The strongest soldier

Chapter 1618 Helpless Surrender

Bullets rained like rain, explosions sounded, and endless murderous intent filled the night sky. The entire slum seemed to be boiling. Houses were collapsing, and screams followed one after another. Guishou and others threw button bombs all over the ground, and saw the enemy chasing them. , rushed forward without hesitation, each one looked like a predatory tiger, with the wind under its feet, chasing the team that was charging forward.

When the Jarheads behind saw that their target was about to run away, they naturally did not dare to lag behind. They rushed out of the bunker one after another and rushed up the street. The guns in their hands fired fiercely, and the bullets chased the heels of Gui Shou and others, beating everyone. Their feet were a little faster, and in the face of life and death, everyone unleashed unprecedented potential.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly, a series of dense explosions sounded. The button bombs exploded, blooming with countless terrifying lights, swallowing up the surrounding lives. This time, Guishou and others lost dozens of them, and they almost exploded together. , the powerful impact destroyed the surrounding houses and buried the bodies that were killed. The collapsed walls of the houses blocked the path of the pursuers.

Guishou and others rushed up smoothly, caught up with the team, and rushed to the front again. Seeing that the frequency of everyone throwing button bombs had decreased, they estimated that there were not many left, and roared: "Crushing out is victory, blow up the weapons , throw all the last bombs at me, charge and kill."

"Kill!" Everyone roared excitedly and rushed forward. Those with guns quickly stopped and exploded, and then caught up with the team. When they saw who was injured, they rushed to help. Everyone fiercely fought their way out. , defeated the enemy's layers of siege, rushed out of the slum, and his eyes lit up.

There was a highway in front of them, and the highway was full of police. The red lights on the police cars flashed, illuminating the surroundings. Surrounding the police were many citizens who came to watch after hearing the news. They set up a cordon. The police did not expect that Gui Shou and others actually came out. The heavy siege couldn't help but be frightened, and they gathered around one after another. When they saw Guishou and others looking fierce, their faces changed and they all backed away. Where had the police seen such fierce people?

"Brothers, charge forward, no one is allowed to make a move." Gui Shou shouted coldly, with endless humiliation and unwillingness in his words. However, for the sake of the lives of his brothers, Gui Shou chose to bear this humiliation. Seeing Some people are hesitant, and they can't help but wonder about the other party's intentions. Who is willing to surrender, the majestic king of swordsmen in the country? He quickly stepped forward and pushed a few times, and shouted anxiously: "Brothers, don't hesitate any longer. I'm begging you, okay? Let's go."

"Come forward and surrender temporarily so that you can kill the enemy alive. This is my order, and it is also the order of Ghost. The squadron leader also issued this order on behalf of the superior leader. Have you forgotten it?" Snow Leopard also saw it. The brothers expressed their opposition and quickly shouted, urging everyone to move forward.

As soon as everyone heard the order, they woke up a little and rushed forward without hesitation. When the police saw each one of them rushing towards them fiercely and in chaos, they retreated one after another, drew their guns and aimed at them, habitually raising their weapons. The voice shouted: "Police, hands up."

When Guishou heard the police shouting, he smiled coldly and motioned for everyone to stop. Everyone was too lazy to run, so they stopped one after another and sat down on the ground without moving. A large number of police officers came up and surrounded everyone. Guishou He raised his hand and looked up at the night sky. The moon came out at some point. It was as bright as a jade plate. He couldn't help but murmur softly: "Brother, all the brothers are looking at you. You must escape. Otherwise, brothers." It’s all over.”

At this time, a large number of troops rushed up. Seeing Guishou and others who had surrendered, they either fired or not fired. Such hesitation made them no longer in the mood to shoot. The members of the Jarhead Special Forces also rushed forward. When they came up, everyone's face was ashen. Fifty people surrounded and suppressed a dozen people. Not only did a dozen people rush out, but many of them died. This is a shame, an unacceptable shame.

The Jarhead Special Forces swarmed up and saw Guishou and others sitting on the ground giving up resistance. They all screamed angrily. It was humiliating to shoot people who gave up resistance. However, the tragic death of their companions was still vivid in their minds. Some people roared that they were going to kill them. After firing, an officer immediately raised the muzzle of his gun, and the bullet shot into the sky.

If there is no one else around, just kill. But there are police and many citizens around. The opponent has given up resistance. If he shoots again, he will lose the handle and cause endless trouble. Soldiers can ignore everything and be officials. I have to think about it a little more.

"Asshole." When the Jarhead Special Forces team saw the officers stopping the shooting, each one of them had an angry look on their face. They rushed forward and beat Guishou and others violently. Some even shouted angrily: "Get up and fight, you guys You cowards, get up and pick up your weapons if you can."

Picking up weapons means fighting back, and you can shoot them on the spot. Of course Guishou and others also understand this truth. Since they have chosen to surrender temporarily and the weapons in their hands have been blown up, they will naturally not resist anymore. Everyone holds their heads and shrinks. They formed a ball and endured the enemy's beatings without saying a word, keeping the endless humiliation and anger deep in their hearts.

Gui Shou also held his head and allowed the enemy to punch and kick him. Endless humiliation surged up. He tried surrender for the first time. It was very uncomfortable and he would rather die. But as an officer, Gui Shou could die on his own, but could not. Let all the brothers be buried with him.

"Ah——!" A brother couldn't bear the humiliation anymore and roared angrily. He got up and tried to resist, but what he received was a fierce gun butt. The brother was hit to the ground and fainted. The people from Jarhead's special team didn't want to let go and started fighting fiercely.

When Guishou saw it, his expression changed drastically. He would have to kill him if he continued to fight. A tiger pounced on him, pressed his unconscious brother under him, and protected him tightly, allowing the Jarhead special team to hit him with their fists and kicks. On the body, the fists and kicks of the Jarhead Special Forces team were so powerful, and they were hit with guns. The ghost hand withstood a few blows and fainted.

This group of Jarhead special forces has not let everyone go. Since they can't kill them with guns, they might as well kill them secretly. With this in mind, everyone is more ruthless. Fortunately, everyone knows how to protect themselves. , all holding their heads, hunched over, their whole bodies tense, and constantly rolling their bodies to avoid attacks.

At this time, the police also gathered around, looking at this scene in amazement. Their eyes fell on the leading policeman. In the eyes of the police, the suspect had given up resistance and could no longer be beaten. The police leader looked very ugly. The military, on the other hand, is responsible for handling cases. If someone is killed and he is accused of poor law enforcement, he will be laid off. He can't help but angrily stepped forward and shouted: "Stop fighting, someone will die."

However, the Jarhead Special Forces team is furious, so why would they care about what the police say? The beating continued, becoming more ruthless and crazier.

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