The strongest soldier

Chapter 1488 The rescue begins

The early morning sun shines on the plateau rift valley. The strange-shaped hills are composed of layers of reddish-brown rocks, one after another, continuous and different shapes. They reflect the sunlight and are really beautiful. Many places are even exposed. Each small hole is like a honeycomb, as if telling the vicissitudes of time. There is not a single weed on the mountain, let alone a tree.

In a sunken plateau depression, Luo Zheng, Gui Shou and Madeira were lurking quietly, lying on the ground watching the rising sun. The warm sunshine was charming to the eyes, but it was particularly comfortable. Everyone left the embassy overnight and then set off. After driving all night, relying on the unobstructed traffic lanes, I hid the car in an inconspicuous mountain col before entering Hariri's territory, and walked more than ten kilometers to the hiding place.

Everyone had been lying in this depression for about an hour. Luo Zheng recovered quickly by relying on the breathing method passed down from his family. Seeing that Guishou and Madera had not fully recovered their energy, he let the two of them continue to sleep for a while and turned on the signal. After a while, the satellite was connected.

"Brother-in-law, morning!" Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"Locate quickly and check the surrounding situation." Luo Zheng agreed casually.

After a while, Blue Star successfully positioned itself and continued: "About ten kilometers to the north is the destination. There is a plateau in the middle. The mountain road is not easy to walk. There are many sentries along the way. There are more than five people at each place. It is easy to move forward. Exposed, you have to find a way."

"Ten kilometers? It seems that the road along the way is difficult. How is the situation at the destination?" Luo Zheng agreed casually.

"The guards nearby are even tighter, and the terrain features are exactly the same as you described. I'm sure the target location is correct, but it's not easy to penetrate it." Blue Star reminded.

"Yes." Luo Zheng responded solemnly, turned off the signal and continued to rest with his eyes closed while thinking about countermeasures. There were enemy observation points along the way. Although the surrounding terrain was plateau, the highest points were similar and very flat. As long as you stand at a high place and have a very good view, you will definitely be exposed if you go over there rashly. What should you do?

After thinking for a while, I couldn't figure it out, but I felt refreshed. Everyone took out the steamed buns and ate some among them. They were cold and hard, which was better than nothing. They were all well-trained soldiers and would eat raw meat when necessary. Comparatively speaking, the steamed buns were already good. It was delicious. Everyone was full and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng recounted the satellite information and added: "The situation is very bad. It is said to be a plateau here, but the highest points are similar. The ground is flat and clearly visible at a glance. It is easy to be exposed. Walking through the canyon is too time-consuming and there is a possibility of exposure. , what can you do?"

Guishou and Madeira began to think deeply. After a while, Guishou said angrily: "If that doesn't work, just attack in the east and west. There is more than just the Hariri tribe nearby. I remember that about thirty kilometers to the west is the territory of another tribe. We can take a detour." Go up and infiltrate Hariri’s territory, kill their sentries, provoke a fight between the two tribes, and maybe we can get something out of the fire.”

"What do you think?" Luo Zheng looked at Madeira.

Madeira thought about it, shook his head and said: "The possibility is very low. Although the tribes are aggressive, they don't like war. If something happens, they will definitely send people to question each other to understand the truth. If they can reach an agreement, they can talk, and if they can't, they will If we start a war again, we will not be easily provoked."

"These people are quite cautious. It seems that they have probably been fooled and suffered a loss." Luo Zheng said helplessly, frowning and continuing to think deeply. The enemy was heavily guarded. It was not easy to infiltrate calmly and rashly. Going in means being exposed, which is indeed a dilemma.

"How about we do it at night?" Guishou suggested.

It is indeed a way to do it at night to avoid exposure, but Luo Zheng shook his head and said: "This is a last resort choice. If we can penetrate during the day to check clearly and make a plan, it will be no problem to do it at night. However, it is best to do it during the day." , the medical team is not us, and without relevant training, it is not easy to run with them. Do you think they can march at night?"

"That's right." Guishou began to think a little angrily.

"If it doesn't work, just break through and kill all the sentries along the way. It's best to do it at noon. They have to eat and change shifts. Moreover, these sentries usually report to the headquarters once an hour. If we can infiltrate them within an hour, , it’ll be no problem.” Madeira suggested.

Luo Zheng saw that Madeira had the same idea as him, and looked at Guishou. Seeing that Guishou had some objections, he explained: "I think this plan is okay. If it succeeds, it's best. If it doesn't succeed, it's just a warning. The enemy will realize that he has been exposed and will change his target. At that time, we will follow him and act according to the opportunity. Maybe there will be a chance. Anyway, the chance is slim now, so we might as well give it a try."

"That's right. Instead of just sitting around, it's better to give it a try." Guishou thought about the logic and agreed.

Everyone agreed. Luo Zheng quickly turned on the beacon, put on the headset, and said to Blue Star after it was connected: "Plan a safe route immediately, lock the enemies along the way, and we decided to infiltrate."

"Understood, there is an enemy observation post about one kilometer north. I will send the enemy coordinates to your mobile phones. Be careful." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he was shocked. He didn't expect that there was an enemy a kilometer away, but as far as he could see, there was no one, except for rocky mountains. His face changed slightly, and he exchanged glances with Guishou, who also wore an invisible headset. , everyone became vigilant, loaded their bullets, and quickly entered combat mode.

Soon, Blue Star sent the coordinates to the mobile phone. Luo Zheng opened the mobile phone to check. The white dots represented his own position and the red dots represented the enemy's position. The holographic terrain map and the surrounding terrain were clearly displayed. Luo Zheng based on the map and the surrounding terrain. By comparison, we quickly discovered the enemy's lurking position behind a hillside to the north.

There were many weathered stones on the hillside, exposed to the outside, and they looked like wild beasts from a distance. Luo Zheng did not expect that there were observation posts here, so he had a better understanding and caution of Hariri's abilities, so he quickly observed them. Looking at the surrounding terrain, he said to Ghost Hand: "Alternate cover, infiltrate, and fight silently."

"Understood." Guishou agreed, rushing forward quickly with an M4 rifle.

Luo Zheng lurked on the spot, setting up a sniper rifle and aiming towards the hillside, providing fire assistance at any time. The ghost hand rushed forward about 200 meters, found a hidden place to hide, and shouted to Madeira: "It's your turn. ”

"Understood." Madera also hunched over and ran forward. His movements were very agile, and his sudden momentum was extraordinary. He was worthy of being the captain of the guard. His individual combat ability looked good, which made Luo Zheng secretly relieved.

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