The strongest soldier

Chapter 1625 Return to the embassy

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the driving black car made a huge explosion. The whole car flew up and hit a car coming next to it. Luo Zheng heard the explosion and turned his head. Hui sneered, two button bombs were enough to kill everyone in the car.

When the taxi driver heard the explosion, he stopped suddenly, looked out, his face changed slightly, and he said in a panic: "God, what's going on? A terrorist attack? Damn it, these infidels."

Luo Zheng ignored the taxi driver's curses and urged him to drive quickly. The driver agreed and continued to curse terrorists. Luo Zheng pretended not to hear and thought, killing Jackson's father would be like collecting interest for his brothers. , can also knock the mountain and shake the tiger, and warn the relevant departments and people not to kill the brothers.

The bombing of the special train and the castle has completely angered the country of Sam. Even if the brothers surrender, forget about the treatment of prisoners of war. Their lives may be in danger at any time. Luo Zheng must consider for the brothers. If he does not act, the brothers' Life is not guaranteed. After killing Jackson's father and the Minister of Defense, whether it's a threat or a threat, at least some people with ulterior motives will not dare to kill the brothers easily.

"It's time to contact the outside world." Luo Zheng thought, and after the taxi drove a certain distance, he stopped at an office building. After getting off the taxi, Luo Zheng waited for the taxi to go away, stopped the car again and returned to the scene. I saw that many police officers had gathered at the explosion site and the road was under security, so I had to get off the car in advance and walk up.

The scene was cordoned off, and Luo Zheng didn't bother to look. He found the parking lot, drove the off-road vehicle out, and returned the car to the car rental company so as not to arouse suspicion. After completing the formalities, he went out, took a taxi and went straight to the embassy. Luo Zheng felt a little uneasy on the way. Seeing that Luo Zheng was not interested in chatting, the taxi driver turned on the radio.

After a while, someone was discussing the explosion on the radio. The host even publicly stated that the person who was killed was the representative of the hawks, the Minister of Defense. He claimed that this was a political assassination and was carried out by agents sent by other countries that were dissatisfied with their country. , but the invited guests said it was a terrorist attack, and the two insisted on their own theory.

The taxi driver started to yell after hearing these curses. Sometimes he scolded the terrorists as inhumane, and sometimes he cursed the Minister of Defense. Maybe he was tired of scolding, or he saw Luo Zheng was silent and lost interest. He concentrated on driving. Luo Zheng didn't. I listened to the taxi driver and was overjoyed. This news was enough to prove that the target had been killed, and it was Jackson's turn next.

After the explosion, Jackson will definitely become more cunning. It will not be easy to catch him. He must have manpower and intelligence. It is impossible to do it alone. The taxi unknowingly stopped at the entrance of the embassy. Luo Zheng got out of the car and walked in. The guard came up to stop the questioning, and Luo Zheng showed his ID.

When the guard looked at the ID, his expression changed slightly. He looked around and lowered his voice and said, "The ambassador has specifically told you that no matter when you come, you should go to his office as soon as possible. He will be waiting for you in the office."

"Thank you." Luo Zheng agreed in surprise, took the certificate and walked away quickly.

After a while, Luo Zheng came to the ambassador's door. The door was ajar. Luo Zheng saw the ambassador working at his desk and knocked lightly on the door. The ambassador looked up slightly and saw that it was Luo Zheng. He stood up and quickly Walking up, his face was full of surprise. Luo Zheng could see that the ambassador's surprise was not fake, but because he truly cared about himself. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and said bitterly: "Ambassador, I failed."

"Quick, come in and talk." The ambassador pulled Luo Zheng through the door. He looked up and went out to see that there was no one around. He quickly closed the door and locked it. He motioned Luo Zheng to sit on the sofa and said with surprise on his face: "You can come back when you come back." Okay, just come back. By the way, Lan Xue and the others just arrived an hour ago."

"Great, are they okay?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked quickly, looking closely at the ambassador, full of nervousness, fearing that something might happen to Lan Xue and others.

"They are fine. The other brothers have been captured. The casualties are unknown." The ambassador's face darkened and he said in a deep voice.

"Well, I understand. I have to bear all the responsibility for this command error. However, I will rescue them. Ambassador, I need intelligence support." Luo Zheng looked at the ambassador with a serious face and said, with a look in his eyes. Cold murderous intent.

"No problem. I have told you again that I will support your actions at all costs. Just say whatever you need me to do," the ambassador promised.

"Above?" Luo Zheng was startled, and then thought of Mr. Li. Mr. Li must have mediated the relevant departments, otherwise there would not be such great support. This shows that Mr. Li knows that he is not dead, and continues to support and trust him. I couldn't help but feel warm inside, and said gratefully: "Thank you, please."

"By the way, I just received the news that the representative of the hawks of the Sam country and the current Minister of Defense was killed by someone. He seems to be the father of Jackson you mentioned, right? There may be a strict investigation in the near future, and it is inconvenient to move. Can you please give me some time? God?" The ambassador asked with a solemn expression.

"Isn't it good that this person is dead?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Okay, especially for our country. This bastard has been on the battlefield and fought with our people. He was full of hatred for us during the Volunteer Army. He is an anti-China representative and has done many bad things to our country. He With his death, Sam's hawks will lose a pillar of support, and we will be under a lot less pressure. The National Security Bureau sent agents to assassinate him twice, but failed. This bastard deserves to be killed," the ambassador said bitterly.

"That's enough." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Hiss?" The ambassador looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, and asked with shock on his face: "You couldn't have done it, right?"

"I'm just collecting some interest for my brothers." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly.

"I guessed that it might be related to you, but I didn't expect that it was really you who did it. Great, I have to report this matter. You have avenged several agents of our National Security Bureau. Our National Security Bureau owes you a favor. "When the ambassador heard this, he said excitedly. He became a little emotional and continued: "This bastard is targeting our country everywhere. If you kill him, the work of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be much easier. You have made great contributions to the country."

"Forget the credit, I just want to take revenge and save people." Luo Zheng said calmly.

The ambassador's face became solemn, he regained his composure, nodded and said: "I understand, you are trying to scare away the tigers, to deter some people with ulterior motives from being cruel to the brothers, and to give the captured brothers 10% more life support. There is one thing I have to tell you that the person you were trying to rescue has been airlifted to the Dark Prison. He left on the night of your operation, and I didn’t get the news until the next day.”

"What?" Luo Zheng's face changed drastically, and a cold murderous aura burst out.

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