The strongest soldier

Chapter 1609 A thrilling escape

The urban environment is complex. There are buildings and places for shelter everywhere. You can’t find it if you just hide in a corner. As long as the ground troops don’t come up for a while, everyone will have a way to avoid the attack of the armed helicopters. Luo Zheng is hiding in a building. Looking up from the shadows at the mighty armed helicopters, I was secretly glad that I had made another decision. Fortunately, I blew up the bridge. There was no threat from ground troops in a short period of time. With everyone's ability, I believe there is a way to avoid arrest and escape. Bar?

Luo Zheng thought about this and couldn't help but look in the direction of the hotel. It was still several kilometers away from him. There were three people around Lan Xue, so he should be able to escape, right? Luo Zheng thought worriedly, his tiger eyes flashing with fierce fighting spirit, like a wounded tiger, looking angrily at the mighty armed helicopter in the sky, wishing to shoot it down.

The plan failed and was conspired by the enemy. This result filled Luo Zheng's heart with anger and deep guilt. He felt sorry for his brothers who risked their lives to fight with him. If anyone died on the way to retreat, Luo Zheng would hate himself for the rest of his life. Considering that Sam's country's information warfare capabilities forced everyone to cut off the signal, and they had to leave it to fate whether they could escape or not. This feeling was very bad. Luo Zheng clenched his steel teeth in anger, and his face turned cold.

Why is it being calculated? Did the enemy see through his plan early on? Or has the annunciator been turned on for a long time to attract the attention of Sam Country? Luo Zheng didn't know that the matter had come to this, and there was no use regretting it. Luo Zheng looked coldly at the arrogant armed helicopters in the sky, and quickly rushed towards the city.

The city is very big, and there is another road out of the city besides the bridge. I wonder if the enemy will send troops to block it? Luo Zheng didn't know, so he could only think of a way to rush over and take a look and try his luck. It was easy to know the result by asking Blue Star through the headset, but once the signal was turned on, it meant being exposed and ushered in endless pursuit by armed helicopters. This risk was too great, and Luo Zheng did not dare to take it. His face turned cold, and he suddenly thought of his status as a diplomat. He had an idea and walked towards the city.

You definitely can't go to the hotel. Maybe you've been targeted. The first priority is to grab a car and drive away. As long as the identity of the diplomat is not revealed, you can break out. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng disassembled the weapon and put it away. He poured it into his backpack, then accelerated forward and rushed forward. Soon, Luo Zheng found a car stopped on the street not far away, and the driver got out.

Luo Zheng took a few steps and rushed forward. He took advantage of the moment when the opponent turned around and knocked him out with a knife. He looked around and saw that it was pitch black. No one paid attention to his side, so he dragged the opponent to the darkness beside the street. Thrown under the corner, he collapsed into a ball, looking like a drunk person.

Time was running out, Luo Zheng quickly took out the other party's car keys, unlocked the car, put his backpack in the space in front of the passenger seat, got in the car, started the car, got out of the car and rushed forward. During the day, Luo Zheng was accompanied by Xiao Ma. After walking around the city and knowing the general direction, Luo Zheng quickly turned the steering wheel and rushed in the other direction out of the city.

Along the way, Luo Zheng saw several cars returning home at night. The whole city was plunged into darkness, and no pedestrians could be seen. Luo Zheng drove away like crazy, crossed several roads, and soon arrived at the outskirts of the city. There were many police blocking the way at the intersection ahead. As if facing a formidable enemy, the entire city was indeed blocked.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He slowed down slightly, took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and checked his whole body. His coat was a little dirty, so he quickly took it off and threw it on the passenger seat. He also covered his backpack and drove forward slowly. Go, it depends on your luck whether you can get through it or not.

The policemen in front quickly came over to greet them. More people from behind looked at the car warily, their hands already on their waist guns. One policeman gestured for Luo Zheng to pull over. There were dozens of policemen, and they were sure to rush in. No, Luo Zhengqiang calmed down and slowly parked the car. A policeman came up. Seeing that he was a yellow man, he saluted and asked: "Sir, driver's license, ID card, thank you!"

Luo Zheng calmly took out his work permit. The police took it and saw that it was a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His face became solemn. Diplomacy is no small matter, and the police did not dare to be careless. He said politely: "Wait a moment, I need to confirm your identity." ." He took a few steps back and called the headquarters through the walkie-talkie on his shoulder.

The call was quickly responded to. The police reported Luo Zheng's identity information. A confirmation answer came quickly through the intercom. Luo Zheng watched the scene calmly. The identity information was all true. He wore a silicone mask on his face. It looks like the photo, so I'm not afraid of checking, otherwise Luo Zheng wouldn't dare to break through like this.

After the police confirmed Luo Zheng's information, they did not let him go immediately. Instead, they left quickly, chatted in a low voice with another policeman who looked like the leader, then hurried over, returned the work permit to Luo Zheng and said, "According to this, It is stipulated that you need a driver's license to drive, forget it this time, I hope you remember to bring it next time, be careful on the road, it is a bit uneven, leave here as soon as possible and don't stay."

"Well, thank you." Luo Zheng said politely, started the car and left slowly.

Soon, Luo Zheng rushed out of the checkpoint, glanced at the checkpoint police through the rearview mirror, let out a long sigh, smiled, and finally came out. This group of policemen should have just come to set up the checkpoint, and they didn't have more details yet. , otherwise he would not be able to get out at all with his work permit. When he thought that his brothers were stuck in the city without relevant documents, Luo Zheng's heart felt like it was falling into an ice cellar, and his eyes became sharp.

After walking forward for a while, a convoy appeared in front of us. When we got closer, we saw that it was a military vehicle. There were more than a dozen vehicles in a long line, all of which were wrapped in canvas. The leading military vehicle was filled with more than a dozen people. There was also a heavy machine gun mounted on it, and the people on the military vehicle didn't look sideways and didn't pay attention to Luo Zheng.

Seeing the military vehicle that suddenly appeared, Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. He tried hard to control his emotions and maintain his speed, so as not to panic and attract attention. Seeing that the military vehicle had no intention of stopping, Luo Zheng firmly controlled the steering wheel and slowed down slightly. Slowing down a little, I was burning with anxiety. With so many military vehicles, it seemed like hundreds of people had to come to support them. How could the brothers escape?

When he thought that his brothers might be killed or captured, Luo Zheng's heart was like a knife, and endless regret and guilt came to his heart. If he had thought more carefully, if he had acted more carefully, even if he had sent someone to check the inside of the car. No matter the situation, as long as he knew that Rambo was not in the car, he would not have to take action, and the brothers would not be in a desperate situation. It was all their own fault.

"Ah——" Luo Zheng couldn't help but roar.

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