The strongest soldier

Chapter 1461 Lovers reunited

Night has fallen, the moonlight is like water, shining softly on the snow-capped fields, and the earth seems to be covered with a layer of silver gauze. The white snow reflects the moonlight, and the forest is gray. Luo Zheng holds the dragon tooth sword tightly and walks forward. , one foot high, one foot low, stepping into the snow, with a face as firm as ice, and a sharp gaze staring ahead, as if the cold stars twinkling nine days away.

After escaping from the cliff, Luo Zheng headed north. Fortunately, he did not encounter any enemies. He estimated that the enemies were chasing him east and south. He never expected that he was not in a hurry to return home, but feinted a shot and headed north. , along the way, Luo Zheng continued to use the breathing method passed down from his family to restore his strength, and gradually climbed up a mountain ridge.

The snow on the mountain ridge was obviously much shallower. It didn’t take too much effort to walk. The surrounding trees were dense, which also served as a good concealment. Luo Zheng sped up and rushed west. He didn’t know that he was rushing west on a snowmobile. No matter how far I ran, I hoped that I could return to Zang Lanxue's place before dawn, and I also hoped that Lan Xue would not be discovered.

Thinking of Lan Xue's safety, Luo Zheng was so anxious that he involuntarily increased his speed. He only had a handful of dragon teeth and a handful of tiger teeth left on him. All other equipment was gone. Even the rifle he had snatched was dropped when he was chased by the enemy. Fortunately, the snow-white cloak is still there, which has a certain concealment effect.

Fortunately, the beacon was fixed with a belt, otherwise there would be no way to communicate with the outside world. Considering the exposure problem, Luo Zheng did not dare to activate the beacon. Who knew where the enemies were lurking around? It was best to be cautious, but before we knew it, it was midnight. We were tired and hungry, so we had to choose a forest to stop and rest for a while.

There was a bush not far away. Luo Zheng keenly discovered that there were footprints of wild beasts on the snow. They were not very deep, but they could be distinguished. They were pheasants. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He followed the footprints and pulled out his tiger-tooth saber. I cautiously came to the bushes, opened the bushes and took a look. There was a pheasant nest with two pheasants squatting inside.

The pheasants suddenly woke up and started flying around. Luo Zheng shot like lightning and quickly caught one, but the other flew more than ten meters away. After landing, it ran around in panic. Luo Zheng did not chase after it. One was enough. I found that it was a snow chicken with a gray body. The meat was delicious and sweet. I couldn't help but be overjoyed. I quickly broke the pheasant's neck, found a random place to stop, and pulled off the feathers on the snow chicken in two or two strokes.

In order to survive, Luo Zheng didn't care about being particular. He used a tiger-tooth saber to peel open the skin of the snow chicken. After tearing off a large piece of skin, he opened his mouth and bit it directly. His mouth was filled with blood. Fortunately, the meat was soft, although the taste was not very good. Like this, but in order to survive, Luo Zheng frowned and chewed for a while, then swallowed it hard.

Under the moonlight, Luo Zheng sat quietly, looking ahead firmly, chewing raw meat in his mouth, motionless, looking like a savage, but in his heart he was thinking of a way to escape, the enemy could not find him The border will definitely be sealed and I won’t be able to go back. What should I do?

Thinking of the difficulty, Luo Zheng's brows furrowed. He guessed that the troops had withdrawn by now. He felt somewhat relieved and continued to eat the raw meat. He felt much better after having food in his empty stomach, and gradually digested it. Raw meat is transformed into waves of power that fill the body.

Luo Zheng swallowed almost all the fresh meat on the body of the pheasant. Although it was very fishy and unpalatable, in order to survive, he could only force himself to swallow it. Luo Zheng threw the remaining meat into the bushes. In such a cold place, It will freeze into ice in less than an hour and a half, and the wolf dog will not smell the smell of blood when passing by.

After eating something, Luo Zheng was not in a hurry to leave immediately. Instead, he sat quietly and adjusted his breathing. Only by recovering his strength could he walk faster and cope with sudden dangers. Half an hour later, Luo Zheng stood up and looked calmly. Passing through the surrounding forest, he quickly judged the direction, chose a route and trotted forward.

While running, Luo Zheng kept using the breathing method to adjust his breath to prevent his physical strength from being exhausted too quickly. He passed through mountain ridges, and there were repeated terrains in front of him. If Luo Zheng hadn't been familiar with the jungle and knew how to distinguish the direction, he would never have been able to find his way back. Luo Zheng, thinking of Lan Xue, tightened his lips and his eyes were as sharp as swords.

He didn't meet any enemies along the way, and it was dawn before he knew it. Luo Zheng stood on a hill and stared at the rising sun. He took a deep breath, it was good to be alive, but when he thought of Lan Xue, he immediately looked around. , looking for the direction, secretly relieved after seeing the familiar terrain, and ran quickly along the mountain ridge.

About an hour later, Luo Zheng came to the hillside where he had stayed. He glanced in the direction of the diagonal ditch not far away. There was Lan Xue's hiding place. There was no sign of damage. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and looked at it warily. Looking around, I didn't find any enemy signs. Unfortunately, I also lost my sniper scope, otherwise I could have observed further.

Considering the consequences of an enemy ambush around him, Luo Zheng had to suppress his eagerness. Instead of running to save Lan Xue immediately, he lurked tightly and motionless, his eyes like swords, watching the surroundings vigilantly, not letting go. In any detail, even a bush, if an enemy is lurking, everything you have done will be in vain.

Five minutes later, Luo Zheng didn't find any danger, and then he rushed towards the diagonal ditch, running around in a hurry. After a while, he came to the entrance of the cave, used his hands together, and started digging frantically. While digging, he shouted: "Snow Son, I'm here, I'm here, are you okay, just say something, don't scare me."

"I knew you would come back to me." A weak voice came from inside, with endless surprise.

When Luo Zheng heard the voice, he was overjoyed. Just as he was about to continue digging, he saw someone digging out the snow that blocked the entrance of the cave. A person rushed out and flew towards him. It was Lan Xue who was worried about him. Luo Zheng His feet slipped and he was thrown to the ground by Lan Xue. Immediately afterwards, two hot lips pressed down.

The lovers who had been separated for a day and a night reunited again, holding each other tightly. No one wanted to separate, for fear of losing again, their lips pressed together tightly, their endless worries and concerns turned into a deep kiss, lingering together in a forgetful way, At this moment, the sea is dry and the stone is broken, at this moment the hearts are in harmony, forgetting the troubles, forgetting the enemies, and forgetting the dangers, it seems like there are only two people left in the whole world.

After a while, the two of them felt a little lack of oxygen and suffocated, and then they pushed each other away. There was no embarrassment or pretentiousness, as if everything should be like this. Luo Zheng saw Lan Xue's eyes were red and swollen, and her face was full of tears. She obviously hadn't slept well. , felt heartbroken, and said with shame: "I've made you suffer."

"Don't say this kind of thing between us anymore. You are me and I am you. Our lives have been integrated into one. Being polite will only make us different. You can survive for me, risk your life and distract the enemy." , With you in this life, I have nothing else to ask for." Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng affectionately and said, smiling happily.

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