The strongest soldier

Chapter 1530 Three Steps to Kill

The sun at noon was very hot, and the woods were like a huge steamer. Cicadas were chirping impatiently, and the animals that had been noisy all morning retreated into their nests and hid. The woods became quiet, with only the wind rustling the leaves. The sound seemed to be cursing the weather impatiently. The team hiding in the woods was sweating and soaked. Many people opened their clothes to dissipate heat and lay on the ground casually, sleeping.

Luo Zheng also sat in the shade of a tree, closed his eyes and rested his mind, marching continuously. Luo Zheng's physical strength was also consumed a lot. He took advantage of the opportunity to recover before the war came. Guishou sat next to him, but he didn't sleep. He was worried, and the medical team rescued him. After they came out, Madeira's people were also rescued, except that his fiancée was missing. This result made Gui Shou very uneasy, but in order not to put pressure on Luo Zheng, Gui Shou did not show it and suffered it silently in his heart.

The next battle is of great importance. If he wins, Hariri's strength will be damaged. Not only will Bar take advantage, but other surrounding tribes will also be eyeing the fat man. If the wall falls, everyone will push him. If he loses, Hariri will be powerful in all directions. There is no If someone dares to help him again, it will become more difficult to find and rescue his fiancée.

Guishou was looking forward to the next battle, but he had no reason to be afraid of the next one. There was still an hour before the battle started. Luo Zheng did not announce the tactical arrangements, but closed his eyes to rest. This made Guishou even more worried. I wasn't sure, but I still couldn't bear to ask, for fear of disturbing Luo Zheng's rest.

Time passed minute by second, Guishou became confused with concern and became more and more anxious. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already the appointed time. Luo Zheng hadn't woken up yet. Guishou couldn't help but touch Luo Zheng's arm. He asked softly in Chinese Mandarin: "Brother, the time is almost up. Please explain to me how this battle will be fought. I am very anxious and uneasy."

"Lead the enemy into a urn, surround them with one missing, intercept them layer by layer, and kill them with three moves." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Guishou's eyes lit up and he quickly asked.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but gave Guishou a look, stood up, and called Baal who was also closing his eyes to rest not far away. Guishou woke up Madeira knowingly, and the two of them quickly followed. Everyone Arriving at a commanding height on the hill, Luo Zheng pointed to a valley opposite and said: "That valley looks like Death Valley. The entrance to the valley is a canyon. The canyon is about two kilometers long and the entrance is relatively narrow. Do you think it is right? ?”

Everyone was startled, looking far away, and nodded in agreement. Barr asked in surprise: "Is there going to be a fight? What is your specific plan? How sure are you?"

"Yes, this battle must be fought, and you must show your prestige. Try to eat up Hariri's troops in one bite and deter other tribes. I am 70% sure to eat them all and 80% sure to defeat them. It depends on your cooperation. The intensity is too high." Luo Zheng looked at Baal and said solemnly.

"No problem, as long as I can win, I will resolutely follow your arrangements." Barr said seriously, and the profound lesson made Barr wiser.

"With your words, I feel relieved, and the chance of winning can be increased by 10%." Luo Zheng smiled after hearing this.

"Great, tell me your plan." Barr asked quickly, his ears pricked up.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "My plan is divided into three steps. The first step is to lure the enemy into the urn. The enemy knows that we have nearly a hundred people, but does not know that we have nearly a thousand people. All we need to do is to lure the enemy into the canyon." Arrange a hundred or so men in strategic positions to assist our men in retreating, and fight resolutely enough to make the enemy think we only have these one hundred men, and we have succeeded."

"What about the second step?" Barr asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, the enemy has seven or eight hundred people. Their combat effectiveness is not bad. If you want to win completely, the first step is very important. The key point is to confuse the enemy and make them think that we only have a hundred or so people. Therefore, we need to arrange an elite force. Go, fight resolutely and fiercely." Luo Zheng looked at Barr and said solemnly.

Barr's face became solemn, and he began to think seriously. After a while, he let out a long breath, and as if he had made some kind of decision, he said firmly: "No problem, pull up my guards, all of them are the best." An elite warrior who can do the job.”

"That's good." What Luo Zheng wanted was Barr's determination to sink the boat. He was determined and continued seriously: "The second step is to surround three and one missing, and lead the enemy into the valley to fight. The valley is the Valley of Death. As long as Guard the entrance position. You can't get in or out. It's surrounded by towering mountains and it's not easy to climb up. The terrain is very favorable to us. The key to this step is to make the enemy feel at ease and pursue the crazy pursuit. No second unit can appear, so we can only rely on blocking. The troops themselves."

"No problem, I understand." Barr replied seriously.

The battlefield is cruel. Either you die or I die. For the final victory of this battle, it is inevitable to sacrifice a small number of people. Luo Zheng saw that Barr's face was firm and he was obviously ready to sacrifice. He felt relieved and said seriously: "Exchange a small loss for a large gain. This is the law of the battlefield. There is no immortal in a war. You can see this Just click.”

"I'm fine, tell me about the specific plan for the second step." Barr asked seriously.

"The key point of the second step is the deployment of troops. The enemy has many troops and cannot be eaten all at once. We leave the direction of the canyon for them to run and give them a way to survive. In this way, their will to resist will not be so strong. This It is very beneficial to us." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Wait a minute." Barr interrupted: "If the enemy takes the opportunity to run away, wouldn't it be in vain?"

"No, there are a hundred people ambushed on each side of the valley. It's not very big there. If there are too many troops, they won't be able to deploy. One hundred people on one side are more than enough. Once the gunshots are fired, the enemy will definitely realize that they are ambushed and will retreat. The next step is This is the third step I want to talk about." Luo Zheng said with confidence.

"What is it?" Barr quickly asked.

"Interception and killing, 300 people were deployed in the valley, and the remaining 700 or so people were divided into three groups to ambush on both sides of the canyon in advance to seize the steep terrain. When the enemy rushed out along the canyon, they suddenly attacked and caught them off guard. Do not pursue them. , let them continue running. The ambush in the valley plus three ambushes along the canyon will definitely kill more than half of their troops. The enemy will flee in panic. When they rush out of the three ambush points, the people who are ambushing in the valley will have enough time to go back to the front and block them. In the canyon, the other three ambushes will catch up and be dealt with at once." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent, a strong sense of confidence bursting out of his body.

Barr was infected by this confidence, waved his clenched fists, and shouted excitedly: "Okay, let's do it."

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