The strongest soldier

Chapter 1663 The enemy is fierce

Thirty rockets roared past with a violent aura, like thirty gods of death rolling away, suddenly exploding in the void, erupting with a terrifying red light, the sound seemed to collapse the entire space, filling the surroundings, making people feel It was shocking, and the fragments caused by the explosion were flying all over the sky, like pouring rain.

"Boom!" Two armed helicopters were hit and were instantly dismembered in the void. The missiles carried by the planes exploded, emitting a dazzling red light, like a huge firework, and the red light flashed like the rolling magma of hell. It was extremely terrifying under the sun, and the thick smoke was more like a devil emerging from hell, floating all over the sky.

The rockets and the detonating missiles exploded to form a powerful impact, and the entire space seemed to have collapsed. The powerful air flow surged like a huge wave, directly overturning the evading helicopter next to it, and rushed to one side uncontrollably. go.

Another armed helicopter pulled up, barely avoiding the impact of the explosion. Before it could slow down, another round of attacks came. Thirty rockets blocked almost any angle of the helicopter. The helicopter pilot His face was horrified, his eyes were full of despair, and his mouth was wide open. He couldn't figure out why there were so many RPG attacks? Why wasn't it mentioned in the intelligence?

However, everything was too late. A huge explosion sounded in the void, and the helicopter was blown into pieces, flying all over the sky. Thirty rockets plus the missiles carried by the helicopter itself, how terrifying is the explosion power? The powerful sonic boom caused everyone lurking two kilometers away to cover their ears and become dizzy.

"Boom!" There was another huge explosion sound, and the armed helicopter that was blown away by the impact hit the ground heavily. The bomb was detonated, directly blowing the helicopter into a huge fireball. The whole ground seemed to be shaking. Look, The ambush soldiers in the distance were stunned and shocked.

The huge explosion made the two armed helicopters attacking the mountains and forests on both sides desperately pull up and make evasive maneuvers. Thinking that they were also locked, they flew to a high altitude and hovered, observing the situation and not daring to move. The big explosion came quickly. It went away quickly. Everyone looked at the burning wreckage of the helicopter that fell to the ground, and they were all very happy.

Luo Zheng also looked at the destroyed enemy planes and was a little excited. These were fierce Apaches. Fortunately, there were RPGs, and there were as many as a hundred of them. Otherwise, it would have been troublesome. Unfortunately, two of them escaped. Seeing the two escaped helicopters hovering at high altitude and out of range, Luo Zheng shouted coldly through the headset: "Brothers lurking in the foxholes, be careful. Before the enemy can react, retreat quickly and run to the mountains on both sides."

"Yes." Everyone agreed knowingly, climbed out of the foxholes, and rushed towards the mountains and forests on both sides.

This scene fell in the eyes of the enemy, and the enemy was immediately furious. The ground troops immediately aimed and fired. Fortunately, the distance was a little far away, and the accuracy was not good enough. The helicopter hovering at high altitude saw the target and immediately changed its direction. The anti-aircraft gun was about to fire at the ground. Luo Zheng immediately shouted to the air defense troops: "Ten people, two groups, aim and blast!"

"Understood." The gardener and the monk agreed knowingly, and immediately arranged two groups of ten people each. They aimed at the helicopter in the void and pulled the trigger. The rockets came out again, rushing out of the woods like giant dragons, carrying them with them. He charged towards the target with unrivaled aura and murderous intent.

The helicopter that was about to attack the ground troops immediately turned around and made evasive maneuvers. In this way, it was impossible to attack the ground troops. Everyone rushed into the forest and dispersed, looking for a place to hide. Luo Zheng saw his brothers They all rushed into the forest safely and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When they saw that the enemy's ground troops had not moved, they were startled and asked: "Who can tell me the situation of the enemy's ground troops?"

"It seems that they are deploying an operation, but the tactics are unclear." A brother lurking in the woods shouted in a low voice.

Luo Zheng didn't know whose soldier the other party belonged to, but he was sure it was one of his own. Huaxia Mandarin was not easy to imitate. He couldn't help but look up at the helicopter in the sky, his face became serious. If the enemy didn't attack directly, then the problem would be troublesome. He quickly shouted : "Air defense personnel are always ready for air defense."

"Yes." The man carrying the RPG quickly agreed.

There are already people carrying RPGs and rushing into the mountains and forests on both sides. If the enemy armed helicopters continue to attack the mountains and forests, rockets can pose a threat to the helicopters to a certain extent. If the enemy helicopters attack you, there are still 80 RPGs waiting around you. Not afraid at all, Luo Zheng calmly observed the battlefield situation and analyzed the enemy's intentions.

At this time, Blue Star's surprised shout suddenly sounded in the headset: "No, ten enemy helicopters are rushing to your position. They are expected to arrive in ten minutes. Be careful."

"Ten helicopters? Ten minutes?" Luo Zheng's face darkened, his eyes full of solemnity. His firepower had been exposed in the attack just now. Ten helicopters could definitely wipe him out. He couldn't resist. There might be others behind him. The fighter jets follow up. If you fight hard, you are looking for death. Fortunately, there are still ten minutes, which is enough for everyone to run far away. With the cover of dense forest, retreat is not a big problem.

"These bastard ground troops don't dare to move, so they know how to use air strikes. They can't resist, so retreat?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng and reminded him eagerly. If the ground troops attack, everyone is not afraid at all. In the face of air strikes, When the air defense force is exposed, there is almost no way to resist. If you stay, you will die.

"Withdraw or fight, decide as soon as possible." Captain Li also urged from the side. The enemy's tactics of mainly air strikes hit everyone's weakness.

Luo Zheng was very aware of the situation at hand. It was not impossible to win against the enemy's ten armed helicopters, but there would also be certain losses. People would inevitably die in the war. This was acceptable. However, the enemy had set up such a large array and there was no shortage of ground troops. , focusing on air strikes, the ground troops Luo Zheng was not afraid, and set up pocket formations to wait. However, the enemy focused on air strikes, and the ground troops did not move, so the situation was different.

What's even worse is that there will definitely be more armed helicopters, fighter jets, and missiles behind them. If we continue to fight, we will definitely suffer heavy losses. We cannot afford this price. His face turned cold, and he shouted coldly: "Attention, all units, one for every ten people." The air defense troops formed a group of ten people and were responsible for air defense and interception of the rear."

The enemy was strong and we were weak. Luo Zheng had to choose to avoid its sharp edge and retreat in pieces. In this mountain forest, the enemy's ground troops would never be able to catch up with his own people who had evacuated in advance. Armed helicopters could pursue them. This was unavoidable. The troops After being broken into pieces and evacuated and the air defense troops were cut off, this loss can be reduced again.

"What about us?" The gardener and the monk asked loudly as they looked at Luo Zheng.

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