The strongest soldier

Chapter 1632 Setting up a conspiracy

Two days later in the morning, senior officials gathered in a conference room of the Presidential Palace of Sam State. Sitting at the head was a man in his forties, with a cold aura on his face. He looked at the members who had joined the meeting in silence with sharp eyes. , a vague and faint murderous aura spread out, making people feel heart-stopping. It was none other than the captain of the internal guard of Sam's country's secret service.

On the left and right sides of the captain of the internal guard were Jackson and the director of the security bureau. They captured Guishou and others in one fell swoop, saving some face for Sam Country. In addition, Jackson's father was assassinated. In order to commend Jackson for his contribution, the president personally signed it. The letter of appointment was issued and Jackson was appointed deputy director of the Strategic Intelligence Division, in charge of operations.

He was promoted to deputy director in one fell swoop. He was in a high-ranking and high-spirited position, but Jackson couldn't be happy. No one came to rescue him for two days in a row. This made many people feel uneasy. However, he was the next person to be assassinated, which inadvertently caused a lot of harm to him. Jackson brought a lot of pressure, which was at the heart of this meeting.

The Security Bureau was originally responsible for the country's security matters for me, but this time it played a supporting role. This made the Director of the Security Bureau very embarrassed, so he was not very enthusiastic about attending the meeting. He watched all this with cold eyes and remained silent. The local police were sitting below. The bureau chief and some heads of other departments.

The captain of the internal guard looked at everyone coldly. Seeing that everyone was silent, he couldn't help snorting and said coldly: "Colleagues, everyone already knows the content of this joint meeting. If you have any ideas, please put them forward. President Your Excellency is still waiting for me to report."

Everyone glanced at the captain of the internal guard calmly and continued to remain silent, but they were very disdainful in their hearts. According to the division of labor, the captain of the internal and external guards was only responsible for the safety of the president and not to the outside world. This time, everyone had to listen to the captain of the internal guard. This made everyone very uncomfortable. Jackson also looked down on the captain of the inner guard at all. But when he thought about the consequences of the matter, he had to cheer up and said seriously: "The captain's schools have not made any progress for two days. This shows that Our opponent is still lurking, should we reveal some information?"

"Do you think they keep telling you the news?" the captain of the inner guard looked at Jackson coldly and asked.

"No, with their intelligence capabilities, they definitely know where the person is being held now. However, this detention point is too difficult for them. It is almost impossible to break through and there is no chance of rescue. What I mean is, can you give them a Opportunity, but what’s actually behind this opportunity is a trap?” Jackson explained.

"I don't agree with this proposal. The reason why the murderer is imprisoned under the White House is to ensure that the murderer is not kidnapped. Secondly, it is to test whether our defense system is reasonable. If we set up another trap, what if the enemy takes advantage of the loophole? Do it? Who will bear this responsibility?" the security director said lukewarmly.

"Then what good suggestion do you have, just keep waiting like this?" Jackson asked dissatisfied.

"Okay, you just need to make suggestions and I will make my own judgment." Seeing the two of them looking like they were about to argue, the captain of the inner guard shouted with an unkind expression and stopped the two from arguing. Little did he know that these arrogant words made everyone even more angry. , the captain of the inner guard continued: "We cannot rashly set up traps before we can ensure the absolute control of the murderer. The risk is too great. However, I have an idea. Let's see if it works."

"Please tell me." Everyone said pretending to be polite.

"Continue to use special trains to transport prisoners to the dark prison, and disclose them appropriately. We only need to be ready to control the strike force. They can't kidnap people. As long as they dare to come, they will be caught in one fell swoop." The captain of the inner guard said.

Upon hearing this, everyone showed a disdainful sneer, but they all agreed with each other, and even called them clever. Jackson realized that this was not possible, but couldn't think of any other way, so he had to say: "It's not impossible. If they come to rob We just happen to catch them all in one fell swoop. As long as the deployment is proper, it can definitely be achieved. If they don't come to rob people, they just happen to send them to the dark prison. When people arrive in the dark prison, they will have no choice but to go to the dark prison to find a way. At least they will not be in the dark prison. The city is in trouble."

"Yes, it's as I thought. If everyone has no objections, then this matter will be settled." The captain of the inner guard gave Jackson a satisfied look and said coldly, naturally no one will object unless there is A better way, otherwise there is no need to offend the president's confidants. Besides, this plan is not unfeasible, and they all agreed, which made the captain of the internal guard smile even more satisfied.

"Leave the matter of spreading information to the Security Bureau. The police station is on standby at any time. The counter-terrorism force and military special forces are left to your Strategic Intelligence Division. The people will be transported out on time at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. We cannot give the enemy too much time to prepare. ." The captain of the inner guard said coldly, and there was a surge of high-spiritedness and pride in pointing out the country. This feeling made the captain of the inner guard a little obsessed.

"Yes." Everyone agreed indifferently.


Inside the embassy, ​​Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Hong Meihua were packing their bags in the room and preparing to evacuate. An hour ago, the country officially responded to the request and approved the proposal to support the Huk tribe, allowing everyone to rush to the dock within three hours to prepare for boarding. Good ships go to sea, and nuclear submarines are on standby on the high seas.

Luo Zheng felt reassured when he thought of the country's support, with a relaxed expression on his face. Not only fifty brothers from the National Blade Secret Service came to support, but Shadow, Snow Fox and Drunkard also came. It was regarded as a joint effort of the four major squadrons directly under the Secret Service. During the operation, the Equipment Department also transferred 30 people to accompany them. These people are all technical elites and can skillfully operate tactical missiles. With the presence of these people, Luo Zheng no longer has to worry about missile launch issues.

In addition, two or five special forces came to support, led by old comrades-in-arms scholars, farmers, gardeners and monks. Each team had a hundred people, half veterans and half recruits. They wanted to train troops, so Luo Zheng Unexpectedly, people from the old army also came. Captain Li personally led the team, and there were also 100 people. In total, there were 500 elite special forces on hand that could be mobilized, plus the 50 soldiers from the National Blade. The king has the power to fight.

They were all old acquaintances. Luo Zheng's self-confidence increased greatly, and he was secretly grateful to the country for providing strong support at the critical moment. With the country's strong support, things will be much easier to handle later. At this time, Hongmeihua suddenly received a call. After listening to it for a while, her face changed drastically and she looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked at Hong Meihua in surprise. Hong Meihua turned off her phone and said, "I just received reliable news that a special train will escort the brothers to the dark prison at one o'clock today. However, I think this is a trap, waiting for us to take the bait." Trap, I suggest you ignore it and stick to the original plan, and time doesn’t allow for it, what do you mean?”

"That makes sense. Want to go fishing? There's no door, just take the opportunity to leave." Luo Zheng said coldly.

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