The strongest soldier

Chapter 1503 Withdrawing from the Cave

The heavy rain continued to fall, the wind was howling, and the wilderness seemed to have entered a world of rain. It was difficult to see your fingers. Only the dim lights of the enemy camp were still flickering, adding a bit of life to this dark rainy night, but there was no way. Illuminating the way forward for the medical team who rushed out of the cave, everyone walked forward in the dark for a while. Suddenly they saw that the dim lights were extinguished. They were startled and looked up at Luo Zheng who was leading the way. Unfortunately, they couldn't see anything. Not seen, only Luo Zheng's urging everyone to follow closely was heard.

"Puff puff!" Suddenly, intensive gunshots rang out in the cave. Everyone turned around in horror, only to find that the surroundings were completely dark and nothing could be seen at all.

Luo Zheng knew that the ghost hand had destroyed the diesel generator, and the wounded soldiers in the cave were already alert, so he had to shoot to stop it. The ghost hand was guarding the entrance of the cave, and it was impossible for the enemy to chase him out, but he did not dare to stay and quickly lowered his voice. He shouted: "Follow closely, speed up, don't leave anyone behind."

"Everyone, please follow closely." Those who heard Luo Zheng's warning passed on the order one after another.

On a dark rainy night, everyone held hands with solemn expressions. No one dared to fall behind, and no one panicked. It had been three years, and we finally had a chance to escape. No one was willing to give up. They were all following closely. Someone accidentally fell. When it fell, the people in front and behind immediately helped to pull it up, and everyone continued to move forward, encouraging and cheering each other up.

The gunfire stopped quickly. It was dark all around and nothing could be seen. The enemies didn't know what was going on. They were all hiding in the tents and did not dare to come out. The patrol ran towards the cave with flashlights, and just in time the enemy retreated. After leaving the cave, he saw the patrol coming and knew that he would be exposed. He turned his head towards the retreat direction of Luo Zheng and others with a cold face. He felt heartbroken and lay down on the spot, shooting at the patrol that rushed up.

The patrol team used flashlights, and the target was very clear. They were no more than ten meters apart. This was not difficult for Guishou. Most of them were knocked down in one go. The remaining others hid on the spot, turned off the flashlights, and had no target. The ghost's hand remained still, waiting patiently to buy time for Luo Zheng and others.

After a few minutes, other enemies also reacted. Some people rushed towards the cave with flashlights. Guishou snorted coldly, picked up the rifle he grabbed and fired at them. The terrain on the top of the cave was higher. The enemy rushed towards them as a feint attack and counterattacked. It was difficult for the bullets to hit Gui Shou, but Gui Shou's accurate shooting skills knocked down several of them.

Luo Zheng, who had already evacuated some distance, saw this scene and immediately understood Guishou's intention to attract the enemy and cover everyone's evacuation. He did not object and urged: "Hurry up and follow, Guishou, hold on for five minutes and hold off the enemy. Madeira, open fire and beat these bastards hard."

"Yes." Ghost Hand and Madera responded murderously.

With Luo Zheng's order, Guishou stayed behind to stop him with more confidence. He quickly emptied a magazine, threw the gun away, picked up another gun from his back and continued to aim at the charging enemies and shoot as much as possible. In order to save bullets, the enemy had to extinguish the flashlight in order to avoid being exposed. Without light, it would be difficult to walk on this rainy night, and it would be difficult to attack for a while.

Another Madeira was also shot. The sniper rifle had an infrared aiming function. On this rainy night, it was enough to be able to vaguely distinguish the outline of the enemy. Madeira aimed at the target's body and fired, regardless of whether it hit the target or not. If not, try to create panic for the enemy as much as possible.

In the dark rainy night, people kept being hit by sniper rifles. The enemies were suppressed and lay down one after another, not daring to move. The ghost hand quickly emptied the magazine. Seeing that the enemy did not catch up, he glanced at Luo Zheng and others and left. direction, he got up and quickly chased after him, as if a ghost was stalking in the night, and the sound of his footsteps was covered by the sound of heavy rain and wind.

The enemies were lying tightly on the ground or hiding in tents. It was too dark and there was heavy rain. The visibility was no more than two meters. It was impossible to see that the ghost hands had evacuated. After waiting for a few minutes, some enemies got up and turned on their flashlights to try. After chasing him, not long after, a sniper bullet whizzed over and penetrated the opponent's body.

The dark night gives people fear, and the deterrent effect of sniper rifles in the dark night is even more terrifying. The enemies lie down one after another, not daring to move. Luo Zheng and his men rushed out of the enemy camp and walked towards the mountains while shouting through the headset : "Madeira, indicating bearing and distance."

In this dark rainy night, Luo Zheng could not march. Worried about getting lost, he had to contact Madera. After hearing Luo Zheng's order, Madeira quickly found Luo Zheng through the sniper scope and reminded: "Go left Thirty degrees offset, two hundred meters away, you are almost at my position."

When Luo Zheng heard this, he was overjoyed. He adjusted his marching route according to Madeira's instructions and walked forward in the dark. After a while, the team met Madeira. Luo Zheng saw that the ghost hand had not arrived yet, so he quickly said through the headset: "Brother , report location, can you see us?”

"No, I don't know where it is. It should be not far from you. It's too dark to see." Ghost Hand said, his voice calm, without any panic.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, turned on the flashlight and said, "Follow the light to find them. We must evacuate as soon as possible."

The light can not only provide direction for Ghost Hand, but also reveal everyone's position. Luo Zheng is unwilling to do this unless he has to, so he takes everyone away quietly. The enemy doesn't know where to evacuate. That's great, but Luo Zheng can't leave him behind. Guishou is here alone.

With the light, Guishou quickly found Luo Zheng's position and rushed over. From time to time, he looked back at the enemy camp and found that the enemy was also starting to follow the light. His face changed drastically and he simply turned on his flashlight. It has been exposed, and seizing time is the right way to go.

After a while, Guishou rushed up and shouted excitedly: "Yu Xin, Yu Xin, where are you?" There was endless joy and guilt in his voice. Seeing that no one answered, his face sank and he was stunned.

"We'll talk about it later, and retreat quickly." Luo Zheng looked at Guishou and said.

"What happened? I must know now." Guishou vaguely felt that the situation was not good, but Luo Zheng knew the truth and hurriedly asked, his expression as cold as frost, and a strong killing feeling erupted all over his body.

"Brother, listen to me, don't get excited. A week ago, Yu Xin and a doctor named Zhong Hai were taken by Hariri to treat people. They haven't returned yet. If you have clues, it will be fine. You have survived it for three years. In the next few days, the top priority is to escort everyone away." Luo Zheng grabbed the arms of Guishou who was about to go berserk, his face became solemn, he stared at Guishou seriously and shouted loudly.

"What?" When Guishou heard this, he was furious, and his murderous aura soared into the sky.

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