The strongest soldier

Chapter 1567 Counterattack

As an excellent spy, Hong Meihua has unique vision and rich experience. He not only smells the smell of conspiracy, but also thinks of various possibilities of the enemy. This ability is something Luo Zheng does not have. After listening to Hong Meihua’s reminder , Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and began to meditate. Red Plum Blossom did not disturb him and began to meditate quietly.

After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Since Sam's country has such a large subordinates, they will definitely pay close attention to our actions. Every move of everyone here may be under their surveillance. There are satellites above their heads. There are agents around, and as soon as we leave, they will know immediately that this matter has become interesting." At this point, Luo Zheng sneered.

"Yeah, there are two ways. First, arrest all the agents around you. Second, pretend you don't know anything and just do whatever you have to do. When the international police come, hand them over as if we don't care about this matter. , only sue through the International Court of Justice and use legal means to rescue Uncle Lan. Of course, this possibility is not high, it is just a waste of time. Sam Country will definitely not lose the case if it makes such a big move. Which one do you choose?" Hong Meihua said with a smile. .

"The second one is not advisable. The first one is too high-profile, but it needs a name." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Isn't it simple in name? Some time ago, instead of beating up bald men, we used the excuse of maintaining law and order in this city to conduct a comprehensive rectification. The public security and national security took the lead, and our people were responsible for arrests. I am good at this kind of thing, I Just come and take overall command." Hong Meihua said nonchalantly.

"Okay, knock on the mountain and shake the tiger. That's it. I won't participate. I'll plan a counterattack in the past few days. Thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng's face changed and he said seriously.

"Okay, that's it. Although all we caught are small fish and shrimps, at least tell Sam that there will be a price to pay for doing this. They are ruthless and we can't be merciful. I will make arrangements right away. Two days is enough Now, the international police should arrive in two days, just in time to give them a shock." Hong Meihua said seriously with a serious look on her face.

"Okay." Luo Zheng thought for a moment and then decisively agreed.

After finalizing the counterattack, Luo Zheng returned to his room, put up the do not disturb sign, and hid in the room to think about countermeasures alone.

Hongmeihua waited for Luo Zheng to leave, and immediately called Wu Jin, the head of the Secret Service Bureau of the direct management department, and explained the situation and countermeasures carefully. Wu Jin thought for a moment before agreeing, and contacted the relevant departments.

That night, the island city launched a social security rectification campaign. The campaign came very suddenly. All of a sudden, the local city bureau received the order an hour before the operation. The order was very strict, strictly confidential, and no one was allowed to do anything. Anyone who reveals the truth will never be vague.

The severity above was not only reflected in the orders, but also in specific measures. A regiment of the army and an armed police force intervened and put on police uniforms to participate in the operation. The local police were excluded from the operation. Except for a few high-level officials, the others Without any knowledge, the whole city was cordoned off and investigated one by one. The local national security was familiar with the situation and acted as a guide.

Hong Meihua was in charge of the city bureau, and news kept coming. Once a suspicious person was found, he would be arrested immediately. If there was fierce resistance, people from the Fourth Squadron would be called in. This activity lasted for one night, and the harvest was very great. Not only did he arrest There are many wanted criminals on the run, as well as some suspicious characters. The identities of these people need to be further identified, but this cannot stop Blue Star.

At dawn, they went to the Red Plum Blossom Club Hotel to rest, leaving Guishou and his team members to assist Blue Star in interrogating the suspects. After a morning, they actually identified three Sam Country agents. These three people were ordered to monitor everyone in the hotel. All situations should be reported at any time. The reporting method is very firm and has only one email address.

Blue Star traced the mailbox and found that the mailbox had been deleted without leaving any traces, indicating that the opponent was alert. After interrogation, the three people knew very little. They could only be regarded as peripheral intelligence collectors and could not be put on the stage. However, such people are very rare. Hong Meihua was so angry at the bad thing that she could only catch three small fish and shrimps despite all her efforts. In desperation, she had to hand them over to the National Security Bureau for processing.

No matter what the result is, it can be regarded as a shock. Without these people watching, everyone's actions will be much simpler. Hong Meihua gave an order, and everyone went in and out. If there is any need, let the hotel staff do it for them, so that the enemy can't do it. Find out if everyone is still in the hotel and create pressure on the enemy.

Luo Zheng also used this day to come up with many plans, but due to too many variables, he could only use them as alternatives and not finalize them. Two days later, the international police arrived and completed the relevant procedures. Lan Xue immediately recognized him as a family member. Rambo was seriously ill and asked to postpone the selection for a few days.

The international police did not give Lan Xue any chance and immediately brought an internationally renowned doctor over. In front of the experts, pretending to be sick would not work at all. Lan Xue was angry and gritted her teeth with hatred. She found Luo Zheng and explained the situation to Luo Zheng. Zheng was still thinking about countermeasures in the guest room. When he heard this situation, he became angry and immediately asked: "How many international police have come? Where do they live?"

"Two people came here, both Caucasian. They stayed at the Island Hotel with the doctor. The doctor is very famous internationally and is fair. As soon as he makes a diagnosis, he will definitely not be able to hide it. It seems that the enemy has been on guard for a long time. What will happen if they come here tomorrow?" Lan Xue said angrily.

"This kind of prestigious doctor is very busy every day and must make an appointment for anything. He is always on call, so he is naturally prepared. As for justice, only God knows. However, this kind of thing is not difficult. Didn't we catch a lot of local snakes?" Luo Zheng sneered.

"Well, what are your plans?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"Our deployment is not in place yet, it will take time, but the enemy's deployment is already in place. We must break the enemy's rhythm. Therefore, we must delay as much time as possible, let's do this." Luo Zheng said seriously, his eyes sparkling with wisdom. Guang Guang looked at Lan Xue and warned: "Let the local snake take action."

"What do you mean?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"The local snakes have their own methods. Although they are invisible, sometimes they work." Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile when he said this. Seeing Lan Xue's urging expression, he quickly explained: "It's very simple. Let the local snakes arrange a few women." They are familiar with this kind of thing, and then arrange for the local police to come and arrest them.”

"Framed?" Lan Xue said in surprise.

"Don't say it so harshly. Extraordinary means are used in extraordinary times. As long as the charges are confirmed, there is no problem in detaining them for a week. This kind of thing is not easy to handle. The international police must be prepared, but local snakes are very good at this. As long as they Once the matter is done, let him go. I believe they will handle it very carefully. This is called the way of snakes and rats. If we don't know how to do it, the snakes will be able to do it." Luo Zheng explained.

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