The strongest soldier

Chapter 1439 Retreat overnight

Splitting the troops means doubling the success rate of escaping, but it is meaningless in front of dozens of times the enemy. The reason why Luo Zheng made this suggestion is just to hide with a few people, choose the opportunity to sneak attack on the base camp, desperately delay the enemy, and prepare for others. The evacuation of people buys time and improves the hope of safe evacuation, but Lan Xue knows Luo Zheng too well. When he heard it, he knew that Luo Zheng wanted to do this, and he would definitely be driven away. He did not point out that, and tactfully denied: "This The method is not good, dividing the troops means weakening the combat effectiveness, and also means being eaten one by one. With satellites above our heads, it is impossible for us to absolutely escape the enemy's surveillance. It is only a matter of time before we are discovered."

"Forget it, let's act according to the situation." Luo Zheng thought for a while and said helplessly.

After waiting for a while, everyone cut down trees and came over to make stretcher and crutches nervously. Luo Zheng looked at this scene and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Shadow shot Noqi and gave everyone time to prepare. Otherwise, it would have been too late at this time. The soldiers came to the border and said to Lan Xue next to them: "If the enemy doesn't come, dismantle all the button bombs and take them away. They will definitely be used on the road."

"That's fine, we can arrange a suspicion strategy. Burn more bonfires here, and the smoke will come out of the cave, making the enemy think we are still inside. There is a ground crack hundreds of meters deep outside, and the enemy dare not launch an attack easily. They are all living targets, so we must mobilize aircraft and missiles to bomb them indiscriminately, firstly to consume the enemy's ammunition, and secondly to delay time." Lan Xue suggested.

"Okay, let them prepare. They have cut down a lot of trees. They can also make simple sleds to drag supplies and equipment, so that people will not be too tired and cannot move fast." Luo Zheng's thinking also opened up and he suggested.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements." Lan Xue agreed casually, turned and left.

Luo Zheng came to the hot spring pool to check on the wounded. They were all sleeping soundly. The hot spring really had a hypnotic effect. However, his face looked a lot rosier. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse. I hope I can survive it. Well, as long as you return to China, with modern medical standards, it shouldn't be a big problem to cure it.

An hour later, a lot of stretchers and crutches were made. Everyone had one, which was useful for walking in the snow. Some sleds were also made. Special ropes were used to bind the components, and thicker tree vines were used as ropes. You can put it on your body and drag the sled along. It saves a lot of effort when pulling supplies. It is useful on flat ground, downhill and other terrains.

Another half hour later, the sky gradually darkened, but the enemy still did not appear. The brothers came back one after another. Luo Zheng asked everyone to eat dry food and prepare to set off. When it became completely dark, the enemy still did not come back, so Luo Zheng let everyone go. The mountain eagle team responsible for surveillance outside also withdrew. Everyone defused the button bombs and burned a bonfire to illuminate the cave. Black smoke came out, confusing the enemy into thinking they were still in the cave, and the team quickly evacuated.

Everyone walked along the cave for about half an hour, and when they came to the exit, they saw that it was on a cliff. The cliff was not steep, and you could rush down directly. There was a canyon below, and there was a dense forest on the mountainside opposite. It was quiet all around, and the moon was shining brightly. The color was hazy, the ground was gray, and visibility was very low.

Luo Zheng observed the terrain for a while, judged the direction and whispered in a low voice: "Mountain Eagle, your people should withdraw first and be responsible for clearing the way. The canyon runs east-west. You can return home if you go east to west. Going east is closer to the enemy's hinterland. It’s easy to be chased, and it will be exposed anyway. Let’s go west and distance ourselves from the enemy’s hinterland. The enemy’s pursuit will take a little longer. Be careful along the way. If you encounter wild beasts or something, deal with them silently and prepare for later. Go ahead.”

"Yes." The mountain eagle calmly responded in a low voice, and quickly rushed out of the cave with its own people, rushed down the canyon, and then quickly moved westward along the canyon, each wearing a white cloak and night vision goggles, walking towards With a vigorous pace, he disappeared into the woods in an instant, silently and breathlessly, like a pack of wild wolves looking for food.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Luo Zheng asked through the headset: "Report status?"

"There are no suspicious findings. It's safe." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

There are two major communication methods for annunciators, one is satellite connection and the other is Bluetooth connection. Satellite connection is easy for the enemy to detect the signal source and is in a closed state. Everyone uses Bluetooth for communication. The Bluetooth connection distance of this kind of annunciator specially made by the equipment brigade is about 2,000 About meters, beyond this distance it is impossible to connect. If the enemy wants to detect it, it must be within this range. It is even more difficult to decipher.

"Brothers, let's go, we're going home." Luo Zheng glanced at the people behind him with his flashlight, shouted in a low voice, quickly turned off the flashlight and put it away, put on his night vision goggles, picked up his weapon and rushed out of the cave. Everyone else also They all followed suit. Those hauling supplies and carrying stretchers were all very fast.

"Guishou, take a few people to the rear and eliminate traces along the way." Luo Zheng continued.

"Understood!" Guishou agreed and ordered a few people to come to the back.

After everyone rushed to the canyon, they trotted forward along the canyon, walking specifically in densely forested areas to minimize the chance of being monitored by satellites. They climbed over mountains and ridges all the way, and unknowingly marched for three hours. Everyone was very physically exhausted. It was so big that I had to find a forest to stop and rest, and then continued marching.

Almost at the same time, the outside of the large ward of the medical center at Snow Bear Base Camp was filled with people. Everyone looked anxious, pacing back and forth, glancing at the closed door from time to time, but no one dared to rush in. Cass was among them. The colonel ran over, pulled Cass aside and whispered: "Captain, this can't go on like this. General Notch is still in a coma. If the enemy evacuates overnight, we will be in trouble to pursue him."

"Don't I know?" Cass cursed angrily in a low voice: "Also, I am only a staff officer now, so don't add me as the captain. How is the satellite monitoring situation?"

"The enemy's hiding place is monitored by satellites, and there is smoke. No one can be seen. They may still be down there, but none of us have ever been down there, and we don't know what's going on down there. How about sending armed helicopters over for a round of bombing to see what's going on?" Well, General Notch is seriously injured and I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up for a while." The colonel said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter if you don't wake up. It's not like you don't understand our rules. Do you want to make a mistake? It will take more than ten days for the enemy to withdraw. This time is enough for us to take revenge. Even if they withdraw, we are not afraid. Let the satellite watch them to death. Don't let them escape the hiding place. Also, do you have the right to send a reconnaissance team up there?" Cass reminded.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." The colonel agreed and hurried away.

"General, wake up, let Mr. Cass go in alone." A military doctor opened the door and came out and shouted.

Cass was overjoyed and rushed over to the ward. When he saw Nuoqi lying pale and listless, he quickly said: "General, are you feeling better?"

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