The strongest soldier

Chapter 1441 Confusing the Enemy

"Our opponent is an adventurous person with unconstrained tactical thinking and difficulty in making judgments. From what I know about him, he is more likely to go east. Firstly, he has a high probability of success, and secondly, he can penetrate into places with people in a short time. , find a place to hide and wait for rescue to avoid non-combat attrition. Don't forget that they still have more than 20 wounded people with them. They cannot withstand the long torment in this ice and snow. He is ruthless to the enemy, but he values ​​his own people very much. , I will never let my men die without fighting." Cass said thoughtfully.

"That makes sense. Then let's pursue eastward? Do you want to seek the general's opinion?" the officer asked.

Cass pondered for a while, always feeling that something was wrong. He thought that it would be better to ask for help. One person can be responsible for the shortcomings, and two people can be responsible for the longcomings, not to mention the experienced and capable immediate boss. He took out the satellite phone and called him. After a while, he Someone answered the call, and Cass asked the other party to transfer the call to Noci immediately.

Not long after, Noci's voice rang on the phone. Cass quickly explained the situation as it was, without any analysis, so as not to affect Noci's judgment. Noci had the same idea as Cass, but he still asked: "What is your opinion?"

Cass expressed his opinion. Seeing that he had the same idea as his, Nuoqi strengthened his judgment, but felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't feel anything was wrong, so he said: "Focus on the east side, and also , dispatch a snow bear team to pursue and check west, just in case."

"Understood." Cass felt calm for no reason after hearing Noci's steady and mature order, and immediately ordered a team of snow bears to carry the individual radio to the west, while the others pursued eastward.

Cass missed one detail. The exit was on a cliff. There was no obstruction around it. There were not only his own country's satellites but also China's satellites above his head. Luo Zheng knew that the exit would definitely be exposed. It was only a matter of time. He had specifically told Blue Star to monitor it closely. At the exit, this deployment was discovered by Blue Star and reported to Luo Zheng in time.

Luo Zheng and others who were resting in a dense forest laughed after receiving the notice from Blue Star. They didn't care. They marched for hundreds of kilometers overnight. Everyone was very tired, but as long as there were not many pursuers behind them, they were not afraid. There were no traces of walking along the way. In addition, the wind picked up in the middle of the night, and the wind blew the snow on the ground, and the traces disappeared completely. It was not easy to catch up with everyone, and you couldn't find it if you turned to any place.

Everyone was hiding and resting motionless in the woods. They were covered with white cloaks and sat motionless on the ground. Just like the surrounding stones and bushes, it was not easy for satellites to detect them. The enemy's search focus was in the east, which meant that Neither reconnaissance planes nor armed helicopters will come to the west.

Reconnaissance planes or armed helicopters, as long as they have infrared thermal imaging capabilities, they can be discovered no matter how hard they hide. Now that they are fine, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue looked at each other, looked at Wu Jin and said, "Captain, we can get there in three days eastward." If they cannot find us in the enemy's hinterland after three days, the enemy will head west, which means that the enemy will not scout west for three days, and we have three days to get on our way."

"Well, you kid knows the enemy's thoughts accurately. No wonder you can turn danger into disaster every time. How do you plan to use the three days?" Wu Jin said with a smile.

Everyone smiled kindly and looked at Luo Zheng. Even the surrounding operational team members pricked up their ears. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "The enemy's aircraft and satellites must have been in the east in the past three days. As for the reconnaissance team behind, You can ignore it, we are a hundred kilometers away, you can’t find us if you turn around anywhere, we can march at a fast pace, but how are the injuries of the brothers?"

"The injury has improved somewhat after being soaked in the hot spring, but it's still not optimistic." Shadow whispered from the side.

"Well, if the food problem can be solved, it will be better if everyone is full. In addition, I will find some herbs along the way to replenish blood and qi for everyone, and stew them with game. It should be helpful. The enemy will definitely focus on them in three days. In the west, it will be easy to be discovered, so we can only act according to circumstances." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Is there any way to resolve it?" Lan Xue asked softly, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of expectation.

"Resolve?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise.

"Well, just let the enemy believe that we are in the east, even if it delays it for two more days." Lan Xue added.

"That's an idea, let me think about it." Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"Everyone, think about it. Even if we can delay it for two more days, our support troops will arrive in five days. If we meet at the right time, we will have a better chance of winning." Wu Jin agreed.

When everyone heard that it made sense, they all began to think deeply. Luo Zheng suddenly said: "It's not impossible, but I'm afraid there will be sacrifices."

"What method? Is it a big sacrifice?" Wu Jin looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked: "Speak it out first and let everyone evaluate it. If it is suitable, then use it. If it is not suitable, it can also open up everyone's thinking."

"Let the agents make some noise at the border of the virgin forest, but it must be too obvious." Luo Zheng said seriously. Seeing that everyone was not very understanding, he continued to explain: "Think about it, if we successfully walk out of the virgin forest, What happens when you get to a place where people live?”

"In order not to be exposed, he will definitely act in secret, change his disguise, and use other people's supplies to fill his stomach. What do you mean?" Wu Jin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he understood Luo Zheng's intention, and said in surprise: " Yes, this method is completely feasible. You only need to let the agents burn down a certain room, knock out the people in a certain farm, loot all the food, and make it look like we are passing by. As long as it is hidden and realistic, it will definitely attract people. It’s no problem to fight for the enemy’s attention for two days.”

"If the agents perform small tricks in the forest on the way to the capital, such as grabbing a car or something, and then abandoning it on the roadside to change cars, they can completely attract the enemy's attention and follow them. As long as they pretend that we are passing by, maybe we can Try to fight for a few more days, but of course not too many. It must be hidden, otherwise it will be counterproductive. It is a good idea, but the key is to execute it." Lan Xue said in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of love.

"The execution can only be left to the National Security Bureau. They made a mistake last time. They should not be careless this time. Our people will not be able to rush there in time." Wu Jin suggested thoughtfully, looked at Luo Zheng and added: "It's a big deal. , you are the commander-in-chief, you decide.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed. Even if this kind of thing is messed up, it can be done for more than one day, which is better than nothing.

"Okay." Wu Jin agreed, turned on the signal and went to contact the headquarters.

Luo Zheng looked at the surrounding team members and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I'm afraid we have to rush as soon as possible in the next three days. Do you have any questions?"

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