The strongest soldier

Chapter 1648 Reinforcements arrive

Two nights later, the clouds were thick and the stars were gone. The night sky was like splashed ink. Nothing could be seen. The vast forest was also dark. The mountains stood like wild beasts. They stared calmly ahead. Occasionally, a wild bird pounced on the edge. The edge passed by, adding a bit of eerieness to this dead mountain range, and even the normally chirping insects fell silent.

The dark mountains and silent forests made the whole land seem to have turned into a dark world. However, three huge bonfires were burning in a valley, distributed in a Z-shaped pattern. The flames rose and danced with the wind, as if they were going to turn this pitch-black world away. As the night fell, some people gathered around the bonfire and looked up at the sky, silent. One of them frowned slightly, his eyes full of worry, it was Luo Zheng.

According to the agreement, the domestic support troops were to arrive at the designated location an hour ago, but they encountered a storm and had to change their route. Standing next to them was Lan Xue, who also had a worried look on his face. There are variables in this kind of long-distance air support. There are too many, nature, climate, enemies, etc., none of them should be underestimated.

"Look, it's coming." Hook suddenly pointed in one direction in the night sky and shouted, "Is that the one that's flashing?"

Hook has good eyesight and can see at night. He can see further than Luo Zheng and Lan Xue at night. He discovered the abnormality in advance. Everyone looked in the direction Hook pointed and saw a bright light flashing in the endless night sky. It was still far away, but it was very obvious in the vast and deep night sky. I couldn't help but laugh. There was not a single star in the night sky. What was that flashing light if it wasn't an airplane?

Cross-border long-distance air support can only be provided by civil aviation. The military will be regarded as an invasion and will be attacked by missiles when going abroad. It is impossible to fly thousands of miles here. Luo Zheng looked up at the bright light getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but feel anxious. He breathed a sigh of relief, he finally came, and whispered: "Tell your people to prepare for it."

"Don't worry, my people are already scattered in the surrounding dense forest. Even if your person accidentally lands far away, someone will catch up and bring him back." Hook smiled, looking at the much closer light, His heart dropped for no reason. As long as he had the support of China, Hook was full of confidence in the future.

Soon, everyone faintly heard the sound of the plane, and bright lights appeared above everyone's heads. In the blink of an eye, countless small white flowers suddenly appeared in the night sky and floated down. Everyone laughed excitedly and threw dry wood on the bonfire. , the fire will be burning brightly to guide the skydivers.

Not long after, everyone saw parachutes falling down. There were people and boxes. The boxes contained various supplies needed for combat, such as ammunition, medicines, etc. Luo Zheng looked at the vaguely visible figure, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lan. Xue said: "It's finally here, it's time to fight back."

"Yeah, it's been more than ten days. I'm afraid the brothers can't stand being held in the dark prison for too long. They must be rescued as soon as possible. Have you thought of a counterattack plan?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice.

The two of them talked in Chinese Mandarin, so there was no need to worry about being overheard by others. The only three who could understand were their brothers. It didn't matter. Luo Zheng nodded and said, "The enemy's tactical arrangements are very clear. A small group of troops will infiltrate and conduct reconnaissance." After specifying the target, the missile attacks, and on a small scale, we call in armed helicopters. This joint air-ground attack is strangulating our necks and is difficult to deal with. Therefore, I want to kill the reconnaissance troops first and make the enemy blind, and the subsequent battles will be So big.”

"That's the truth. It's just that the small reconnaissance force is made up of Jarheads with strong combat capabilities. This is not easy to achieve. Do you have a plan?" Lan Xue asked in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with a little more expectation in his eyes. Looking at the night sky, the silhouette of the figure became clearer. Lan Xue suddenly realized something and said, "You asked us to wait until our people arrive before taking action. Are you asking our people to deal with Jarhead?"

"That's right, this support force is half new recruits and half veterans. There is an idea of ​​​​training. Since we need to train, Jarhead is the best whetstone. This opportunity is rare. As long as we kill these reconnaissance troops, our country's special forces will be He became famous in one battle." Luo Zheng said seriously, his eyes flashing with strong fighting spirit.

"That makes sense. It's best to capture some more people to use as bargaining chips to increase the chance of winning the hostage exchange. We care about the safety of our brothers, and the Jarhead troops will also care about the safety of their own brothers. If the Sam government does not agree, the Jarhead troops will definitely be heartbroken. , maybe we can use it when the time comes." Lan Xue said seriously.

Luo Zheng was startled, then his eyes lit up and he said, "That's right, let's go, they are here, go up and have a look."

While talking, the support troops had landed. Although the sky was pitch black, there was no wind, making it suitable for parachuting. Coupled with the guidance of the raging fire in the valley, everyone did not lose their way. They landed accurately around the valley and unhooked their parachutes one after another.

Luo Zheng shouted happily: "Brothers, welcome to join the battle!" A pair of tiger eyes searched around, and soon found a familiar figure. He ran up and saw that it was Captain Li. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and rushed up and beat him. He saluted and shouted: "Hello, captain!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Captain Li untied his parachute and glared at Luo Zheng dissatisfied. When he saw Lan Xue running over, he nodded to Lan Xue, then looked at Luo Zheng and said, "What can you do now?" Ah, after making such a big noise, I can finally go to the battlefield again thanks to you. Yes, I will treat you to a drink when I get back. As for now, the higher ups have told me that you are the commander-in-chief of the front line, and I have to listen to you. If you feel bad about it, just call me brother, you will have to call me that way from now on, right, sister Xueer?"

"You can call me brother, do you have a gift?" Lan Xue said with a smile.

"Yes, go back to your sister-in-law to get it. How can I miss this gift?" Captain Li replied with a smile. He put the parachute away skillfully, walked to Luo Zheng, saluted solemnly, and shouted: "Northwest Group Army The special operations brigade has been ordered to report to you and ask for instructions from the frontline commander, brigade captain Li Wu."

"Brother Li, let's not do this." Luo Zheng hurried up, gave Captain Li a bear hug, and said gratefully: "One family does not talk about two families, I am your soldier, and I will always be, thanks to the majors, I’ll call you Brother Li from now on, it’s great if you can come, we are brothers in battle.”

Captain Li said in a low voice: "Good brother, any difficult tasks this time will be assigned to our team. Grandpa told me before coming here to obey your command and not to mess around. Please let me do more meritorious service and not embarrass him." , you have achieved great military success, and I, the elder brother, cannot hold you back, remember?"

"I understand." Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly understood Mr. Li's good intentions in training Captain Li. His face became solemn and he said seriously: "It's very difficult for you to fight the first battle. Don't blame me if you can't win? "

"Okay, I promise to complete the mission." Captain Li was overjoyed and smiled with satisfaction when he heard this. The fighting spirit boiled in his eyes, like a surging crater.

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