The strongest soldier

Chapter 1646 The tribe is occupied

The missile attack already gave Luo Zheng a headache. He didn't expect that the small unit responsible for the reconnaissance was Jarhead. If it were an ordinary reconnaissance unit, Luo Zheng would only have to wait for reinforcements to arrive and use the tactics of special forces to kill the scouts. But Now it is discovered that the person conducting the investigation is actually Jarhead. The special forces that come to support may not be Jarhead's opponent, except for the National Blade King of Arms troops, but the King of Arms troops only have fifty people, and Hook once said that such a small reconnaissance force There are more than a dozen groups, more than a hundred people, how to fight?

Luo Zheng couldn't help but get a headache when he thought of this. If there were only one or two Jarhead special forces, and the rest were reconnaissance teams composed of ordinary special forces, it would be fine. But Luo Zheng didn't dare to bet. What if more than a dozen of them were Jarheads? Wrong The judgment will lead the brothers to death.

But, how do you beat more than a dozen pot lids? What's more, there are thousands of people encircling and suppressing them, as well as control support and missile support. Facing a powerful enemy, the Huk tribe has almost no chance of winning. This result makes Luo Zheng even more worried. Seeing Huk coming with a sullen face, he can't help but He went up to him, told his worries truthfully, and finally added: "The enemy is coming fiercely, very powerful, and difficult to deal with. You need to be mentally prepared."

"Well, it's a great death. These bastards won't let our tribe go anyway. Rather than sit back and wait for death, it's better to fight. You can just say how to fight. I don't understand this kind of battle. It's all up to you to command." After hearing Luo Zheng's analysis, Hu Ke became extremely solemn and said quickly.

"First, immediately send an order to your troops. If you find a small group of troops, don't get entangled, and evacuate immediately. Contact more than a hundred troops and then make a sneak attack. If you can't attack head-on, use grenades to fight quickly; second, immediately escort the tribesmen to the surrounding caves and hide them. , cannot be attacked by missiles, and thirdly, we must rush to the front line as soon as possible to join the large forces." Luo Zheng's face turned stern and he said coldly.

"Understood, the clan members are scattered and hidden according to the method you just mentioned. There are more than a dozen caves scattered and hidden, all with underground rivers, good ventilation, and many branches in the cave, which are not easy to be found. They all store food and dry firewood, etc. It is not a big problem to hide the daily necessities for a month. They should have been hidden by now, and there are two thousand people scattered around to protect them." Hook quickly explained.

"That's good, let's go." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice and walked forward.

"Okay." Hook agreed and hurried to follow.

The team began to march in a hurry again. Unknowingly, two hours had passed. The team was a little tired. The continuous rapid march and high-intensity combat made the team unable to bear it. Luo Zheng had to let the team rest on the spot. Hook arranged secret sentries and patrols. Later he found Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was leaning against a big tree with his eyes closed to rest. The continuous marching and fighting also consumed a lot of Luo Zheng's physical strength and energy. He felt someone coming. When he opened his eyes, he saw it was Hook. He couldn't help but ask: "Is something wrong?"

"I'm thinking about a question. If the Jarhead you mentioned is really that powerful, maybe it has penetrated into our rear area. Once civilians are discovered, will they mobilize missiles to attack?" Hook said worriedly, his eyes filled with worry. It's a solemn look of worry.

"This won't happen for the time being. It's meaningless for them to attack civilians at the beginning of the war. If things are exposed, it will affect their image and prestige in the international community. If the war is fought to the end, they won't attack civilians, and they will pretend to be just. If you lose, you will show your missiles in a vicious manner." Luo Zheng said softly, slowly closing his eyes, he had not had a good rest for several days in a row, he was really too tired.

"What you said makes sense, then I'm relieved. We'll talk about the rest later." Hook breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Luo Zheng closed his eyes to rest, he didn't disturb him anymore. He also sat down next to him and closed his eyes with his back against the big tree. Rest your eyes.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Zheng felt some light in front of his eyes, and his ears were filled with the cheerful chirping of birds and animals. He couldn't help but open his eyes and saw that it was already dawn. The sun was shining through the gaps between the leaves, penetrating the thin leaves. The morning mist exudes colorful light, which is really beautiful. The green leaves are flying and rustling in the morning wind. On the treetops, a group of birds are singing and playing, creating a harmonious scene.

"Wake up and eat something." Lan Xue said softly next to him, handing over a piece of compressed biscuit.

Luo Zheng took it and took a bite, chewing it slowly. This kind of compressed biscuit tasted very bad, but it was enough to satisfy the hunger. There is no need to be picky on the battlefield. In order to survive, you have to eat raw meat, not to mention compressed biscuits. At this time, Hook came over and said in a deep voice: "We have contacted my people. The tribal valley has been occupied by the enemy. Our people are scattered in the forest. All tribes have evacuated. What should we do next?"

"The enemy just occupied the valley?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He looked at Hook. Seeing that Hook didn't want to lie, with a sad and angry expression on his face, he couldn't help asking in a deep voice, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"I arranged a thousand people on the front line to block the enemy frontally, and another thousand people to attack in a roundabout way from both sides. It is supposed to be able to block the enemy's offensive if we can't defeat it, but the enemy used missile attacks, which directly destroyed our frontal defense offensive, and then sent armed forces The helicopter came up, and the ground troops also launched a general attack. My people couldn't stop it, and we lost most of it, so we had to retreat. The troops attacking on both sides saw that the situation was not good and did not dare to take action. They have already retreated. The enemy rested all night. Today They occupied our tribal valley in the early morning." Hook whispered with a sad and angry face.

"So that's it." Luo Zheng frowned and thought deeply. Under the joint air-ground operation of the Sam Kingdom, the Huk tribe was absolutely unstoppable, and no amount of bombing was enough.

"Brothers are scattered in the forest and waiting for orders. What should we do next?" Hook asked angrily in a low voice, looking at Luo Zheng, his eyes full of expectation, hoping that Luo Zheng could break the deadlock and restore the defeat.

The Tribal Valley was occupied, which meant that the Huk tribe's home base was lost. Politically speaking, it was a failure, but militarily it was not completely defeated. We secretly attacked the Sam Kingdom logistics base and killed three to four hundred people and several fighter jets. At best, they were evenly matched. The battle was not over yet. Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and said, "How is the mood of the troops?"

"The brothers were howling in anger and yelling to be beaten back." Hook said in a deep voice.

"It's definitely not possible to fight back. The enemy has occupied the valley and will build defensive positions. Without air attack power, your people will die if they go up. Send an order immediately. Everyone will retreat fifty kilometers. Disperse in small groups. Be careful. Being discovered by satellites will lead to missile and helicopter attacks. In a word, disperse and hide." Luo Zheng quickly dissuaded him, his eyes beating with murderous intent.

"Disperse and hide?" Hook pondered for a moment in surprise and asked: "Okay, but it is not a long-term solution. The enemy's small group of scouts is also very powerful. It is the Jarhead Special Forces you mentioned. There are too few people gathered. How many people will be eaten by them? The important thing is what to do next?"

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