The strongest soldier

Chapter 1492 Continue to attack

After killing four enemies in a row, Luo Zheng's morale was like a rainbow, and his murderous aura soared into the sky, like a sword unsheathed. His whole body exuded a cold momentum, and his eyes were coldly locked on the other two enemies, like an arrogant tiger. When he saw two The enemy was in a panic, retreating with surprise on his face. He lost his fighting spirit and even forgot to shoot. Luo Zheng snorted coldly, held his saber back, kicked his foot hard, and launched another attack.

"Pfft!" The saber came out of his hand, and like lightning it penetrated into an enemy's heart, up to the hilt. The power was evident, and a blood arrow spattered, but Luo Zheng didn't even look at it, and pounced on the other enemy like a tiger descending a mountain. An enemy raised his gun in panic. Luo Zheng reached out with his big hand and grabbed the opponent's gun first. His other hand seemed like a giant python attacking, biting the opponent's throat with lightning speed, pinched hard with his fingers, and twisted. , directly pinched the opponent's neck, and the opponent's head tilted, lifeless.

At this time, Gui Shou and Madera rushed up and saw corpses all over the ground. Only the enemy who was knocked unconscious by Luo Zheng with his pistol just woke up. Gui Shou was keenly aware of it. Gui Shou stepped forward with a lunge. In front of him, he flew up with a kick and directly kicked the opponent's head and neck out of position, making it impossible for him to survive.

"All gone?" Madeira shouted with disbelief.

"You came late, and I only picked up a fish that slipped through the net." Guishou chuckled, admiring Luo Zheng's fighting prowess, and said with joy: "Brother, why do I feel that your fighting ability has improved again? A lot? Was it stimulated last time?"

"Who knows? Maybe." Luo Zheng said with a noncommittal smile. He also felt that his fighting skills and speed had improved significantly. Just now, when he rushed towards the enemy's bullets, if it had been before, he would have definitely been hit, but this time But he rushed forward without any danger. He couldn't do this without speed.

"What to do next?" Madeira said quickly.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but looked around, and soon discovered that there was indeed a cave in front of him. It was about two kilometers along the mountain ridge. Can't you see that it looked like a crack in the ground? I couldn't help but become confused, I raised the sniper scope and continued to observe. There was indeed a tree next to the cave. The soil in the surrounding mountains had changed. The ground was covered with short grass, which had turned yellow.

"It doesn't look like a crack in the ground?" Guishou whispered in surprise.

"Maybe the angle is different. The satellite looks like a crack in the ground from above. From here we can only see the entrance of the cave, not the back. But the top of the cave looks very peaceful. The possibility of a crack in the ground is not small. Look at the side, there is a big crack. A canyon, this canyon is more like a rift valley formed by plate movement. Although it is not very big, it is not small either. This cave should be a natural cave formed by being involved, just like a tributary of a river." Madeira explained.

Luo Zheng looked at the rift valley below the cave. It was about 500 meters wide and bottomless. It spread toward the front. He didn't know how far it was. The cave was on the cliff of the rift valley, but it could be passed directly from the mountain ridge. Around the cave Many fortifications have been built and are being patrolled vigilantly.

"Hasn't it been discovered?" Guishou looked at this scene in surprise and said.

"It's hard to say. Maybe they found it, but there was no order from above to stay still." Luo Zheng whispered, while continuing to observe the cave, he found that the mountains above the cave were covered with bushes, and a big tree next to it was particularly eye-catching. Luo Zheng moved the sniper scope Going down, I found that there is indeed a river in the rift valley below, winding along the cliff. It is only about five meters wide. You really can't find it if you don't pay attention under the 500-meter-wide rift valley. It is about 20 meters away from the cave. , there is a winding stone staircase connecting it, and it can be seen that the people in the cave live by drawing water from the river.

"This place is about five hundred meters away from the cave. The only road is the mountain ridge. It is definitely not possible to force it through. If the enemy has heard the gunshots here, it will be a living target. I propose to go around and go back from the back of the cave after dark. , what do you think?" Guishou looked at the cave in front with a complicated expression and said, his fiancée may be in the cave, but you can't rush up to look for her, and you are filled with grief and anger.

Luo Zheng did not answer, but continued to observe the enemy's situation. He visually inspected the cave and found that although the cave was irregular, it was no less than ten meters wide and more than four meters high. He could not see clearly inside, as if he had turned a corner. As soon as he moved, he asked through the headset with a cold face: "Blue Star, from this angle we can only see the entrance of the cave and cannot see the landform features. Please confirm whether the target is accurate."

"It's right there. You can see the characteristics of ground cracks through satellites. You can't see it. It must be a problem with the angle. Also, the ground cracks are bottomless and dark below. It looks like there are green plants. They are about one kilometer long. Maybe the cracks in the ground are There is a cave below. You have to go down to see this in person, but there are many enemies. Do you want reinforcements to come?" Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset.

"It's too late. We should have been exposed. The enemy will have two choices. First, strengthen the search and defense around us. We cannot hide and must evacuate. It will not be easy to attack again in the future. Second, the enemy will immediately transfer the medical team. , let’s wait until the enemy makes a decision.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Then what are your plans next?" Hong Meihua asked in surprise.

"We are very determined, kill, kill and injure as many enemies as possible, and give the enemy the illusion that we are people hired by one of Hariri's sworn enemies. The more enemies we kill, the more nervous the enemy will be. Once the news spreads, I believe Many tribal armed forces around will come to annex Hariri and take advantage of him." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What a good idea. Attack the enemy fiercely and give the enemy an illusion. Under the fierce attack, the enemy will never think that you are there to save people. You will not do this to save people. It will weaken Hariri's power. I believe many surrounding tribes are eager to annex Hariri. I think you can develop yourself, but can you three do it?" Hong Meihua said worriedly.

"You won't know until you fight it whether it's okay or not." Luo Zheng said calmly as he observed the surrounding terrain.

"You can give it a try. At worst, you can fight and retreat at the same time. There is a slope every two kilometers behind you, which is equivalent to a defensive position. You can use it. Killing the enemy is not a big problem." Guishou agreed excitedly.

"The terrain here is difficult. Only mountain ridges can be pursued up. One side is a cliff and a rift valley. There is no need to worry about the enemy being outflanked on both sides. The other side is unobstructed. There are living targets when we come up. We can fight while retreating, so we can give it a try." Madrid agreed.

"You have also heard that if we don't fight, the enemy will guess our intentions. What if we attack the medical team? Therefore, we must fight, and we must fight hard, so that the enemy will be hurt and the enemy will not be able to figure out our true identity. The intention is that it will be dark soon, so fight until dark and retreat, no problem." Luo Zheng said coldly, a monstrous fighting spirit burst out, as if to ignite the surrounding air.

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