The strongest soldier

Chapter 1480 Arrive at Kanbus

The car drove all the way, and at noon, we came to a grand canyon. The surrounding karst landforms could not see any green. The desertification was very serious. There were towering rocks with strange shapes everywhere, and many sunken ground cracks could be seen. Although It's not big, but it still has a bit of mystery. Sentries can be seen on the rolling mountain ridges on both sides, holding guns and looking out, maybe three or five people.

There are more than a dozen sentries with guns at the entrance of the canyon, watching the oncoming cars vigilantly. Next to the dirt road is a dry river bed, full of exposed dry stones. The breeze passes gently through the canyon, blowing the dry river bed and dirt road. The reeds and reed grass between them are so withered that a spark can burn them.

It should be the rainy season now. Why is it still so dry? Luo Zheng looked at the surrounding terrain with some confusion. He couldn't figure out why the river bed was dry. He felt something was wrong. You must know that you saw many rivers along the way and the water flow was fast. What's going on here? Already?

However, now is not the time to explore this issue. A person who looks like a leader comes over and quickly gets out of the car. He holds the traffic strip in his hand. He slightly raises his hand to indicate that there is no hostility. He walks forward slowly and walks away from the other party. Stop and wait about three meters away.

Along the way, Gui Shou had done this kind of thing too many times. With experience, the person who looked like the leader on the other side looked at Gui Shou warily. Without talking nonsense, he took the pass and looked at it for a while, then took Gui Shou away. The hand handed over a hundred meters of gold, handed the pass to Guishou, and impatiently signaled that Guishou could leave.

Guishou took the pass and put it away. He did not leave immediately. He raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "I am looking for you to purchase gems. Aren't you welcome?"

The person who looked like the leader of the other party didn't know which tribe Gui Shou came to purchase gems. He impatiently motioned Gui Shou to leave. Suddenly he heard Gui Shou's words and stopped in surprise. Gui Shou knew at a glance that the other party could understand international standards. He then took out a hundred-yuan note and handed it over, smiling: "I heard that your tribe's jewelry has the best quality and the best price. I don't know if it's true or not. Come and take a look. Don't you welcome it?"

The other party took the rice gold handed over by Luo Zheng, looked it up and down with a serious face, made a wait gesture, and quickly returned to the post without talking nonsense, picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered something, the ghost hand knew that the other party While communicating with someone, he glanced at Luo Zheng in the car and waited patiently.

After a while, the person who looked like the leader of the other party came back and said coldly: "Get out of the car and follow me." After saying that, he signaled to his men, and the gunmen around him put down their weapons and looked at Luo Zheng and others warily. People are silent.

Luo Zheng said to Madeira who was sitting behind him: "Let's go, get out of the car, and be careful." He opened the car door, got out of the car, and walked towards Ghost Hands. Madeira, who had already put on the silicone mask, tightened his grip. Following them, the three of them walked up, but were blocked by someone at the interception pole and asked to be searched. The three of them raised their hands slightly in cooperation.

He didn't carry any weapons. The signal device was found. These people couldn't understand what it was. They didn't confiscate it after seeing that it didn't look like a weapon and let him go. Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that he successfully passed the customs with the signal device. As long as this thing is there , information was no longer a problem, and he walked towards the person who looked like the leader.

The leader-looking person led the way, looking back from time to time to look at Luo Zheng and the other three who were following closely. The Luo Zheng and the other three were followed by five armed men with guns. Although the guns were not aimed at them, they looked highly nervous and were on alert. , keeping a distance of five or six meters from Luo Zheng and the others.

"These people are very cautious and act carefully." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, while pretending to look around casually, memorizing the surrounding terrain. Observing the terrain everywhere has become a habit of Luo Zheng. This habit can save his life at critical moments. , his face became more solemn as he moved forward.

The terrain ahead has not changed much. It is still a mountainous area with serious desertification. However, the number of people on guard on the mountain has obviously increased. The leader-looking person led the three of them along the slope of the mountain and climbed the mountain ridge. Without any nonsense, they continued to move forward. After walking for about ten minutes, a valley appeared in front of us. There was a lake in the valley. The lake was not small and covered with green grass. Many houses were built along the lake, which was full of vitality.

The valley is very big, and there are a lot of people, and they are all busy with something. Several large rooms, made of wood and earth, have been built in prominent locations along the lake. There are many armed men with guns around. When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he immediately understood Come here, this is Campbell, and he couldn't help but glance at Madeira.

Madera nodded knowingly, and Luo Zheng looked around. He vaguely felt that there were many people ambushing in the surrounding mountains, and they were watching him vigilantly. Perhaps he did not have an order, so he did not move. Farther away were the towering mountains and rift valleys. The momentum is extraordinary and the terrain is complex and changeable. This kind of place is conducive to hiding soldiers. He couldn't help but look solemn. He gave Gui Shou a look, and Gui Shou nodded knowingly. Everyone followed each other cautiously and continued to move forward.

Not long after, everyone came to the valley along the slope and continued along the lake bank. When they arrived, Luo Zheng discovered that the river had been intercepted and dammed into a lake. No wonder there was no water below. Being able to do such a thing shows that the people of this tribe are not simple. , understands long-term planning, and is not an ordinary gangster.

Many armed men with guns appeared along the way, looking at the three of them with vigilant faces. Each of them was silent and very disciplined. Such armed men already looked a bit like soldiers. This discovery shocked Luo Zheng even more. Suddenly feeling troubled, I followed the leader and continued forward.

When you came to the door of a larger wooden house, someone rushed out from you. He looked at Luo Zheng and the other two people with vigilance, waved his hand, and the leader-looking person respectfully agreed and hurried back. This person looked at Luo Zheng, He asked in blunt international lingo: "Are you the leader?"

When Luo Zheng saw that the other party could tell that he was the leader at a glance, he couldn't help but become more cautious, but said calmly on his face: "Yes, you are?"

"Come with me." The other party motioned to go in without explaining anything.

Luo Zheng glanced at Guishou and Madera, followed them into the wooden house, and found several people sitting around inside the wooden house, all wearing black robes and bandanas. They were all over forty years old, with a There is a grill, roasting a lamb, and there are many bottles and cups next to it. I don't know what you are holding.

The wooden house had no furniture and looked very simple. These people looked up at Luo Zheng one after another, their eyes slightly focused, showing a look of vigilance. One of them stood up and waved his hand to signal the person who led Luo Zheng in to leave. He looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Dear guest, please explain your purpose of coming." He used fluent international lingua franca.

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