The strongest soldier

Chapter 1472 Sad past events

In the dimly lit bar private room, the noisy sound was isolated by the soundproof door. The TV had long been turned off. There were many empty wine glasses and bottles on the table. The air was filled with the smell of alcohol, faintly mixed with a few... The smell of human body odor made Guishou very depressed. He wanted to change hands and leave, but he had to endure it and quietly looked at the three people in front of him, waiting patiently.

The middle-aged man wearing glasses also looked at the ghost hand, as if he was studying whether the ghost hand was trustworthy, and after a while he said: "Three years ago, a medical team from your country was invited by the United Nations Red Cross to go to the Democratic Republic of the Congo for medical treatment. Aid, suddenly disappeared one night a week later, and there is no news yet, do you know?"

"Do you know where it is?" Guishou's face changed drastically, and he stared at the opponent closely and asked, his eyes as sharp as a sword, and a cold murderous aura erupted from his body, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Madeira hurriedly stood in front and looked at Guishou warily, as if facing a formidable enemy. Guishou realized that he had lost his composure, but still stared at the opponent closely, his face and expression changing constantly, and his cold gaze became more intense. Looking forward to it, he asked: "Don't get me wrong, tell me where they are?"

"Okay, but I have a condition." The other party said calmly.

"What conditions?" Guishou asked in surprise.

"Save my family, I ask for political asylum." The other party said quickly, his eyes fixed on the ghost hand, unblinking, with endless desire and expectation.

"Huh?" Guishou suddenly woke up, glanced at Madeira in surprise, sat up straight, and asked calmly: "Your family? You should be from South Africa, right? Why do you have anything to do with Kongjin Country? Got a relationship?"

"You are right, but my family was secretly detained by the ruling party and sold to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I am the successor to the spiritual leader in name, but I do not have any real power. If it were not for the protection of Madeira, I would not be able to get here. Originally I just wanted to live here, but I can't forget my family. Madeira told me that you are very powerful and ranked first in the Global Special Forces Competition. With your ability, you should have no problem rescuing my family," the other party explained.

"I can't answer you about this. It needs to be reported. I just want to know whether your chips are true." Gui Shou said calmly, waking up from the gaffe just now.

"You can judge whether it is valuable or not. We are a gentleman's agreement. You can get rid of us after you get the information. But I believe in the credibility of your country and the credibility of your soldiers. Seeing how nervous you were just now, there must be someone you know. Inside, right? I remember there was an attending doctor named Yu Xin, do you know him?" the other party said seriously.

"How is she?" Guishou couldn't calm down anymore after hearing the name. He stood up, stared at the other party coldly, and shouted with a cold face: "How do you know her name? Tell me quickly."

"Don't worry, I also discovered this situation when I was investigating my family. In other words, the same group of people kidnapped your family and my family. We have a common enemy. As long as you agree to my request, even if you cannot accept me I will also tell you the specific location. How about you go rescue people and rescue my family by the way?" The other party said quickly, looking at Guishou expectantly.

"How can I ensure that your news is credible?" Guishou forced himself to calm down and asked.

"This is not difficult. You can control me. If you find that the situation is not right, you can do whatever you want. For your convenience, I can ask Brother Madeira to accompany you. He is familiar with the road and the local customs. He knows how to deal with it. The local language is just that, Brother Madeira, I need to work hard for you." The other party replied.

"It is my honor to serve you. I am happy to take this trip and avenge my brothers." Madeira replied solemnly.

"What's going on?" Guishou looked at Madeira in surprise and asked.

"I took my brothers to the rescue and was ambushed. Of course, someone leaked the secret. I won't go into details. You won't like these dirty political deals. It happened two weeks ago. You can easily do this. We found out that if it weren't for the desperate cover of our brothers, we wouldn't have been able to escape. Afterwards, we traveled thousands of miles and finally came to this city, and we didn't expect to meet you." Madeira explained.

"Where do you live?" Guishou asked thoughtfully.

Madera mentioned a hotel name, and after writing it down with his ghost hand, he looked at the middle-aged man wearing glasses seriously and said, "I hope your news will not disappoint me. You go back to the hotel and wait, and I will find you as soon as possible. "He turned around and left, hurriedly left the bar and got into a car on the roadside not far away.

"What's going on?" Hong Meihua asked in surprise.

"They have good news, and the condition is to rescue his family." Gui Shou said in a confused manner, his expression became painful, and his brows were furrowed, as if he had thought of something sad.

Hongmeihua didn't react for a moment, not knowing who Yu Xin was. Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle next to them exchanged shocked looks. Snow Leopard was the first to ask: "Your fiancée? Didn't she disappear three years ago? This what is going on?"

"Speak quickly, I'm so anxious." The mountain eagle asked anxiously from the side.

Hong Meihua looked at the mountain eagle in surprise, then at the snow leopard, and finally her eyes fell on Gui Shou. Suddenly she realized that she didn't know these brothers well enough. She smiled apologetically and asked, "Who can tell me who Yu Xin is?" ?What happened?"

Just as Snow Leopard was about to explain, Ghost Hand pressed down on Snow Leopard's shoulder and said, "I'll speak for myself."

"Okay, don't worry, it's a good thing to have news. Brothers, even if they risk their lives, they will help you save people." Snow Leopard quickly agreed.

"Yu Xin is my fiancée. It happened two years ago. Before I got married, I received an invitation from the United Nations Red Cross to provide medical support in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for a month. I originally thought that I could get married when I came back, but I didn't expect that I would be there after just one week. Suddenly disappeared, no news at all." Ghost Hand said in a deep voice, a line of tiger tears rolled down, his expression was full of grief, and when he said the last part, his voice was a little choked.

The mountain eagle patted Guishou's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry. You tried your best to search for it two years ago and almost lost your life in Gangjin Kingdom. I didn't expect to hear the news again today. This shows that God's will is not over yet. This is a good thing, brothers, just go there again."

"So that's it. What request did they make?" Hong Meihua understood somewhat and continued to ask.

"They said that the same group of people kidnapped his family. During the rescue, they found our medical team. They could tell us the address, but they asked us to rescue his family on the way. They also asked for political asylum. It was a serious matter and it was inconvenient for me. Agree and come out." Guishou said in a deep voice.

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