The strongest soldier

Chapter 1419 Preparations

As a result, it was quickly discovered that there were no flights waiting to take off. The most suitable flight would arrive at around three o'clock the next night. Military aircraft would definitely not be able to fly and would be regarded as an invasion and be shot down. After confirming the flight time, Luo Zheng quickly turned off the signal transmitter to prevent the satellite signal from being captured by the snow bear. He and Shadow quickly retreated into the cracks in the ground and came to the cave. They sat around the campfire with the snow fox and started chatting.

I slept in the hot spring pool for a while, and everyone was full of energy and not sleepy. Before I knew it, it was dawn. Shadow asked Luo Zheng and Xue Hu to stay in the cave while he went out and brought them back in about half an hour. Luo Zheng's eyes lit up when he saw the two wild salamanders. These are good things. He asked in surprise: "How did you get them? Do you still have them?"

"Yes, there is an underground river not far away, and there are many more in it." Shadow said nonchalantly: "Give me the helmet to use as a pot. It will make a good stew. I'll get it." With that, he took Luo Zheng's helmet and left. , the helmet was captured on the battlefield and has been worn all the time.

Not long after, the shadow came back, hung the helmet on the bonfire and stewed it. There was a lot of dry firewood stored in the cave, which was enough for everyone to spend a while. Soon the salamander was stewed, and everyone used their sabers to cut chopsticks and sprinkle them. The salt seized from the observation point is just scooped up and eaten. It is sweet, delicious and full of fragrance.

A large steel helmet was not enough for three people. With nothing to do, Shadow grabbed another one and stewed it. It was inconvenient for everyone to go out before reinforcements arrived, so as not to arouse the enemy's suspicion. The smoke from the fire was blown into the cave, and You don’t know where it has drifted, so don’t worry too much about being exposed.

The three of them ate and slept in the cave. When they woke up, they continued to stew fish. The days passed easily. Before they knew it, it was night. Everyone had eaten and drank. Shadow suddenly stood up, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "It's so far away from them." There are still three hours before we arrive. I will go to the base camp to make some noise and distract the enemy's attention so that everyone will not be exposed when they airborne. You stay to greet them. Snow Fox, don't move, just wait here."

"Okay, be careful." Luo Zheng knew the speed of Shadow. After staying there for two months, he became familiar with the surrounding terrain. No one could catch him alone in this snowy field, so he agreed with peace of mind, and there was Shadow to lure him away. The enemy's attention is much safer when reinforcements are airborne.

"Remember to secure the observation point to avoid being discovered." Shadow explained.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed. He already knew the specific location of the observation point. It would not be difficult to remove it at night. He glanced at Xuehu and continued: "You can just wait here without worrying about it. Don't think too much. "

"With my body, it's useless to think too much. Don't worry, I know the depth. Following you is a burden and will only become a drag." Xuehu said with a wry smile.

Luo Zheng handed an AK-74M to Xuehu, left the magazine, checked the sniper rifle, put on the pistol and saber, picked up the night vision goggles and Shadow and walked outside. He slowly climbed up to the crack in the ground with a flashlight, looked around vigilantly, and quickly turned over after confirming that there was no danger. He lurked in the snow and continued to watch the surroundings. He raised the sniper scope to observe the surroundings.

"There's no danger. Just wear the flashlight. I have night vision goggles." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Okay, remember, no matter what happens, don't look for me. I will be here at dawn." Shadow whispered. After seeing Luo Zheng nod, he stood up and ran forward, one foot high. , lowering his foot, like a hungry wolf hunting alone, but his pace is extremely firm.

Luo Zheng did not move, and continued to observe the surroundings and wait. When he saw that no one was attacking, he glanced at the shadows that were gradually disappearing. He also put on his night vision goggles, picked up his weapon and rushed in the other direction. Following the reflection of the white snow on the ground, Luo Zheng I quickly walked to the observation point, walked for a while, stopped to observe for a while, and unknowingly arrived at the top of a mountain.

He had been here once before. Luo Zheng took advantage of the cover of the surrounding trees and walked forward with familiarity. While watching the surroundings with vigilance, he was like a sneaking ghost in this silent forest, slowly approaching the target and raising his eyebrows. He opened his ears, but didn't hear any sound.

Luo Zheng was startled and became suspicious. He crept closer to the entrance of the cave and found that it was dark inside. There were no lights, no people, and no bodies that had been killed. It had obviously been abandoned. He couldn't help but wonder why the enemy had abandoned this observation point. , has the defense plan been changed?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng carefully observed the surroundings for a while. After making sure that he was not discovered, he retreated along the same route. He walked extremely carefully and looked back from time to time to avoid being stared at. Unknowingly, he came to a crack in the ground. He lurked behind a hillside and continued to observe the direction of his approach.

The road was quiet, and no living creatures could be seen. Big trees stood tall, which looked particularly strange in the night, like monsters standing there. Luo Zheng was brave and talented, and was used to this kind of wild survival. He didn't care and looked up. A glance at the sky showed dense stars and a bright moon. It was a rare good day. Looking at the time, it was still about half an hour before the airborne landing. Luo Zheng cheered up and continued to monitor the surroundings.

Everything seemed to be still on the deathly silent snowfield. The dark mountains in the distance, the trees standing around, and the white snow without any vitality on the ground. All of these exuded a depressing atmosphere, an oppressive atmosphere. One can't breathe.

Time passed minute by minute. Luo Zheng lay down behind the slope and continued to monitor the surroundings. There was nothing abnormal. Everything was eerily quiet, but Luo Zheng was very happy. The absence of any problems meant that the enemy had not paid attention to this area. This was a huge blow to him. It's good news, but I don't know what's going on with Shadow. There should be a fight at this time, right? I hope nothing happens again.

Looking at his watch, he saw that it was already the appointed time. Luo Zheng quickly turned on the signal transmitter, and after connecting to the satellite signal, he said: "It's me, everything continues, you can airborne."

"Understood, notify them immediately. The airborne landing is expected in ten minutes." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed, his cold eyes continuing to search the surroundings, not missing a single detail, and he turned off the signal to prevent exposure.

Time slowly slipped away while waiting. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw small white flowers floating in the sky, which were particularly conspicuous in the night sky. He couldn't help but smile. Finally, it was time to fight the enemy. , the next step is to rescue the hostages. As long as the brothers are rescued, he will have no worries.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes became a little sharper, and he continued to watch the surroundings vigilantly, not daring to be careless at all.

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