The strongest soldier

Chapter 1506 Internal Conflict

The heavy rain is pouring down, tirelessly, as if it wants to wash away the injustice in the world. In the dark woods, the tall and dense trees cannot withstand the blow of the heavy rain. The branches slump and fall, and many leaves also fall. Along with the rain, It flowed down the mountain and into the canyon, making a gurgling sound.

In a dark forest, it was difficult to see his fingers. He relied on a flashlight for illumination. The weak light could not be found very far. Luo Zheng wiped the rain off his face, but soon his eyes were squinted by the rain again, and he felt solemn. Incomparably, if the people present were all his comrades, there would be no need to worry about survival on a rainy night, but they were all ordinary doctors without formal training, old or young, and there was no way they could survive in such an environment.

"We can't leave anymore." Guishou came to Luo Zheng and said in a low voice.

How could Luo Zheng not know this? He smiled bitterly and whispered: "Yes, but the enemy will pounce at any time, so we have to be on guard. You go back along the way you came. Be careful at the two-kilometer line." Two kilometers is the limit of what the headset can do. The received distance range, no matter how far away it is, it will be difficult to receive signals and communicate with each other.

"Understood." Guishou promised in a low voice, turned around and returned with a flashlight.

"What should we do next?" A doctor came over, looked at Luo Zheng and said, it was the one he met in the cave before. He looked at Luo Zheng with a surprised look on his face and continued: "This rescue is here for you. how many people?"

"It's just the three of us, is there any problem?" Luo Zheng looked at the other party and asked.

"There must be a problem. It's impossible to continue on our way in our current condition, and there are only three of you. It's not easy to escape from the enemy's pursuit. What can we do?" the other party said seriously, and the other doctors were also slow. They slowly gathered around and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, wondering why only three people came to rescue him.

"Everyone who can move, move. We need to build a shelter to take shelter from the rain. We will spend the night here." Luo Zheng looked at everyone calmly and said, wiped the rain from his face, pulled out his saber, and looked at Madera continued: "Help, we need to get a simple rain shelter."

"Understood." Madera said knowingly, and also drew his saber.

The conditions were not enough, so he had to build a simple rain shelter to avoid it. Luo Zheng used a flashlight to shine around and selected four trees. After looking at them, he cut down the fist-sized trunks, removed the branches and made beams across the four trees. The tree vines were tied up, and some branches were cut across the beams to form a grid. The cut branches were placed on the grid. Everyone helped to get more branches to pile on top, and then found some broad leaves to lay a layer. Use branches to hold it down.

In about an hour, a simple awning was built. Everyone gathered under the awning. The rainwater hit it and fell down along the broad-leaf branches. Although there was still rainwater seeping down, it was much better than being directly under the heavy rain. Everyone was soaked, there was no fire, and they were shivering from the cold. The men were better, they just took off their clothes, but the women were a little embarrassed and could only wear wet clothes and huddle together to keep each other warm.

Luo Zheng glanced at several female doctors with his flashlight and found that their faces were a little pale. He frowned and said, "Be careful about catching a cold. Have you brought any cold medicine? Take some if you have any, as a precaution."

"Taking cold medicine is not good for your health and will reduce your body's resistance and immunity." A female doctor said.

"Really?" Luo Zheng looked at the other party with some dissatisfaction and asked coldly. Seeing that the other party was silent, he looked at the others and asked: "Who is the leader of the team?"

"I am Zhang Hao, what can I do?" The doctor he met in the cave said quickly.

"Doctor Zhang, please tell everyone, if you want to survive, just follow my rules. It's best to throw away your set of rules, theories and common sense. I don't want to explain one by one, and I don't have time to explain. This is wartime. If someone doesn't Obey, or even go against me, I can't guarantee the safety of rescuing everyone." Luo Zheng said with some dissatisfaction, if the team command cannot reach an agreement, there is no way to lead everyone to evacuate safely.

"This? You are soldiers, and it is your duty to protect our safety." Zhang Hao said with some dissatisfaction.

"The duty is correct. It is the mission of our soldiers to rescue you, but I will not follow you to die. If you have the ability to go back safely by yourself, I don't mind listening to you. If not, then listen to me. Remember, I will not repeat my words a second time." Luo Zheng said with a cold voice as he looked at Zhang Hao.

Perhaps because he was not used to the military's behavior, all the doctors around him became dissatisfied and did not want to accept Luo Zheng's strong attitude. Luo Zheng's face became more solemn. He glanced at everyone with his flashlight and saw everyone's expressions. He was also angry. , snorted coldly and said, "What, you don't accept it?"

"Take it, take it." The man who claimed to be a military doctor came out and said quickly to smooth things over. He looked at everyone, his eyes fell on Zhang Hao and continued: "Everyone, we are doctors, doctors save people, they are soldiers, soldiers They are killing people. Everyone knows the situation in front of us. Without killing people, it is not enough to save people, and our area of ​​expertise is saving people. Therefore, we should listen to the words of people who are good at it. Only with a high degree of consistency in orders and commands can everyone survive. Go back, don’t you want to go back?”

"There are only three of us, and one is a foreigner. Can we go back alive?" A young female doctor said worriedly, looking at the military doctor with a pale face.

"Whether he can go back alive is not up to him, but to us. The key is whether we want to go back? If we want to, then listen to him. I am a soldier, and I understand his feelings. In order for us to survive, the two of them returned to the enemy camp to fight. We evacuate to gain time. Such people cannot be trusted. Who else can be trusted?" the military doctor said quickly.

Perhaps it was because the military doctor was familiar with everyone, so what he said was more acceptable to everyone. Luo Zheng glanced at the military doctor and realized that his attitude just now was a bit extreme, but when he thought of Guishou and the uncertainty about whether Guishou's fiancée was alive or dead, his mood changed. Not getting better, he looked solemnly and thought about ways to escape.

The military doctor glanced at Luo Zheng and continued to smooth things over and said: "Taking cold medicine is for everyone's benefit. Taking one or two pills will not kill someone, but if you don't take it, someone will definitely die. We are doctors and know this truth better than them. He knows it." I can see it, why can’t everyone else? Think about it, it’s not far from the safe zone. It’s easy to catch a cold during a heavy rain. Viruses and bacteria breed in the forest after a heavy rain. It’s easy to get a viral infection after a cold. Who of you will be sure then? Can you survive it? Isn't it just a cold medicine? As for why everyone is so opposed? Have you forgotten who risked his life to save everyone?" After saying this, the military doctor was also a little dissatisfied.

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