The strongest soldier

Chapter 1578 Plane Landing

Special agents will not give up until the goal is achieved. They not only have a core plan, but also a backup plan and an emergency plan. Assassination on the plane is the core plan. Once the plan fails, the backup plan will definitely follow. If there is no manpower on the plane, it is best to The only chance is at the airport or on the way out of the airport, unless those people just now are not agents.

Luo Zheng carefully recalled the behavior of this group of people. It didn't look like the behavior of a killer. The possibility of being an agent was very high. Even if the killer would attack the international police, he would not attack Rambo? Unless someone pays for the murder, the question is who will pay for the murder of Rambo? If it were the government of a certain country, it would just send agents directly.

First, the blonde beauty was assassinated. After the failure, the man followed up the attack. After another failure, the bald man attacked the front station and launched a strong attack. The other two followed. Now it seems that the bald three are just a cover to attract the attention of the flight attendants. The real killing move He was a person in the first class cabin. If Rambo hadn't lowered his head, he would have been assassinated.

This kind of organized and planned action does look like the work of a killer, but Luo Zheng can't think of any person or organization who would pay to kill Rambo. You must know that Rambo has been arrested by the international police. There is no need to pay for the murder, and the government is even more incompetent. If you know how to buy murderers, just send agents directly.

Agents can also complete such planned attacks. In terms of style and techniques, they are very close to the KGB. Although the KGB is an intelligence agency, its predecessor was a special forces force that focused on strong attacks and uncompromising means. Therefore, the later KGB still retained this style. , if it was really the work of the KGB, Luo Zheng believed that they would still take action.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was looking forward to it for no reason. They had fought against the Snow Bear Special Operations Brigade of the Polar Bear Country, but they had not yet fought against the KGB, which was named after the Snow Bear. He hoped that they would not miss this time. If you make a big fuss, you might have a chance to get something out of the fire.

Lan Xue, who had already calmed down, also thought about this. She couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng, and found that Luo Zheng's face had softened a lot, and he looked like he was grasping the pearls of wisdom. He couldn't help but relax, and asked: "Do you have a plan?"

"No, but I have some ideas. It depends on how things develop next." Luo Zheng said softly.

"Yeah." Lan Xue also knew that this was not the time to discuss this on the plane, so she didn't ask again.

The two fell silent, each thinking about their own things. The passengers in the cabin gradually settled down and whispered about what had just happened. Some flight attendants came up to clean up, mopping up the blood on the floor, and some flight attendants pushed a dining cart for everyone. Pour water to ease everyone's nerves.

Time gradually passed, Luo Zheng felt that the plane began to descend, and the airflow became bumpy. After a while, a broadcast sounded, reminding everyone to return to their seats, fasten their seat belts, and turn off electronic devices. After the broadcast, the cabin returned to silence again, and Luo Zheng turned his weapon on. He put it away and gave Lan Xue a look. Lan Xue nodded knowingly, put away the weapon, and was ready to get off the plane.

Twenty minutes later, the plane landed at the Sam Capital International Airport. Luo Zheng looked out the window and saw many police cars coming outside. As if facing a formidable enemy, the airport runway was under martial law. His face changed slightly and he lowered his voice. Said: "I'm not sure if my identity has been exposed, so be careful."

"Understood." Lan Xue lowered her voice and agreed.

This is the border of Sam's country, and there are police all around. Once his identity is exposed, even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't get out and can only fight with all his strength. Luo Zheng is very aware of this situation, and his face becomes solemn. It doesn't matter if he dies, but he must not let anything happen to Lan Xue. , couldn't help but glance at Lan Xue with a complicated expression, and secretly made the final decision.

Little did they know that Lan Xue had made the final decision. The two of them were speechless. After the plane came to a complete stop, they took out their belongings from the luggage compartment. After waiting for a while, they queued up to get off the plane. The plane did not stop at the bridge, but it was about 30 meters away from the terminal. There was still some distance, so he had to walk after getting off the plane. When Luo Zheng came to the door of the cabin, he was surprised to find that all the passengers had been directed to a fixed area, surrounded by police.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue and followed the crowd off the plane. He saw the police around him watching the crowd eagerly, but did not come to arrest him, so he followed the crowd calmly and continued forward. Under the guidance of the police, he came to a place two meters away from the plane. In the area a hundred meters away, there were two shuttle buses parked next to them. Police officers were checking everyone's IDs. If there was nothing suspicious, they would let them get on the shuttle bus.

At this time, Lan Xue suddenly touched Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue in surprise and found that Lan Xue was looking in another direction. He couldn't help but look up and found that it was the cockpit of the plane. Someone was lifted out of the cockpit. , it was the bodies of the international police and the murderer. At this time, Lan Xue suddenly lowered his voice and said: "My dad is missing."

Luo Zheng had already noticed that Lan Bo was missing. He had been searching for him just now. Hearing Lan Xue's words, he smiled bitterly and said, "We can't help ourselves. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

There were police officers and armed men with live ammunition everywhere, watching the surroundings with eager eyes. If you jump out at this time, you will definitely be suspected. If you check again, your identity will be exposed. Luo Zheng gave Lan Xue a calm look. After that, he continued to search the surroundings, and soon found that several police cars had roared away, and he vaguely saw Rambo. When Luo Zheng took a closer look, the police had turned around and blocked his view.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's face darkened, his eyebrows furrowed, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Many people around him were calling, but the police did not interfere. The person who answered the phone was Lan Xing, who asked in surprise. : "Brother-in-law, are you here? Is everything okay?"

"As soon as we got off the plane, someone assassinated us. Uncle Lan was fine. He was just taken away by the local police. Two international police officers were killed. We immediately followed the convoy and coordinated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intervene in the matter to ensure Uncle Lan's safety. Uncle Lan suffered a little. Injured, but it doesn't matter, don't worry, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs use this as an excuse to say that Uncle Lan is a victim, Sam Country is unable to protect our citizens, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs knows better than me on how to do it." Luo Zheng whispered quickly.

"What, my dad is injured? These bastards, I know." Lan Xing was shocked and quickly agreed.

"My dad is injured?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"Well, it's just a scratch. It's a minor matter. I didn't want to worry you, so I couldn't tell you just now." Luo Zheng said apologetically.

"These bastards." Lan Xue's face turned cold and she said through gritted teeth.

Seeing that Lan Xue had controlled his emotions, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced around with a complicated expression and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, as long as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervenes, there will be no danger. What I'm worried about is that someone If you rob someone halfway, there may be many variables." As he said this, the tiger's eyes flashed with deep worry.

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