The strongest soldier

Chapter 1478 Successful leaving

The setting sun at dusk dyed the sky red like blood, and wisps of golden light fell down, falling on the old lady's wrinkled face, giving people a terrifying feeling, as if the other party was a demon crawling out of hell, a pair of deep His eyes were slightly condensed, with a scrutinizing light dancing inside them, and they were locked on Luo Zheng. The surrounding armed personnel also looked at Luo Zheng warily, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Luo Zheng calmly looked into the old lady's eyes and said calmly: "That depends on you. If you think it is wealth, then it is wealth. If you think it is not, then it is not. It's useless what I said."

"Hahaha, that's interesting. I've seen people like you a lot. You're trying to play tricks with me. You're still young, so get out of here." The old lady sneered disdainfully, stuck the M9 saber on the table, and ordered her to be kicked out.

Hearing the old lady's words, the surrounding armed men gathered around Luo Zheng, locking their guns on Luo Zheng, for fear that Luo Zheng would do something drastic. Zhang Zheng next to him was startled when he heard the old lady's words, and immediately said with a bitter smile: " The deal is broken, let’s go.”

"Really? I don't think so. There are a lot of people doing your job in this city, right?" Luo Zheng glanced disdainfully at the armed men around him, then locked his eyes on the old lady again, and said coldly: "If I let out the wind, , what do you think will happen if we purchase goods worth 100 million meters of gold?"

"Joke." The old lady sneered disdainfully.

"There are rules in the industry, you can't do this." Zhang Zheng beside him quickly said in a low voice in Mandarin.

"Really?" Luo Zheng ignored Zhang Zheng and continued to look at the old lady and said, "What if it is 500 million?"

The old lady looked at Luo Zheng coldly and turned around with an impatient look on her face. The armed men around her were about to use force, but Luo Zheng saw the greed and excitement in the old lady's eyes from the moment she turned around. With confidence in his mind, he continued disdainfully: "If the tribes in the east heard about this, I wonder what they would think?"

"You dare to threaten me?" The old lady suddenly turned around, grabbed the M9 military dagger on the table, roared angrily, effortlessly opened the table in front of her, and stepped up with the M9 military dagger. The sharp blade lay across Luo Zheng's neck.

"The action is quite fast, but it's useless to me. Killing me will do you no good." Luo Zheng sneered disdainfully, while secretly being on guard. He calculated that the old lady's greedy mentality was one thing, and joking with her life was another. That's right, Luo Zheng never does anything he's not sure about.

"You're a smart boy. I smell a military smell from you. It's interesting." The old lady suddenly sheathed her saber, held it in her hand, and took two steps back calmly, looking at Luo Zheng up and down vigilantly and said, While signaling to the surrounding armed men to put away their weapons, he continued: "You are not here to purchase gems. Things that have nothing to do with gems have nothing to do with me. You can leave."

Luo Zheng sneered, and saw through the opponent's method of retreating to advance at a glance, and said: "In that case, let's say goodbye. I hope your subordinates will follow you as always after knowing that you gave up such a huge profit. I am loyal to you." As he said this, he quickly glanced at the leading guard and found that the other guard was frowning and looking at the old lady with a bit of dissatisfaction. With confidence in his heart, he sneered secretly and walked downstairs.

Zhang Zheng didn't expect Luo Zheng to be so tough in negotiations. His expression changed drastically. He glanced at the old lady worriedly, then looked at the armed men around him. He didn't mean to have an attack. After calming down, he quickly caught up with Luo Zheng and walked towards the stairs, but was stopped by An armed man at the top of the stairs blocked it with a gun.

Luo Zheng stopped, glanced at the armed man with a gun calmly, turned around, looked at the old lady with a teasing expression, and said disdainfully: "Why, you want to stay with us for dinner? To be honest, I’m not interested in your diet.”

"Hahaha, that's interesting. Come on, let's serve the wine!" The old lady suddenly burst out into a burst of heroic laughter. Her wrinkled face twitched, revealing a mouth full of white teeth, which was extremely weird in the sunlight.

Next to him, Zhang Zheng said to Luo Zheng in surprise and in Mandarin: "Okay, serving wine is a rule agreed to in the traffic regulations." His face was full of excitement, and he looked at Luo Zheng with admiration in his eyes.

Luo Zheng walked up calmly. The surrounding armed men put down their aimed weapons, but still remained vigilant. At this time, a woman with her head covered and wearing a black robe came over, carrying a wooden plate. , there was something like a sheepskin inside the plate. The man put the plate on the table and stepped back quickly.

Next to him, Zhang Zheng quickly reminded: "Putting wine is just a way of saying it. Inside the plate is a pass. You can exchange it for a meeting gift."

Luo Zheng slowly took out a 10,000-meter gold check from his underwear pocket and placed it on the table. Seeing that the old lady made no movement, he picked up the sheepskin. Seeing that the old lady still made no movement, he folded it and put it away, and looked at Zhang Zheng. Zhang Zheng quickly understood the rules and whispered in Mandarin: "Let's go."

The two turned around and left. None of the surrounding armed men stopped them. The two went down the stairs smoothly. The armed men followed and escorted the two to the parking place. There were armed men guarding the car. No one from the surrounding residents dared to come up to guard the car. When the people saw Luo Zheng and others coming out, followed by their own people, they immediately understood what was going on and dispersed, letting Luo Zheng and Zhang Zheng get into the car.

Zhang Zheng quickly started the car, turned around and left in a hurry, glancing back from time to time with a nervous look on his face. It was not until he left the slum that he breathed a sigh of relief. He said to Luo Zheng with a thankful face: "It was so dangerous just now. I have never been in such a dangerous situation before." I heard that anyone who dared to speak to my sister like that would almost be unable to come out."

"Really?" Luo Zheng said calmly. Everyone has a weakness. It depends on whether you can find it. For middlemen like Mom, the guarantee of survival is money. If you don't have money, you can't raise troops. If you don't have troops, you can ensure it. If you don't care about your own safety, you can refuse to do a deal, but you can never refuse a big deal that comes to you. Even if the deal is not real, your subordinates will have different intentions.

Luo Zheng had calculated this accurately, so he was not worried that the other party would refuse. If the intermediary was a strong, powerful person, Luo Zheng would not dare to use this trick, but Mu Mu is an old lady and is not young enough to withstand it. Tossing around, this kind of people have one thing in common, they want to make a fortune and retire in the end. Luo Zheng is sure that the other party also has this idea.

It turned out that the bet was right, and Luo Zheng was also very happy, but Luo Zheng didn't want to say that Zhang Zheng was also an old man. He had dealt with this kind of people a lot, and he could guess a little bit, but he didn't expect Luo Zheng to see it. After reaching this level, and being bold enough to use it, I was filled with admiration. I was even more convinced that Luo Zheng was no longer a simple person. He was more looking forward to his success and retirement, and said, "The next step will be easy. When can we go there? I'm fine." get ready."

"You don't have to go next. Go to the embassy secretly to seek protection and leave here quietly. Remember, you are leaving quietly and cannot be exposed, otherwise we will be in trouble and the consequences will be serious." Luo Zheng warned.

"I understand." Upon hearing this, Zhang Zheng became even more convinced that his guess was correct and something big was going to happen, so he quickly agreed.

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