The strongest soldier

Chapter 1436 A secret fight

"I, an old man, am no match for you. After exchanging people, go home and sleep. Don't come here anymore, and we won't look for you anymore. Everyone is in peace and the world is peaceful. How wonderful! Why bother fighting and killing? Harmony, our two countries are friendly countries, what do you think?" Nuoqi smiled lightly, not angry.

This attitude made Luo Zheng even more vigilant. The more tolerant people are, the sharper their counterattacks will be. He sneered and asked: "Really? Fighting and killing is really boring, but you have cut off our country's territory through a series of unequal treaties. 150 It violated the contract and occupied tens of thousands of square kilometers of territory. I remember that your predecessor government also issued declarations many times stating that these treaties were invalid and gave up all the territory previously captured. Since it is a friendly country, can you return the territory? us?"

"We are soldiers, how about we not talk about politics?" Nuoqi said awkwardly.

"War is a continuation of politics. If you want to stop the war, you must first solve the political problem. However, I guess you don't have the ability. Since there is nothing to talk about, why are you talking to me here?" Luo Zheng sneered coldly: "If the border issue is not resolved for a day, it will be impossible for you and me to sit down and talk peacefully. This is the mission of soldiers."

"Your nationalist ideas are a bit extreme." Nuoqi sneered.

"Extreme? If you can get back the territory and solve the border issue, then let me be extreme. Even if I become a demon, it doesn't matter. I've been bullshit. Don't you just want to fully understand my character and philosophy through testing? If this is just With some tricks, you can go home and have your grandson, so as not to die on the battlefield at an old age and have a bad ending." Luo Zheng sneered disdainfully.

"Well done, this old turtle deserves to be scolded." Lan Xing's words sounded excitedly in the headset.

Luo Zheng did not answer Lan Xing's words, but gave Nuo Qi a cold look. He saw that Nuo Qi's face was livid and his whole body was shaking with anger, but he was still trying to control his emotions. He felt a little bit better about this guy's self-cultivation and tolerance. Understanding, he couldn't help but sneer and said: "You must have a good family background to be able to get to this point. If you die here, it will bring shame to the family."

"His father is Marshal Zhukov, God of War, and Grand Marshal." Blue Star's words rang in the headset.

"After a generation of military gods, if you fall into the hands of a junior like me, it will be a shame. The whole country will be ashamed because of you. As for me, no one will say anything if I lose to you. If I win, I will become famous. How about it?" , do you want to start a fight?" Luo Zheng smiled coldly, but he didn't expect this guy to have a great background.

"I have to say, your words made me a little moved. Defeating you will not do any good for me, but for Snow Bear, it will avenge its shame. Since you have issued a challenge, I will continue. Let's be like knights. Just fight as usual." Nuoqi said coldly, his expression getting increasingly ugly.

"Okay." Luo Zheng sneered. Seeing the brothers coming over, he hurriedly greeted them. His heart ached for no reason, and he asked with concern: "Brothers, are everything okay? Can you hold on?"

"Sir, it's no problem, I can't die." One of the team members tried to raise his chest and shouted. Maybe it was a wound, and the corners of his mouth were throbbing in pain, and his brows were furrowed.

"Everyone, don't worry. It's okay. Go ahead and hold on. Your commander is waiting in front." Luo Zheng said heartbrokenly. What a loyal and heroic soldier. He was tortured to such an extent that he was not a human being. Fortunately, he came. in time, otherwise they will all die for the country.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face darkened and he was about to scold Nuoqi. One of the team members said excitedly: "Sir, is our commander here too?"

"He's here too, let's go." Luo Zheng recognized the other party as a member of the First Squadron and quickly replied.

"He's still alive? That's great." The other party said excitedly, and a line of hot tiger tears rolled down. The others also became emotional, looked at Luo Zheng gratefully, gritted their teeth and walked forward with persistence.

"What a touching scene." Nuoqi said coldly from the side.

Luo Zheng ignored Nuoqi, but grabbed a team member and asked seriously: "Is your body okay? Have the poisons been eliminated? Did those bastards do anything bad to you before coming here?"

"Probably not. The poison is gone and I'm afraid my body won't be able to survive." The other party said quickly, with a look of sadness and anger on his face.

"Go on, don't think too much, it will get better." Luo Zheng comforted, patted the other person's shoulder, looked at the others and continued: "Brothers, grit your teeth and persevere, you have come this far, don't give up."

"Thank you, sir." Others said gratefully.

Luo Zheng watched a famous brother walk over. He was staggering and walking in pain. It was obvious that his body was about to reach its limit. If it weren't for the desire to survive, he would have collapsed long ago. He felt a pain in his heart and hated the snow bear. He became even more interested, and looked at Nuoqi coldly and said, "Remember, everything Snow Bear did to us will be repaid, no matter what."

"Really? I will return these words to you intact. Is it time to let our people go?" Nuo Qi said coldly, his face gradually turned cold, and he looked at Luo Zheng with slightly closed eyes. , there is a light of wisdom shining inside, and I don’t know what is being calculated.

"Of course, trustworthiness is my style." Luo Zheng said coldly. With a wave of his hand, the ghost hand began to release people. Luo Zheng did not look back. He believed that his brother could do everything well and continued to stare at Nuoqi. Said: "I know you have a conspiracy, and I also know that you will not accept my warning. Let's stop talking nonsense. If you use any tricks on the battlefield, I would like to remind you that it is best to think carefully before taking action, so as not to regret it."

"It's a blessing to meet an opponent like you when I grow old. I hope you won't make me regret it." Nuoqi said coldly, looking at his subordinates who were slowly walking towards him. They were all weak and almost fell. His face turned cold, and he asked coldly: "What did you do to them?"

"I'm not as vicious as you guys. I actually used poisonous gas bombs. I just didn't eat or drink. I just have to have a meal when I get back. Don't worry." Luo Zheng sneered teasingly and looked back at his brother, who had already passed by. After some distance, Guishou and Snow Leopard came up with others to greet them. Without moving, they quickly looked around, and finally their eyes fell on Nuoqi, and continued: "I believe your people have already targeted me, right?"

"Your people are no exception." Nuoqi sneered.

"In that case, let's all go home." Luo Zheng sneered.

"Not a bad proposal." Nuoqi said coldly, his eyes flashing with murderous intent, but he quickly concealed it and gestured to the people behind him, and a group of people rushed up to greet the captured comrades.

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