The strongest soldier

Chapter 1458 Snatching the Motorcycle

The enemy is fierce, has strong troops, and has various high-end weapons. It is not easy to escape from such an encirclement. Everyone looks at Mr. Li, hoping that Mr. Li can agree to Hong Meihua's proposal. Invisibly, everyone has already defeated Luo. Zheng was regarded as the spiritual leader of the Fourth Squadron and was indispensable. However, Mr. Li did not answer Hong Meihua’s question immediately. Instead, he looked at Tiger King and asked: "Old man, your analysis just now is very reasonable, but there is one thing that is unclear. , I know Lan Xue’s physical fitness, and he ranks among the best among all the National Blade combatants. Why is Lan Xue still alive and kicking when the ghost collapsed from exhaustion? How long can he last?”

"You have to ask the specialist doctor Wu Miao about this question." Tiger King said with a wry smile.

Mr. Li looked at Wu Miao who was standing next to him. Wu Miao's face darkened and he quickly said: "Chief, the ghost's physique is different. To be precise, it is stronger than ordinary people. Especially its recovery ability and cell regeneration are higher than ordinary people. To put it simply, Even he will fall down from exhaustion, and it only takes him less than two hours to recover from what others have to do in one day. This recovery is not only reflected in physical recovery, but also mentally and injured, both of which are very strong."

"So that's it. So, as long as you give him two or three hours a day without sleeping, his physical strength and energy can be restored?" Mr. Li asked in surprise. Seeing Wu Miao nodding in the affirmative, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With some anticipation, he looked at the red plum blossom and continued: "Now let's talk about the question you just asked."

"Yes, we plan to send another team up." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"No need, our neighbor has mobilized 30,000 to 40,000 troops, all gathered together. Sending a special operations brigade will not help, but will trigger a war between the two countries. The other side is not ready for war, and neither are we. It can only be controlled within a certain range. Of course, I don't mean not to save him. Tiger King, tell me your opinion." Mr. Li said in a deep voice, his sad face softening a bit.

"It is indeed unwise to send people up. The enemy has gathered so many people. They will be easily discovered when they go up. You can assemble troops on the border and put on a posture of launching a war. At the same time, you can question neighboring countries through diplomacy and occupy the moral high ground. , so that the enemy army does not dare to move, it can relieve the pressure on the ghost to a certain extent. In addition, you can consider dispatching a capable team to pick up Lan Xue. Without worries, no one can keep the ghost." Tiger King said quickly.

"Well, you are thinking the same as me. I have already reported to the commander-in-chief that he has agreed that the Northern Group Military Region has entered a state of first-level combat readiness and assumed a war posture. I believe that after the president of the neighboring country learns of this posture, he will definitely strictly enforce the border line Don't move on those tens of thousands of troops, beware of our sudden attack. Without those tens of thousands of troops, we won't be able to carry out a blanket search, and the pressure on the ghosts will not be so great. As for the rescue team?" Mr. Li became embarrassed when he said this.

There are only four squadrons in the National Blade Secret Service. The first and third squadrons were disabled. Fortunately, the fourth squadron was rescued and still on the way to evacuate. Only the second squadron was left. Tiger King understood what Mr. Li meant and thought about it. Thinking about it, he suggested: "Old man, I suggest not to send too many people up. Let the drunkard lead a few people to form a small team, go back to the enemy's hinterland from the east, and then infiltrate from behind. Although it takes some time, but Safety."

"Is it too late?" Mr. Li asked when he saw that Tiger King had the same opinion as him.

"Bring your skis and travel light, two days is enough." King Tiger said after calculating the distance.

"Okay, it's settled." Mr. Li didn't ask other people's opinions, so Qiankun was on his own.


Almost at the same time, Luo Zheng was unaware of Mr. Li's deployment. He was lurking on a hill and closely observing the surrounding mountains and forests. He was like a wounded wolf, with a shocking cold light in his eyes. There were enemy troops searching everywhere. , spread out in squad platoons, holding the wolf dog, the closest distance to him was only about two kilometers, if the forest was not too big and dense, he would have to be exposed.

After a few minutes, Luo Zheng felt that the violent aura gradually calmed down, and the physical strength consumed by the high-speed running just now also recovered a lot. He was secretly glad that he had learned the family's breathing method, otherwise he would have died of exhaustion if he was not beaten to death by the enemy. We have already searched everywhere, but it will only be a matter of time before we are discovered. What should we do?

Thinking that Lan Xue was still hiding in that cold and damp cave, if it weren't for the cold and moisture-proof sleeping bag, he wouldn't be able to hide for long. He had to lure the enemy away as soon as possible. Luo Zheng thought about it, his eyes became brighter, and he saw another A well-equipped troop rappelled down, and Luo Zheng quickly raised his sniper scope for observation. Although the sniper rifle was blown up, the sniper scope was still in reserve.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw that the rappelling enemies looked like the Snow Bear Special Operations Brigade, and his face turned bitter. Once the Snow Bear people arrived, he could no longer hide himself. Lan Xue might also be discovered, so he had to lure them as soon as possible. Just drive away the enemy. At this time, Luo Zheng heard a faint roar in the distance. He couldn't help but turn his sniper scope to look at it. He found that it was a snowmobile. Countless soldiers rushed up on snowmobiles, each covered in white. The cloak, like a flying eagle when rushing down from the high slope, continues to roar forward after landing.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea. He had trained on snowmobiles at the base and had no problems driving them. If he could snatch a snowmobile, he could definitely distract the enemy. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng felt ecstatic and cold. But his eyes were fixed on the approaching snowmobile, which was still a little far away from him. It didn't look like it would come directly, so he had to take the initiative on his own.

Luo Zheng stood up quickly, bent over in the direction of the snowmobile, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he held the dragon's tooth tightly in one hand. The tiger's tooth saber was already inserted into his military boots. The surrounding trees were dense and tall, and his concealment was very high. Luo Zheng He rushed from one big tree to another and took a few hidden views. Then he continued to rush forward and slowly came to a valley along the hillside. People riding snowmobiles happened to rush to the valley to gather. Someone was there. Discipline.

There were too many enemies, and a rash attack would lead to death. Luo Zheng forced himself to calm down, hid behind a big tree and waited patiently. From time to time, he peeked at the enemies in front. After a while, the snowmobile army dispersed, and the snow covered the ground. The motorcycle roared and quickly went far away.

The officer who was giving the lecture also got on a snowmobile and prepared to evacuate. This was a rare opportunity. Luo Zheng no longer cared about hiding and rushed towards the other party. He was surprised when he saw two guards behind the officer who were about to get on the snowmobile. Aiming with the gun raised, Luo Zheng suddenly accelerated his feet, twisted his body strangely and ran for a few steps, then continued to rush forward, like a tiger descending the mountain, barely avoiding the shots of the two guards.

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