The strongest soldier

Chapter 1463 Seizing the Plane

At dusk two days later, in the dense forest on the hillside near the Snow Bear Base Camp.

The setting sun is like blood, dyeing the western sky red, and the sunset is spreading freely, dyeing the vast snowfield into golden red. The snowflakes on the ground reflect the sunlight, forming a dazzling light that can be seen with the naked eye for a long time. Blind, the surroundings are as quiet as ever, as quiet as if there is no life, and no green can be seen.

When Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were in it, they felt like they were in a closed world of ice and snow. The cold air poured into their bodies and took away the heat from their bodies. This cold feeling made them know that they were still living in the real world. , two days ago, the two of them walked all the way and didn't find any hiding place. They simply made snowboards and skied all the way to the Snow Bear Base Camp.

Without any drag or weight, the two of them moved very quickly. They completed the journey that took three or four days in just two days with snowboards. Luo Zheng looked at the familiar Snow Bear Base Camp and looked at Lan Xue next to him in disbelief. He said softly: "Is this really the Snow Bear Base Camp?"

"It should be right." Lan Xue said in surprise, then realized it and smiled bitterly: "It was probably destroyed by the shadows, right? Most of the building was blown up, the tent was demolished, and there were white gauze and sheets hanging everywhere. Look, There are a lot of wounded people here, and the number of wounded people moving outside alone is estimated to be four to five hundred, and it looks more like a field hospital."

"That's not the point." Luo Zheng said softly, continuing to look in the direction of the base camp, and continued with a look of surprise on his face: "The point is that there is no one guarding here? Have all the combat troops gone to the front line?"

"It's possible. In order to catch us, it's reasonable for the enemy to mobilize in full force and leave only the wounded. That taller building has a radar on it and a platoon of guards at the door. It should be the Snow Bear Command. You have What are you thinking?" Lan Xue was keenly aware that Luo Zheng was about to take action.

"It's cheap and I won't take advantage of you bastard." Luo Zheng's face turned serious and he said seriously: "This opportunity is rare. We are very tired all the way here. Let's rest here for a while and wait for it to get started after dark. Do you mind?"

"I'm fine, just take a rest." Lan Xue said softly.

"You lie down on your backpack and sleep for a while. I'll be the sentry." Luo Zheng whispered. When Lan Xue agreed to put the backpack on the snow, he climbed up and closed his eyes. Luo Zheng arranged the snow-white cloak for Lan Xue. Completely blocked, it looked like a pile of snow. After holding on for a while, I continued to observe the snow bear base camp in the valley ahead, while using breathing techniques to regulate my body and restore my strength.

Time passed unconsciously, and night gradually fell. The wounded who were exercising outside the Snow Bear Base Camp began to walk into their rooms. The huge valley became much quieter. Luo Zheng looked at the building with radars on the roof, and some surrounding buildings. People are patrolling and guarding. Apart from this, no patrols can be seen in other places. The entire base camp seems to be undefended. I can't help but wonder. With Snow Bear's caution and strength, there is no reason not to send troops to guard the headquarters?

What Luo Zheng didn't know was that the Polar Bear Country had not sent follow-up troops to support them. In order to catch the person, Nuo Qi had already mobilized all the available troops. Even the headquarters only sent a guard platoon to guard it. Nuo Qi saw that Come on, Luo Zheng and others are already near the border. They may infiltrate out at any time, and it is impossible to turn back to the base camp.

At this time, an armed helicopter roared over. Luo Zheng looked up in surprise. It was a Mi-28N armed helicopter known as the Night Hunter. After the helicopter landed, ground crew members immediately went up to inspect and refuel, while the pilots jumped off. The helicopter headed towards the place to eat.

Obviously, this was a helicopter coming back to replenish fuel. Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea and couldn't help but smile. He patted Lan Xue who was still sleeping. Lan Xue woke up and looked around warily. Then he looked at Luo Zheng and asked softly. : "What's wrong? Are you going to take action?"

"Well, look what that is?" Luo Zheng pointed at the helicopter below the valley and said.

Lan Xue looked over and couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng in surprise and said, "You want to grab this helicopter and run away?"

"Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng smiled.

"No problem. The ammunition carried on this armed helicopter is enough to squander for a while. The maximum flight speed is 300 kilometers per hour and the maximum range is 460 kilometers. Driving it in a straight line is enough for us to rush out of the border. However, the enemy does not Silly, you will definitely find out, and when the time comes to send fighter jets, we will be doomed." Lan Xue fully agreed, and after saying that, his face became a little more surprised, and he looked at Luo Zheng with questioning eyes.

"This is not difficult. The other party's pilot probably went to eat. He tried to find a way to infiltrate, rob the helicopter and bomb the headquarters. Without the command system, it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Even if they know that they have been hijacked, there is nothing they can do. There are similar types around them. There are more helicopters, we just need to seize the opportunity to run." Luo Zheng suggested.

"That's a good idea. Let's do it this way. As long as we destroy the enemy's headquarters, we've got rid of our bad taste. The headquarters are all rare technicians and commanders. Let's catch a big fish before we leave. That's good." Lan Xue agreed. said, smiling excitedly.

"I'm not very familiar with that stuff, are you?" Luo Zheng said awkwardly.

"No problem, I'll be the main driver, and you can be the co-pilot. I've been specially trained to carry things, so there's no problem driving it. Just do as I say." Lan Xue smiled.

"Okay, that's it. Find a place to bury the equipment. If you have a helicopter, you won't need it. Just bring the Dragon Tooth." Luo Zheng suggested. Lan Xue agreed, and the two quickly found a place. They dug a hole with an engineering shovel and buried it there. They could pick it up later when they had an opportunity.

After doing all this, the two men took the dragon's teeth and crawled forward along the hillside under the cover of night. With their snow-white cloaks covering their bodies, and the enemy's carelessness, the two crawled very fast, unknowingly. Arrive at the valley and continue sneaking towards the helicopter.

There was no one around the helicopter. It was parked alone on the ground, looking like a useless hero. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were lurking in the snow two hundred meters away from the helicopter, calmly observing their surroundings. The murderous aura is restrained, the whole body is tense, and the face is as resolute as ice.

After waiting for two minutes, no danger was seen and no one came. I couldn't help but be overjoyed. They exchanged looks with each other, nodded tacitly, quickly got up, and rushed towards the helicopter. When they got close, they quickly opened the cabin door, climbed up and sat down. Looking at each other and smiling, neither of them expected that things would go so smoothly. This result allowed them to see the dawn of victory and the hope of returning home.

"Let's start!" Luo Zheng smiled confidently: "It's time to fight back!"

"Okay." Lan Xue also smiled excitedly, with a strong fighting spirit bursting out.

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