The strongest soldier

Chapter 1433 Withdrawing to the Cave

Ten minutes later, everyone began to evacuate the battle scene with nearly fifty dozen prisoners. Luo Zheng did not expect that twenty more would come out from behind. However, all of them were seriously injured and had no fighting power. It was difficult to walk. He had to Slow down and hurry up. Fortunately, the enemies are buried in the heavy snow, and there are no other fish that have slipped through the net. It will take time for the enemies to catch up. By the time they get here, everyone has already retreated far away.

In order to avoid being exposed to the satellite, everyone chose to march in the dense forest and walked very slowly. On the way, Luo Zheng asked the ghost hands to arrest a few people for interrogation. There were military tags with serial numbers and names on them, which was enough to identify them. They were all members of the Snow Bear Special Forces.

Capturing more than fifty members of the Snow Bear Special Forces at once was definitely a great fortune. It was more than enough to exchange for the captured brothers. Luo Zheng and others were pleasantly surprised when they learned the exact identities of these people. I also have a bit of admiration for people's abilities. Being able to survive such a terrifying avalanche attack is really extraordinary.

Two hours later, everyone came to the crack in the ground and used ropes to hang the prisoners down to prevent them from falling to death. These prisoners could not die until they were replaced by brothers. They went down to the cave and found a place to tie up all the prisoners. Get together, arrange for someone to take custody, and find a place to rest.

Luo Zheng and other officers gathered around the campfire to discuss countermeasures excitedly. So many prisoners gave everyone hope of rescuing the brothers, and strengthened their confidence in the entire plan. Wu Jin said with a smile: "Brothers, This battle was so enjoyable that I finally stopped going to the battlefield. These old arms and legs can hardly keep up with your pace. They are all great. I will give everyone credit when I get back."

"Thank you, Wu Bureau." Everyone shouted excitedly.

"Don't thank me, you all deserve it." Wu Jin laughed heartily, his eyes firmly falling on Luo Zheng, and he continued with a joyful expression: "The whole plan is divided into three steps, kidnap the person, redeem the person, and leave. , the words are concise and concise, but step by step, it mobilizes the whole body, the first step goes smoothly, and the second step follows."

"Well, please inform Blue Star, implement the second step plan, contact Snow Bear's senior management for negotiation, and report to your superiors by the way. This matter must be done by yourself." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, I'll go." Wu Jin agreed and left happily.

Snow Bear Base Camp, in a large ward, the major general was leaning on the hospital bed, hanging an intravenous drip. The military doctor left in a hurry, and the officers and mercenary representatives waiting outside walked in with responsible expressions, lowering their heads in shame, not even daring to Looking at the major general, everyone's face has nothing to do with the battle being fought like this.

"Everyone, sit down. I know the situation. I am also responsible for it. I still underestimated the enemy. I thought that with nearly a thousand elite troops and nearly ten thousand troops in the mountain division, I would have no problem dealing with a few dozen people. I will take responsibility like my superiors. You don't have to worry about all the responsibility." The major general said with a gray face.

"General?" a major said eagerly.

"Needless to say, after being injured like this, I have no shame to stay here and continue to wear this military uniform. I am even more sorry for the brothers who died tragically. Someone has to take responsibility for this matter. I am the ideal, but I am not qualified enough. Before the punishment is handed down, I sincerely urge you to abide by your duties, find those bastards as soon as possible, and let me take a look at those bastards before leaving and kill them with my own hands."

"General, we will do our best." The Snow Lion of the Samsara Killer Organization said quickly, secretly rejoicing in his heart. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and slipped back halfway, he would have been buried in the heavy snow by now. Facing the With such an opponent, Snow Bear had to re-examine and weigh whether it was right to do so, but he had to take a stand at the moment, otherwise he could not leave this base camp.

"You? I've heard about it. You withdrew halfway. I've already given you some slack without arresting you. I don't ask much of you. Find their location, settle half of the balance, and terminate your employment relationship. Withdraw. My country can’t be found, and you won’t even get a penny of the remaining money.” The major general’s face turned cold and he said dissatisfied.

"Okay, I promise to complete the mission." Snow Lion suppressed his dissatisfaction and thought about taking the people to evacuate in a short while, walking as far as possible, never coming here again, and never having anything to do with Snow Bear.

Next to him, the wolf king Tang Tian also made a calculation. He felt that the snow bear was not as strong as Sam Guo in combat, and that the tree on the list was more reliable. He had some calculations in his mind and stood up and said: "Major General, please don't worry. We will pay for the balance later." We only collected half, we will fight to the last moment, what do you think?" But he made up his mind and ran away as soon as he found an opportunity. Who knows whether these snow bears will kill good people and risk their lives in anger. After killing so many people, how can a major general explain the past? Tang Tian can see further than the snow lion, but he doesn't think so.

The equally ruthless and extremely cunning Blood Leech King also saw that the major general might kill good people and take credit for his merits, and use the heads of mercenaries as military merits. It is not the nature of such a huge loss to be destroyed in the hands of dozens of people rather than in the hands of hundreds of people. Similarly, the Blood Leech King did not want to stay and wait for death, but he could not say anything clearly. He promised categorically: "Your Excellency, Major General, the money cannot be less, but we will fight to the end. I guarantee it with my credibility."

If Wolf King Tang Tian only wanted to stabilize the major general, Blood Leech King's tough and unwilling attitude was also to win the major general's trust. One used retreat to advance, and the other used advance to advance. The purpose was the same, but the means were different.

The major general really had the idea of ​​killing the mercenaries and handing them over. Which one is more acceptable to all walks of life, losing at the hands of dozens of people or losing at the hands of hundreds of people? The answer is self-evident. With hundreds of heads as war merits, although you can't keep your status, you can at least save your life. Seeing that the Blood Leech King and the Wolf King both took the initiative to express their opinions, they had no doubts about him. They nodded with satisfaction and thought about it first. It may be better to decide based on the situation.

At this time, an intelligence staff officer hurried over and whispered a few words in the major general's ear. The major general's face turned cold and he shouted: "You bastard, you dare to negotiate terms with me."

The communications staff officer stood aside awkwardly. The major general's angry face was as cold as frost, and his eyes were murderous. The air around him seemed to have dropped several degrees. Everyone did not dare to breathe loudly and waited quietly. After a while, The major general's expression softened a bit and he said: "We have fifty-three snow bear brothers who fell into the hands of the enemy. Now the enemy proposes to exchange hostages. What do you think?"

"This?" Everyone hesitated and looked at each other. The matter was so important that no one dared to express their opinion easily.

Note: It’s the end of the month, please check your monthly passes and don’t waste them.

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