Report the situation."

"It will take two minutes to get in position." Different answers came from the headset. Some people are in position, and some are still on the way to seize the commanding heights. It will take about two minutes. Luo Zheng estimated that two minutes may not be enough, but the enemy helicopter only needs It will rush up in less than two minutes, what should I do?

"Is there a fire threat?" Lan Xue suggested.

"Well, that's the only way." Luo Zheng agreed. He glanced at the helicopter that was getting closer and said quickly: "The brothers closest to the helicopter will attack with firepower to interfere with the rhythm of the enemy helicopter."

"Yes, I'm less than a thousand meters away, I'll come." Someone immediately replied through the headset.

"Pass!" A rocket roared out from the dark dense forest, drawing a terrifying tail flame in the night, roaring towards the helicopter, attracting everyone's attention, and the enemy helicopter responded quickly With a sideways evasive action, the rocket whizzed past about a meter away from the fuselage, missed, and exploded farther into the night sky, blooming into an orange-red fire that lit up the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng saw the enemy helicopter roaring away towards the position of the attacking brothers, and the other two helicopters continued roaring towards his direction. His face sank and he shouted: "Brothers who have the opportunity, continue to fire, shoot freely, After disturbing the enemy, quickly find a place to hide and pay attention to air defense."

"Yes." The five brothers quickly agreed.

"Brothers, we can't wait any longer, take the initiative to attack, charge forward and kill!" Luo Zheng quickly made the decision to attack mainly. Instead of waiting here in pocket formation, it is better to attack. It would be safer to get involved with the enemy as soon as possible. The operation has been exposed. If the enemy does not move forward and waits for the helicopter to solve the problem before taking action, then everyone is waiting here in vain and wasting their fighter planes.

Everyone heard Luo Zheng's order and agreed knowingly. They rushed out of the bunker one by one and rushed towards the enemy. With the help of night vision goggles, the dark jungle march was like daylight, without any resistance, and everyone seemed to be in the jungle. The hungry wolf chasing its prey swished back and forth, and was far away in the blink of an eye, and the thick murderous aura spread out.

Soon, everyone saw the pursuers who had stopped to defend themselves. As expected, they did not move forward anymore. They waited for the helicopter to solve the problem. Everyone secretly praised Luo Zheng's insight into the fighter planes. Their confidence increased greatly and they calmly He continued to rush forward, pulling the bolt of the gun, his expression as firm as iron, and his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Come forward and kill!" Luo Zheng shouted coldly. The endless murderous intention was conveyed to everyone's ears through the earphones. Everyone's spirits were lifted and their feet moved a little faster.

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