The strongest soldier

Chapter 147 The enemy is defeated

In the valley where night was getting darker, the scholar and the others took advantage of the cover of the big truck and fought fiercely with the ambushing enemies. The East Turkestan rebels suffered heavy losses one after another and finally surrounded the scholar and the others. Naturally, they would not give up. Reinforcements kept coming to help. , had it not been for the precise shooting skills of the scholar and others, sufficient ammunition, plus the cover of the big truck and two machine guns, they would have been defeated thousands of miles ago.

On an inconspicuous hillside, a sniper wearing a ghillie suit quickly came over and lurked, his cold muzzle forward, his cold eyes shining like a wild wolf, as cold as iron. There was no emotion on his face, it was the fox wolf who came for revenge.

This time he was hired by the East Turkestan Movement. Because of Luo Zheng, Fox Wolf personally led the team and selected six of the most capable warriors to accompany him. Unfortunately, all of them died in the battle, and he was almost targeted for sniper killing. If not for his keen awareness When he sensed danger, he retreated half a beat in advance. After escaping a thrilling blow, the whole army was annihilated. The losses were heavy. Fox Wolf was heartbroken and wished he could kill all the opponents in front of him to safeguard the honor of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. and reputation.

Speaking of which, except for the one who died at the hands of the monk, the other five mercenaries died at the hands of Luo Zheng. One died on the reconnaissance road at night, and one was shot and killed by Luo Zheng at close range while scouting the camp at night. One sniper was shot and killed by Luo Zheng in counterattack, one had his throat slit with Luo Zheng's finger knife, one was sniped by Luo Zheng when he was trying to distract his pursuers, and one was accidentally exploded by a grenade thrown by Luo Zheng during a sneak attack on the compound at night. Death, Luo Zheng didn't even know this.

Six elites died in this battle, which was a fatal blow to the overall strength of the Wild Wolf mercenary group. I am afraid it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the mercenary world in the future. Fox Wolf attributes all this hatred to Luo Zheng. Fortunately, Fox Wolf does not know Five of the six people died at the hands of Luo Zheng, otherwise they would have been so angry that they would have vomited blood.

After avoiding Luo Zheng's sniper attack, Fox Wolf asked the chasing East Turkestan militants to throw grenades below, and witnessed the horrific explosion with his own eyes. Fox Wolf believed that Luo Zheng could not survive. Fox Wolf, who was blinded by hatred, did not intend to He went down to the canyon to inspect it himself, but hurriedly came to the canyon to avenge his brothers, without knowing what happened next.

In the sniper scope, the fox wolf locked the machine gunner. As long as the machine gun was killed, the East Turkestan elements could be launched to charge, wiping out the people in the valley in one fell swoop. A look of ferocious murderous intent appeared on the fox wolf's cold face, and he pressed his finger on the trigger. At the moment when the button was clicked, the fox wolf felt uneasy. This intuition of danger had saved his life more than once. The fox wolf knew that he was being targeted. He was horrified. Without thinking, he held the gun and made a quick move. Rolled out a few meters away.

"Bang!" The bullet almost grazed the fox wolf's back, hit the soil, and created a crater.

After narrowly avoiding the bullets, Fox Wolf spotted a dozen people rushing towards the rear from the corner of his eye. The formation spread out, and he kept shooting at the hidden East Turkestan militants while running. He couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect reinforcements from his opponent. When they came, the fighter plane was lost, the foxwolf grabbed the gun and ran away from the side. The people who were eager to rescue did not pay attention to the retreating foxwolf, and rushed towards the East Turkestan militants lurking on the hilltop.

The East Turkestan rebels who were going all out to attack the valley did not expect to be attacked from behind. They suffered heavy losses immediately. They became panicked and their morale plummeted. They turned their guns to fight back. However, there were many people coming, running quickly with standard bullet avoidance steps. While firing, he fired accurately and instantly killed about twenty people.

The members of the East Turkestan Movement were immediately panicked, and they retreated to both sides. What suddenly appeared were the other participating teams who had heard the news. The brother troops were attacked for a long time, and the competing teams passing by heard the gunshots, and naturally they would not stand idly by. As soon as the East Turkestan rebels withdrew, everyone pursued them without any hesitation.

Soon, someone with keen eyes spotted a foxwolf dressed as a sniper. Snipers are synonymous with death on the battlefield and are also the focus of the attack on the battlefield. Several hot-blooded tactics did not hesitate to shoot the running foxwolf with their guns. Come on, he is the second-in-command of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. He is very powerful. He quickly left the battlefield, escaped, and disappeared into the vast wasteland.

The sudden appearance of people disrupted the ambush of the East Turkestan rebels. Seeing that the situation was over, the East Turkestan rebels were defeated one after another. Every nameplate was a score. No one wanted to miss such a good opportunity. They pursued them one after another, facing the defeated enemy. The East Turkestan militants charged and beat violently.

In the valley, the scholar and others saw that the enemy was defeated and did not join in the pursuit. Instead, they gathered together. The scholar pointed in one direction and said anxiously: "Brothers, I just heard gunshots and explosions over there. Luo Zheng The brothers just went somewhere to ambush, could something happen to the Luo Zheng brothers?"

"It's possible that the enemy's reinforcements came from that way, and they were discovered by the Luo Zheng brothers and led the enemy troops away. Quick, go over and have a look." The monk also shouted anxiously.

"What's going on?" The captain of the rescued team ran over and asked.

The scholar briefly described the situation. The captain also heard the gunshots over there and said without hesitation: "Your brothers lured the enemy away to save us. We can't just sit idly by and leave."

They were all hot-blooded men. After hearing this, they all checked their weapons and ran forward with the scholar leading the way. Even the farmer dragged his injured leg to keep up. He kept praying in his heart and his face was full of anxiety. Soon, everyone is coming When they arrived at the top of the hill where Luo Zheng had sniped, they saw the bodies of the officers and members of the Wild Wolf mercenary group who had been sniped. The fighting was fierce and no one could care about cleaning the battlefield.

Everyone tore off the nameplate and followed the footprints to quickly find the col where Luo Zheng fought back against the pursuers. The body on the ground was already cold and the traces of the explosion were clearly visible. The gardener took a look and said, "It was caused by detonating a grenade. So. Good marksmanship must be the skill of Brother Luo Zheng."

"It makes sense, chase him quickly." The scholar was anxious and shouted with a livid face.

Everyone followed the footprints and bloodstains and chased after him. Several other soldiers who followed him collected the nameplates. After collecting them, a soldier caught up with the scholar and handed them over. The nameplate was indeed a certificate of points, but soldiers all have their own pride. and dignity, and will not take the credit of others.

The scholar thanked him and signaled everyone to disperse and investigate carefully. It was not difficult to judge the number of enemies from the footprints on the ground. Thinking of nearly a hundred heavily armed pursuers surrounding Luo Zheng, everyone was anxious, their faces were livid, and they lowered their heads and pursued wildly, filled with grief and indignation. A depressing atmosphere permeated the soldiers.

"Brother, you must live." Scholars, gardeners, farmers, and monks all prayed silently. Along the way, Luo Zheng's move of leaving danger to himself deeply impressed the arrogant people, and everyone's faces were filled with emotions. Worry.

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