The strongest soldier

Chapter 1455 Close bloody battle

Glory bombs are a tradition of Chinese soldiers, with a somewhat tragic color. When you can no longer survive, you will fire the glory bombs and die with the enemy. Luo Zheng also has glory bombs. He will not take them out until the last moment, and it is not good to take them out. Not used to commit suicide, but used to blow up sniper rifles. Sniper rifles belong to the country and must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Luo Zheng watched the enemies outflanking on both sides getting closer and closer, and sneered disdainfully. Then he looked at the enemy who was beaten to the ground in front of him and slowly got up. The roar of fighter jets was getting closer and closer. If he stayed, he would be courting death. When the time came for the final push, Luo Zhenghan pulled the safety button on the grenade with a face, threw it into the pile of sniper rifle parts, pulled out his pistol and rushed down the hillside, letting out a roar that shook the sky, with endless unwillingness and anger. Like a violent god of war.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Luo Zheng launched a countercharge against the enemy. He charged alone, but with the momentum of thousands of troops. The pistol bullets seemed to have eyes, constantly hitting the enemies who reacted and tried to shoot back. After being shot to death, there was even more anger under his feet, like a tiger descending from the mountain.

The enemy corpses on both sides fired, but the view was blocked by slopes and woods. In addition, Luo Zheng was too fast. Before the target could be targeted, he had already run far away. At this time of life and death, Luo Zheng burst out with amazing potential. A long white shadow stretched out in the void, shooting at the target continuously.

The pistol ran out of bullets and there was no time to change the bullet. There was no bullet left. Luo Zheng then threw it away and the pistol disappeared into the surrounding snow. He completely completed his final mission. At this time, Luo Zheng had already rushed to the enemy. In front of him, he pulled out the Dragon Tooth Saber.

"Kill!" Luo Zheng roared, like thunder. His voice rolled up with endless fighting intent, shaking the mountains and fields. The dragon's tooth sword was unsheathed, and the cold light was like ice and snow that has not melted for hundreds of millions of years, exuding a chilling feeling. With a breath of death, he rolled up his long knife and rushed towards the enemy group with endless murderous intent.

With the tiger fang in his left hand and the dragon fang in his right hand, at this moment, Luo Zheng was like a god of war, rushing into the enemy group with the heroic spirit of looking down on the world. His long knife flew, drawing a terrifying death stroke, and beheaded an enemy. Flying out, blood spurted out from the chest, but the body stood moving unsteadily, looking extremely weird in the sunlight.

The fighter jets roared in, and the enemy and we were strangled together. There was no way to bomb the people on the slope. Luo Zheng calculated this correctly and continued to stare at the enemy in front without raising his head. The tiger's eyes were cold and murderous, and his hands were full of murderous intent. The dragon-tooth sword on his body rolled up death vortexes and enveloped the enemy.

The invisible sword technique comes into full play at this moment.

Two enemies attacked from the left and right. Luo Zheng turned a blind eye and passed between the two of them with one step. The dragon's teeth drew a terrifying line, instantly tearing open the throat of an enemy and setting off a bloody arrow. With one step, Luo Zheng's left hand wrapped around him, and he held an enemy in his arms like lightning. The tiger-tooth saber he held behind his back cut open the opponent's blast. Luo Zheng let go of his hand, and the opponent's body collapsed to the ground.

There was a strong gust of wind in his ears. Luo Zheng knew it was not good. He squatted down without looking back and slashed with a knife with his backhand. He chopped down a pair of hands effortlessly. Along with the steel gun that hit him, blood flowed wildly. After touching the ground, the other party let out a shrill scream and rolled around in pain.

As soon as Longya's long sword was retracted, Luo Zheng's foot slipped, and the long sword slashed forward. One after another, screams rang out. The three enemies fell to the ground in pain, holding on to their legs that were bleeding violently. They screamed horribly. The message spread so far, it was chilling, and at this moment, Luo Zheng stood up, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes like swords, his lips tightly closed like blades, and he coldly swept across the surrounding enemies.

"Kill!" Luo Zheng roared again, his voice roaring out with endless fighting intent, rolling out like thunder. The enemy was stunned, and the attack on his hand was involuntarily slower. Luo Zheng took the opportunity to strike with dragon's teeth. The slash was like a knife passing by like lightning, tearing open the throats of the two enemies.

Before the two enemies had time to shout, Luo Zheng stepped forward with an arrow, and the tiger-tooth saber in his left hand pierced into one's heart like lightning. He took advantage of the situation, decisively pulled it out, and brought a trace of blood with the arrow, and the killing intent was as hot as a volcano. The karst Luo Zheng twisted his body and avoided the bullets fired by someone diagonally across from him. The tiger fangs in his hand came out and hit the opponent's heart directly.

The other party looked at Luo Zheng with shock and reluctance. He couldn't figure out why such sneak attacks failed, and he couldn't figure out why Luo Zheng could still kill him when being besieged. His body froze, and endless darkness surged through him, and he felt the last trace of consciousness. When someone rushed over, he pulled out the saber that killed him, and his body fell to the ground.

Luo Zheng took back the Tiger Tooth Saber and continued to kill. Just then, a man rushed over, swung a steel gun and smashed it. The Dragon Tooth saber thrust forward and turned into an unstoppable sharp sword. Before the opponent could smash it down, the Dragon Tooth Stabbing into the opponent's heart, Luo Zheng took advantage of the situation, pulled it out, and kicked the person on the side away with a flying kick.

This cold weapon fighting method is one inch long, one inch strong, one inch short, and one inch dangerous. Luo Zheng combines the long and short to make up for the disadvantages and fully utilize the advantages. There is no fetters, no worries, and no need to consider the consequences. Let’s vent to the fullest. The dissatisfaction and anger in my heart.


Almost at the same time, many people came to the headquarters of the 4th Squadron. They were all staring at the large electronic screen. On it was a real-time satellite aerial video. It was the scene of Luo Zheng killing everyone. Everyone saw Luo Zheng fighting the enemy bravely. After killing one enemy after another, no one cheered or was excited. Everyone was sweating for Luo Zheng. There were hundreds of enemies, with fighter jets above their heads, and more people surrounding them. The situation was worrying. ah.

There is only one person excepted, and that is the Tiger King. The Tiger King is concerned about the safety of the 4th Squadron. He has been at the headquarters for the past two days and saw Luo Zheng killing everyone. He used his invisible sword skills to the fullest. Every move was arbitrary but sharp. Incomparable, killing with every move, truly invisible and at your will. After this battle, with the breakthrough of swordsmanship, even if he encounters it, he will have to go through a lot of troubles to win. At most, in a year, he may not be his opponent.

At this moment, King Tiger was full of confidence and expectations for Luo Zheng. There was also another person who was full of expectations and trust for Luo Zheng, and that was Lan Xing. Lan Xing didn't know why he felt this way, and held his hands tightly. Together, we put it in our hearts, staring at the screen, secretly blessing and praying.

Hong Meihua, who had returned home, had her heart clenched tightly and looked at the electronic screen with worry on her face. She didn't dare to express her anger, as if it would affect Luo Zheng who was fighting passionately, and she was very nervous.

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