The strongest soldier

Chapter 1642 Missile Bombing

The shock wave of the rocket explosion concentrated in a certain space can be superimposed, which is very terrifying. Even if it misses, it is enough to knock the helicopter down. Luo Zheng looked at the enemy plane still burning on the ground with satisfaction and said: "We are lucky, we hit it." Three of them were knocked down by the shock wave, and another one was injured and ran away. They were indeed seeking death. If they were doubled apart and the space was increased, the attack effect would not be so great. Okay, three minutes to clean the battlefield, can bring Take away those that can be taken away, blow up or burn those that cannot be taken away, in short, you cannot leave them to the enemy."

"Three minutes? There is no time to collect so many good things." Hook looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"Yes, three minutes is the limit. Enemy missiles will attack at any time. Do you want everyone to die here together?" Luo Zheng said angrily: "Good things will come soon. We can't lose our lives. Take action now."

"Okay." Hook couldn't help but trembled when he heard the missile, and quickly agreed. He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted in a stern voice. Someone on the phone said something unwillingly. He was probably reluctant to part with the supplies and equipment here, but he was Hook scolded back sternly.

The three brothers came over. Luo Zheng gave the three a thumbs up with satisfaction. The three smiled excitedly, as if it was a great honor to be praised by Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue, and then said to the three: "Clean the battlefield in three minutes. See what you can use and take it yourself. It's best to get more grenades."

"Understood." The three people agreed quickly.

This operation took into account the combat characteristics of the virgin forest. We took the Type 88 sniper rifle from the nuclear submarine. It was developed domestically and was the first in the world to use small-caliber bullets for sniper rifles. Its warhead has a high flight speed and an effective range of 800m. After Usage tests under various special environmental conditions have shown that the Type 88 5.8mm sniper rifle has a low failure rate, good reliability and safe use.

This gun performs very well and is very accurate. The penetration and shooting accuracy within 800 meters significantly exceed the SVD and the Israeli Galil sniper rifle. Its accuracy within 50 meters can guarantee hitting a target the size of a one-yuan coin. A skilled shooter can even break a toothpick. The diameter of the scatter circle within 100 meters is no less than 100 meters. If it exceeds 30 mm, it can ensure that it hits the enemy's eyes. A slightly trained shooter within 200 meters can break the target pole section by section.

Although it is a small-caliber sniper rifle, its destructive power is not bad. It can 100% penetrate the 3mm thick A3 steel plate at a distance of 1000m. Its penetration capability exceeds that of the 85 Type 7. The 62mm sniper rifle has too strong penetration and is too powerful. Some are weaker, penetrating the target directly, and it is difficult to form a headshot effect, but the lethality is still amazing, and you will still die if you hit it.

The reason why Luo Zheng used this gun was because the field of view in the virgin forest was not high and he could not see far. There was no need to use a long-range sniper rifle. This mid-range sniper rifle was just right. With its high accuracy, it could ensure everyone's shooting hits. The rate is suitable for fighting against the similarly powerful Sam Country. In view of this, Luo Zheng asked all other troops who came to support to use this sniper rifle. The bullets are unified and can be used interchangeably on the battlefield.

Three minutes later, everyone was carrying firearms, bullet boxes, and various supplies and equipment and quickly evacuated without any sloppiness. The large tents were all green. From above, they looked like a small hillside. They were large in size and heavy in weight. There was no way to dismantle it and take it away, so we simply burned it, and the radar was also blown up.

Three minutes later, everyone got into the depths of the jungle and hurried on with flashlights. Everyone was very excited. This battle was not only a great victory, but also a huge harvest. However, no one spoke, and they were very disciplined and hurried on their way. , Luo Zheng followed the team, and suddenly heard Blue Star's reminder and launched a missile attack.

Luo Zheng had already guessed that the enemy would attack the base with missiles, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. His expression changed drastically, and he quickly shouted to Hook next to him: "Quick, the team should speed up the evacuation. The missiles are coming. Climb over the hill to hide."

"The missile is coming?" Suddenly his face changed drastically, he looked back at the night sky, and quickly took out the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly. Luo Zheng knew the power of the missile, so he pulled Hu Kesa away and ran away. He must take advantage of the time when the missile flew over and exploded. Run as far as possible.

When everyone heard that the missile was coming, they panicked a little. Missiles were different from other weapons. Everyone ran faster, and there was a lot of wind under their feet. If they fell, they got up quickly, and rushed forward using their hands and feet. They just climbed up the hillside. , the missile appeared in everyone's field of vision, Luo Zheng looked back and shouted quickly: "Quick, rush down the hillside and lie down."

Hook quickly shouted what Luo Zheng was translating. Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed down the hillside. Suddenly they heard a loud noise, and everyone fell to the ground almost instinctively. Weapons and ammunition were scattered on the ground, and people were tightly packed together. Lying on the ground motionless, feeling as if the earth was shaking, he started to panic.

After a while, everyone realized that they were fine. Their confused minds stabilized a bit. They all looked up and observed, pricking up their ears. Luo Zheng stood up and rushed to the hillside to take a look. The missile attack location was an enemy base. Apparently the enemy was aware of it. The base was occupied, so we chose a destructive attack method. A huge pit appeared in the entire base, and all the surrounding trees were destroyed by the explosion. It was like a tornado passing by. It was desolate and terrifying, everywhere. Burning fires and billowing smoke from explosions towered into the night sky.

Hook and other officers also rushed up and stared at this scene with their mouths open. If everyone hadn't retreated three minutes earlier, if it hadn't been blocked by dense forests and hillsides, everyone would have died. Luo Zheng suddenly thought of something and hurriedly shouted : "Quick, everyone turn off the flashlights and remain silent."

"Quick, get it done right away." Hook also thought of something, his face changed drastically, and he shouted quickly.

The officers quickly passed on the order, and the surrounding dense forest quickly turned dark. All the flashlights were extinguished. The troops lay still on the ground, waiting for new orders. Luo Zheng looked at the explosion site in the distance, and then looked at the way forward. With the trees swaying here and there, the team would have been overtaken by the shock wave even if they retreated two minutes late. If it hadn't been blocked by the hillside, everyone would not have been spared.

"It's really powerful, what should I do?" Hook asked with lingering fear, secretly glad that he listened to Luo Zheng's words. If he hadn't retreated quickly enough, if he hadn't been hiding behind the hillside, he would have suffered heavy losses. Even the big tree he hugged was hit by the shock wave. When it comes, can people withstand it?

"The team evacuated your valley overnight. Do not turn on the lights and be careful of satellite surveillance." Luo Zheng warned seriously. After destroying the enemy's logistics base and killing four helicopters, Sam Guo must go crazy and will definitely mobilize satellites to monitor the surrounding area. , everyone uses the cover of night, walking in the dense forest is not a big problem. If there is bright light, they will definitely be discovered, which will attract the pursuit of helicopters or missiles.

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