The strongest soldier

Chapter 1600 Asking for Information

It was quiet in the guest room. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue quietly stared out the window with pensive expressions. After a while, Xiao Ma came over, followed by a waiter, pushing the dining cart. The waiter placed the food in the room and pushed it. After the car got out, Luo Zheng used a silver knife to test the food as a habit, and he ate it with confidence after finding that it was not poisonous.

During the meal, Luo Zheng was thinking and perfecting his plan. Lan Xue knew Luo Zheng's habits and did not disturb him. Xiao Ma was full of curiosity, but still held back from asking. After eating and drinking, Xiao Ma asked the waiter to leave. He took the tableware, poured a cup of hot tea for the two of them, and found a place to sit down and wait. He looked at Luo Zheng curiously and couldn't figure out what Luo Zheng was, so much so that the ambassador actively cooperated and couldn't figure out what Luo Zheng was. What measures will Zheng take to rescue him?

After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Ma and asked: "Is there any way to get a helicopter? The best ones are armed, and civilian ones are also fine."

"Helicopter?" Xiao Ma was startled and began to think deeply. He couldn't figure out why Luo Zheng wanted a helicopter. Did he want to greet him from the air? This is absolutely impossible, but I still abide by the discipline and resist my curiosity. After pondering for a moment, I replied: "I have to call for consultation. This thing is not easy to get." He took out the phone.

"It's not easy, please make sure quickly." Luo Zheng responded casually, picked up the pen and paper and started drawing.

Lan Xue came up and took a look. It was full of lines, with different lengths and lengths, which he couldn't understand at all. There were also some data. She was full of curiosity, but she resisted asking, for fear of disrupting Luo Zheng's train of thought. There was so much in her heart for no reason. With some expectations, he looked at Xiao Ma and said, "Hurry up and call to confirm."

Xiao Ma agreed and dialed a number. After he was connected, he said, "Ambassador, they need helicopters, any armed civilian ones are fine."

After listening to the call for a while, Xiao Ma hung up and said to Luo Zheng with excitement on his face: "Yes, it's for civilian use."

"Where?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"There is a farm about fifty kilometers away from here. There are two civilian helicopters on the farm. They are usually used for spraying pesticides, sowing seeds, etc. They can seat two people. This one is easy to get. There is an interview helicopter in the city a hundred kilometers away. That one can be used at any time. On duty, not necessarily in, the only ones armed are the anti-terrorism troops in the city next door, but they are not easy to get." Xiao Ma said quickly.

"Civilian helicopter? Two people? Two?" Luo Zheng muttered to himself thoughtfully, then suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "It's just him, how is the farm defense?"

"There is no defense, just a few workers." Xiao Ma explained.

"Write me the specific address." Luo Zheng nodded in surprise and said.

Xiao Ma hesitated for a moment, then wrote down the address and handed it to Luo Zheng. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but said: "I can see that you are avoiding me, why don't you let me participate?"

"You are an intelligence officer, not a combatant. Your value and role are not on the front line." Seeing Xiao Ma, Luo Zheng couldn't help but ask. His face became solemn and he explained seriously.

Xiao Ma said gratefully: "My master was transported to the dark prison by a special train. He has been powerless and unable to do anything. This is a rare opportunity. Even if I follow you and fire a few shots, I will feel better. I need this time Opportunity, I hope you can fulfill me and will never drag you down. If I have to, I will choose to commit suicide. I understand the rules."

"No, there is something wrong with your starting point. Besides, you assisted in all our preparations. You have done a lot for your master. You don't necessarily have to go to the front line to take revenge." Luo Zheng looked serious and said seriously, It is absolutely not okay to go to the battlefield with a feeling of revenge.

"But?" Xiao Ma still wanted to request a few words.

"It's nothing, we have avenged you. You are an intelligence officer. Your battlefield is not here, but should play a greater role in a position that suits you. Do you understand?" Luo Zheng interrupted the dismounted words and said seriously. Said: "Let's do it this way. You can take my people to the farm to find their way to the farm, and then go back immediately. I think Sam Country has already set its sights on you, and you need evidence of your alibi. Do you understand?"

Xiao Ma knew that Luo Zheng was thinking about himself, so he nodded with a heavy face and said helplessly: "I understand, by the way, your people are already on the way and will definitely arrive tomorrow night. Is there anything else I can do?"

"What is your master's name?" Luo Zheng thought for a while and asked.

"Hummingbird! I can't tell you your real name." Xiao Ma replied seriously.

Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally and said, "Go and investigate downstairs. If you find anything suspicious, report it immediately. I'm not sure if the other party is following your whereabouts, so be careful."

"Okay." Xiao Ma knew that Luo Zheng intended to get away from him, so he didn't mind and agreed to leave.

After Xiao Ma left, Luo Zheng continued to draw something on the paper. Lan Xue did not interrupt and waited patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly smiled, put down the pencil and let out a long sigh and said: "Finally, we have some insights. Come and give me some advice and see if it works.”

"That's great, you tell me." Lan Xue said in surprise.

"Don't worry, there are still a few questions that need to be confirmed." Luo Zheng signaled to Lan Xue to calm down, took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number, and after waiting for the answer, he said: "Blue Star, locate my phone right away. Location, find nearby rail tracks.”

"Understood, wait a moment." Lan Xing's voice rang on the phone.

After a while, Blue Star said: "The positioning was successful and the railway track was found. What should we do next?"

"One end of the track is connected to a military castle, and the other end is connected to the high-speed rail track. Calculate the distance. How long does it take to get from the high-speed rail connection to the castle at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour?"

"No big deal, just wait a moment." Blue Star agreed, and soon continued: "If we drive at a constant speed, we will enter the castle in about five minutes."

"I understand. There are two high-voltage wire racks in the middle of the railway track. On the left and right sides of the railway track, how long does it take to get to the castle from this position? It is calculated based on the speed of 80 per hour." Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"Two minutes is enough." Blue Star quickly gave the answer.

"Can you detect the situation inside the military castle?" Luo Zheng asked thoughtfully.

Blue Star did not answer immediately. Luo Zheng knew that Blue Star was mobilizing satellite reconnaissance, so he waited patiently for about two minutes. Blue Star's words came over the phone: "There are barren hills outside the castle. You can't see it inside. The top is flat. It's a There are awnings set up in the direction, and there are soldiers. It is probably a heavy machine gun position. Satellites cannot see through it, so we can't be sure."

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed, cut off the call and began to think deeply, constantly refining his plan in his mind. The roof should be a heavy machine gun position. People should not get close, otherwise they will die. His eyes gradually became firmer, and there was a touch of light. murderous look.

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