The strongest soldier

Chapter 1587 Night Penetration

At around twelve o'clock in the night, in a forest on the outskirts of the capital of Sam State, the winter moon was among the gray clouds. The earth was dark and the visibility was very low. The cold wind tore the trees and made a roaring sound. The temperature in the middle of the night was obviously It was several degrees lower than during the day, and no one dared to go out because of the cold. However, a large number of people gathered in this forest, each of them staring sharply ahead, holding a steel gun, and the muzzle exuded the cold of death. The awn is chilling.

A man stood on a high place and stared straight ahead. There was an open field with a farm. From a distance, it looked dark, as if a wild beast was dormant. Stars and lights could be faintly discerned. This man had sharp eyebrows, starry eyes, and a weapon. Yu Xuanang, with a hint of murderous intent all over his body, stood next to a cold and charming beauty, also frowning and looking into the distance, thinking about something thoughtfully, it was Luo Zheng and Lan Xue.

Behind the two men were brothers who arrived one after another. For safety reasons, everyone walked out of the city separately. All weapons were packed in packages, bypassing blockades and inspections along the way. It took a full three hours to come out and assemble in this forest. Behind Zheng are Guishou and Snow Leopard.

"Are all the brothers here?" Luo Zheng asked, looking at the distant manor.

"One or more, all of them are here." Guishou promised, with a strong sense of pride.

"That's good, get ready for action." Luo Zheng agreed, and after gesturing for the two of them to come up, he pointed to the manor in front and said: "Judging from the terrain, there is a forest where you can hide yourself, but I estimate that the enemy will focus on defense. Therefore, we can only move forward under the cover of darkness. In this way, Xue'er and I will take the lead, and you will follow us. Wear headsets and use infrared communication mode."

"Understood, leave it to me to take the lead." Guishou quickly petitioned.

"I'll do it." Snow Leopard rushed to say.

"Bring your troops together." Luo Zheng said without doubt. He glanced at Lan Xue, who nodded knowingly. He pulled out his pistol and hit the silencer. The weapons were all carried by everyone when they smuggled in. Luo Zheng also He took out the pistol, installed the silencer, looked at Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard and continued to instruct: "Fight as silently as possible."

"Yes." Guishou and Xuebao saw that Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were ready to fight and no longer argued about taking the lead. They quickly agreed and conveyed the order.

After Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were ready, they exchanged glances and rushed forward quickly. Taking advantage of the cover of the night, they ran like cheetahs and rushed out for about 300 meters in the blink of an eye. The two of them slowed down in tacit agreement. , the further they go, the tighter the defense becomes. They must be careful. The two of them took out special tactical sunglasses. These sunglasses can provide night vision at a certain distance and can also distinguish infrared rays.

"Xue'er, alternately infiltrate, Ghost Hand, and Snow Leopard, keep a distance of two hundred meters from us. The team advances in a battle formation, be careful where you step." Luo Zheng turned on the headset and said softly.

"Understood." Everyone's reply sounded in the headset, with a somewhat chilling chill in the night.

Relying on the cover of the surrounding terrain, Luo Zheng suddenly accelerated and rushed forward for about two hundred meters. He lay down on a low-lying ground and calmly stared at the surroundings with the muzzle pointed forward. After making sure that there was no danger, he signaled to Lan Xue behind him. Lan Xue hunched over and ran up quickly. A few rabbits arrived nearby. Without stopping, they continued to rush forward for about two hundred meters and found a bush to hide.

After waiting for a while, Lan Xue signaled to Luo Zheng who was behind him. Luo Zheng bowed his body knowingly and ran forward, like a cheetah running fast in the night. As he ran, his body stretched out an undulating and smooth wavy line, which was very sporty. Beautiful, the speed was even more astonishing. In the blink of an eye, it crossed the lurking blue snow and advanced two hundred meters.

This time, Luo Zheng found a vantage point and lurked on the ground. He calmly stared ahead, his eyes cold and murderous. The dark night was clearly visible in his sunglasses. Although the visibility was not far away, it was enough to see the surrounding situation clearly. Now, the front is still safe. Luo Zheng raised his head slightly and looked further ahead. There was the target of the trip. It seemed quiet and without any movement.

Luo Zheng gave Lan Xue a signal, and Lan Xue rushed forward quietly. After advancing two hundred meters, he gave Luo Zheng a safety signal. Luo Zheng rushed forward again, like a ghost. Last time After the battle with the Snow Bear Brigade, Luo Zheng achieved a certain breakthrough in speed. After returning to rest and recuperate for a while, Luo Zheng found that his speed was a few points faster. Although it was not as good as Shadow, it was not much different.

While running, Luo Zheng could even feel the harsh sound caused by the speed of the wind buzzing in his ears. There was this sound when running before, but it was not harsh enough. Luo Zheng pushed forward about two hundred meters across the blue snow. He lurked on a hill, looking down at the front.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that in the gray night sky ahead, some infrared rays appeared on the quiet ground. They were infrared detectors. Although they were not very dense, they were distributed cross-wise. Rushing forward would definitely trigger the alarm, and he couldn't help but feel frightened. If you look closely, you will see that the infrared rays are spread over a wide area.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked in surprise from the headset.

"There is an infrared detector in front." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Hiss? Infrared detector, what a big deal. The Minister of Defense is not afraid of death. Can it pass?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice with a solemn face.

"With infrared rays, the enemy's defense is much more relaxed. This is also a good thing. Brothers, come up and move quickly." Luo Zheng calmly lowered his voice and said with a strong sense of confidence, a fighting spirit burst out from his body. Just like substance, piercing the night sky.

After a while, Lan Xue caught up with him, lurking next to Luo Zheng and watching the front with vigilance, lowering his voice and saying: "Fortunately, it's not very dense. It seems to be very widely distributed. It's possible that the entire manor can be surrounded and protected. We can only Step over carefully, but you don't know if there is an ambush ahead, it's too dark to see clearly."

"Yes, if there is a hidden sentry ahead, and we step over hastily, the target is too big and we will be discovered. I will go over first. If there is no problem, others will follow. The infrared distribution is not high, so we can step over. As long as we don't touch it, we will be fine. , brothers, be careful." Luo Zheng whispered.

"Yes." Guishou, Snow Leopard and others agreed in a low voice.

Luo Zheng glanced at the area where the infrared rays were distributed in front, and gave Lan Xue a look. Lan Xue nodded knowingly, and prepared to fight for Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng rose up and rushed forward, moving quickly, In the blink of an eye, I arrived at the infrared distribution area, crossed the first infrared ray with one jump, and landed silently, like a nimble civet cat, taking a vigilant look at the surroundings and then continued to touch forward.

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