The strongest soldier

Chapter 1525 Temporarily retreating the enemy

"Bang bang bang!" Luo Zheng quickly pulled the trigger and shot an exposed enemy. His expression was stern and murderous, but his heart was tightly clenched and full of worry. The enemy's fighting will was beyond imagination. A completely lifeless fighting style. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. It won't take long for them to get close. In the face of the absolute firepower and numbers, their side will definitely not be able to stop them.

Guishou and Madera were at the front of the mountain, relying on the boulder to fight back fiercely. They also looked worried. They stared sharply ahead and fought back fiercely. Their cold eyes were like cold stars nine days away, so bright that they would attack the enemy who was coming up. Shot to the ground.

However, more enemies rushed up, especially the enemies who were outflanking from both sides. They were no more than fifty meters apart, and the outlines of people were clearly visible. Barr's people were throwing grenades violently at these people, and the frontal enemies almost relied on ghosts. Shou and Madeira suppressed him. If Luo Zheng's precise shots hadn't relieved the frontal pressure, the enemy might have already rushed forward.

Luo Zheng emptied the magazine, and while he was replacing the bullets, he quickly glanced at the battlefield with cold eyes. Seeing that both sides were also in danger, his face changed drastically, his eyebrows furrowed, he loaded the bullet angrily, and aimed at it. But he was surprised to find that the enemy suddenly began to retreat, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The enemy was sure of victory and was about to attack. Why did he suddenly retreat? Luo Zheng was suspicious, but he didn't think too much. Instead, he seized the opportunity and roared: "Baal, hit him hard."

"Understood." Barr agreed loudly and knowingly, and shouted several times in dialect to the people around him. These people jumped out of the bunker one after another and started shooting fiercely at the retreating enemies. They no longer hid, but screamed strangely.

Luo Zheng quickly raised his sniper scope to look at the past in surprise, only to find a group of people gathered together. One of them was running wildly with the body of another on his back. He couldn't help but be surprised. After careful observation, he found that the body was that of an acquaintance whom he had just sniped. According to the past Judging from their combat experience, these people did not care about their dead companions at all. Why did they have to grab this body to evacuate? Could it be that the identity of the other party was beyond their imagination?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became even more confused. Would these people who fought like madmen give up the victory they were about to win just for the death of one person? The answer is no, unless the identity of this person is very important. However, this is a good thing. Luo Zheng quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and shouted: "After chasing for thirty meters, return, kill!" He rushed forward.

The evacuating enemy turned on the flashlight, and the target was obvious. Everyone was happily killing. Baal heard Luo Zheng's order, thought about it, and conveyed it to everyone. When the others heard it, they all looked at Luo Zheng in confusion. Wouldn't it be better to hide behind a boulder and shoot? But seeing that Luo Zheng had already charged forward, he was not to be outdone. He roared and rushed forward, while shooting fiercely at the enemy.

The enemy did not expect that Luo Zheng would choose to countercharge, so they panicked and started running faster. However, the pursuers were faster. After the distance between the two parties was closer, they could see more clearly and their shooting accuracy improved a few times. The enemy's casualties quickly increased.

At this moment, Barr suddenly understood why Luo Zheng was pursuing him. Hiding behind a boulder can certainly protect him, but the visibility is not enough and he can't see far. He wastes bullets by shooting blindly. It's different if he rushes up. Not only can he create panic for the enemy, but he can also Being able to shorten the distance and improve the accuracy of shooting, I couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng with admiration, only to find that Luo Zheng was leading the way and rushing forward, like a killing god.

"Kill!" Barr was infected, roared angrily, and accelerated his pursuit.

With Luo Zheng's demonstration and Baal's order, the others pursued even more fiercely. They almost chased them up to about thirty meters in one breath, shooting many enemies to the ground. At this time, the enemies also reacted, leaving behind The next group stopped to fight back, but were frustrated to find that the pursuers had withdrawn.

It only takes a few seconds to run thirty meters at high speed. These few seconds are just the time for the enemy to make a decision to counterattack. Without waiting for the enemy to counterattack, Luo Zheng ordered the troops to retreat without hesitation. His timing was very precise, and everyone was a little dissatisfied. What a great opportunity for a kill? However, Barr trusted Luo Zheng a little more and still issued the order to retreat. Some of the unconvinced people who fell behind the team were knocked to the ground by the enemy's counterattack. The others quickly accelerated their retreat and responded to Luo Zheng's attack. The order was filled with admiration.

Invisibly, Luo Zheng's influence increased a bit in the team, but Luo Zheng, who retreated to his position, did not know this. Instead, he quickly set up a sniper rifle and fought back, while roaring: "Quick, cover."

"Ta-ta-ta, puff, puff, puff!" The sound of shooting, bursting, and bullets from all kinds of weapons rang out, and the firelight kept flashing in the night. It was extremely terrifying. The bullets hit the boulder, and sparks flew everywhere, like the smiling face of the God of Death. It was extremely weird in the night.

After a while, everyone withdrew. When the enemy saw that there were no more pursuers, they turned around and ran away. Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly, and then looked at Barr. Several people did not obey the order and did not retreat resolutely enough. As a result, they were shot randomly. If he were beaten to death, Luo Zheng would definitely curse him.

Baal smiled awkwardly, not daring to look at Luo Zheng's eyes. Just now, he relied on the boulder to defend and there was no damage. In the end, several people died while pursuing the victory. This result made Baal very distressed, but the troops were not trained enough and there was no way.

It was not easy for Luo Zheng to scold Baal for this kind of thing. After all, he was not one of his own, it was just a cooperative relationship between us. He sighed secretly, looked ahead with a worried look and continued: "There should be nearly a hundred people who attacked just now, but the total enemy strength is only five hundred There are still 400 people on the left and right. The next attack may be very violent. Our strength has been discovered by the enemy, and I am afraid we cannot stop it."

"Yes, what suggestions do you have?" Barr also knew the situation at hand and said helplessly.

"Leave the prisoners with the enemy. They are all seriously wounded soldiers. They can't move fast. Carrying them is a drag. The enemy needs to leave some people to take care of the wounded. Then there won't be many troops to pursue us. This may not be a good thing, what do you think?" " Luo Zheng suggested tentatively.

The captives will all be good slaves in the future, so it would be a pity to give up like this, but Barr is also aware of the situation at hand. If he insists on this benefit, he will be involved in it. People who value profit take themselves very seriously. Barr quickly made a decision. He said with some regret: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Order everyone to retreat immediately and bring more weapons and ammunition." Luo Zheng shouted coldly. If the enemy retreats temporarily, they will launch a more violent counterattack at any time. If they don't take the opportunity to escape, I'm afraid they won't be able to escape. Just thinking about Hariri's people The crazy pursuit that followed gave Luo Zheng a headache and his eyebrows furrowed.

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