The strongest soldier

Chapter 1657 Sam responds

There were a mountain of soldiers, not to mention the order to save their lives. Everyone took action and set up defenses in an orderly manner. Under the guidance of the monks and gardeners, the air defense troops also began to dig air defense trenches, mainly to defend against armed helicopters and fighter jets and missiles. , these trenches are just decorations, meaningless. Civil engineering work is a piece of cake for the specially trained soldiers. Dozens of engineering shovels are flying, constantly shoveling away the soil. The trenches are in a zigzag shape, fully integrating the surroundings. Terrain and trees.

Luo Zheng stood quietly on the commanding heights of the hillside, eyes wide open, looking at the dense forest ahead, while answering everyone's questions through the headset. Time passed by, and in the open area, the people in the foxholes deepened the holes. The missiles were much more powerful and their defenses were a bit stronger. Unless the helicopter fired directly, they would never be able to hit the people inside. The captured missiles were also buried underground, with ten enemy corpses piled on them and many button bombs loaded on them. There are also captured enemy grenades and bullets to make a terrifying trap.

Lan Xue returned to Luo Zheng and handed the remote control to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng shook his head and motioned for Lan Xue to hold it for himself. Other captured enemy equipment was distributed by Hook, including bulletproof helmets, bulletproof vests, weapons, and military boots. Combat uniforms, etc., are all top-notch equipment. Hook got one set, Langson got one set, and the others were given to the officers below.

But reconnaissance aircraft, individual radars, helmet-mounted individual night vision goggles, radios, handheld computers, mine detectors, rangefinders, infrared sights, finger laser friend or foe identifiers, micro laser rangefinders and other tools, etc. Luo Zheng collected all the high-end weapons and handed them over to the members of the Mountain Eagle Team for safekeeping. Everyone was taking the time to become familiar with the use of these equipment.

Three minutes later, silence returned to the open area. Nothing could be seen except the skinned corpses. The people lurking in the foxholes continued to lurk, and the people in the surrounding mountains and dense forests were still building defenses based on the terrain. Concealed, with high mountains and dense forests, it is difficult for satellites to see through it, and it is difficult to find it without being close to you.

Five minutes later, no enemy helicopter gunship came over. This result made Luo Zheng startled. Could it be that his judgment was wrong? Lan Xue stood next to Luo Zheng and looked ahead warily. She lowered her voice and said, "It's been five minutes. The enemy has not arrived yet." It doesn’t make sense, what are they going to do?”

"Yeah, isn't there some bigger conspiracy?" Captain Li said worriedly.

"Old friend, I have contacted other troops again." Hook ran over excitedly and shouted in surprise.

"Huh? Are there any pursuers?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"No, get rid of them. There are more than five hundred people in the south." Hook said in surprise.

"Brother, we found a troop of about 500 people. They look like they belong to the Huk tribe. They are resting in the dense forest ahead. Didn't Huk just say this? They should be his people. Over." Shadow said. A voice suddenly rang in the headset. Everyone was talking on the public channel, and everyone else could hear the conversation between Luo Zheng and Hu Ke.

"Ask your people to retreat five kilometers and be on standby, and be careful to stay hidden." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully.

"Huh? Why, don't you need help?" Hook asked in surprise.

"No, they are used as a reserve force. Once your people are contacted, they will retreat five kilometers and stand by. Firstly, it will not easily arouse the enemy's suspicion. Secondly, they can come in time for support. There are already more than a thousand people here. , there is no point in having more, they can still be used as scouts on the periphery." Luo Zheng explained.

When Hook heard this, he suddenly understood and immediately sent the order.

The mountain eagle walked up and asked in a low voice: "Everyone has a mission, what about us?"

"Your people will follow me and support wherever needed at any time. We need a strong mobile force here. You are all snipers, so you are the most suitable." Luo Zheng explained.

"I understand." Shandiao agreed and went to explain to the other brothers.

Luo Zheng looked at the quiet open area, and then looked at the quiet dense forest in the distance. There was still no trace of the enemy. There was only the rustling of leaves in the wind, as if they were discussing something, which sounded irritating. The sun was shining brightly in the sky. High in the sky, the blue sky is like a wash, with only a few white clouds floating in the sky. Is it such a good weather? Luo Zheng sighed, his eyebrows furrowed, and he was obviously deep in thought. He couldn't figure out why the enemy had not seen any movement so far. This Very unusual.

Almost at the same time, people in the conference room of the Presidential Palace of Sam State were also thinking sadly. The president personally presided over the meeting. All the people attending the meeting were military representatives. The captain of the internal guard stood behind and looked at everyone with a cold face. Since the last meeting, Against all opinions, he set a trap to attract Luo Zheng to rescue people, but it turned out to be a joke. No one went to rescue people. Guishou and others were successfully sent to the dark prison, but failed to catch Luo Zheng. The captain of the inner guard was very worried. Frustrated.

Jackson was also in this meeting, and his position was at the front, which showed his status was improved. The frontline battle report of the attack on the Huk tribe was transmitted in time. The logistics base was destroyed, about 400 people died, and several bombs were blown up. family helicopter, plus the latest battle report, two more helicopters were bombed, which made everyone aware of the seriousness of the problem. They all couldn't figure out where a bunch of indigenous people could get such great combat power?

The president's face was ugly, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he said coldly with a bit of anger: "You all know the situation, who can tell me why? The troops armed to the teeth actually lost to a group of indigenous people. Our The army has become a joke internationally and our people are waiting for answers, who can tell me something?"

Everyone was silent and did not answer. Instead, they looked at the military commander of this operation, the new Minister of Defense. When the new Minister of Defense saw the President’s unkind eyes on him, he felt it was inappropriate not to say anything, so he quickly organized it. He said in a few words: "Your Excellency, I have ordered the troops to postpone the attack, strictly guard against death, and wait until the meeting is over before taking action. The top priority is to figure out the reasons for this. Judging from the frontline reports, many of our people died from snipers. Where do ordinary natives get snipers? Therefore, I suspect that a third country is participating in the war."

"Third-party country? Who is it?" The president's face changed drastically. It was one thing to attack the Huk tribe in the name of counter-terrorism. The Huk tribe was surrounded by countries that were pro-Sam, and the area was also the traditional interest area of ​​the Sam country. People will object. Once a third party joins the war, the nature will be completely different, and one has to be cautious.

"Third-party country?" Jackson's eyes suddenly brightened up, and he felt as if the fog in front of him was suddenly split by lightning. He had thought through many unanswered questions, his face became fanatical, and he said to himself: "Old friend, could it be that Is that you? No wonder he didn’t come to save people and went on a mission. It’s interesting.”

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