The strongest soldier

Chapter 141 Driving to save someone

"Quick, rush over to see what's going on, and be alert." Luo Zheng shouted loudly.

Daka sped up and ran in the direction of the gunshots. Soon, a valley appeared in front of him. The valley was not high and very spacious. The gunshots came from inside. There were explosions of grenades in the middle. They were only a few hundred meters away and dense. The sound of gunshots made everyone's hearts twitch, and they all looked at Luo Zheng.

"Drive in a little further." Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, his resolute face full of murderous intent, his eyes fixed as he looked at the valley ahead, a huge fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

Daka rushed into the valley and turned a corner. The view in front was wider. The battle scene in front shocked everyone. They saw countless people ambushing on the surrounding hills. Intense firepower was shooting at a few people in the valley, ambushing them. There were more than two hundred people, forming a huge pocket. Those who were ambushed could only huddle in low-lying pits and occasionally fight back. The situation was very critical.

"Stop the car." Luo Zheng saw this scene clearly through the sniper scope. He found that the people surrounded looked like his own people, with black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin. They were obviously different from the East Turkestan elements. He couldn't help shouting, quickly Open the ammunition box, hang the grenade on your clothes, and shout: "The people who were ambushed may be other participating teams. They don't have much ammunition left, and they don't have cover. You will drive in a while, use the car as a cover, and distribute the ammunition to them." , I went up from the side in a roundabout way."

"It's enough for one person to drive over. They still have seven people fighting back. As long as they have enough ammunition and the cover of a big truck, they should be able to block the enemy's attack. The three of us will sneak up from other places." The scholar's face became serious. , quickly suggested.

"No, the troops are scattered, and a sneak attack is of little significance. After catching them, the right way is to concentrate firepower and rush out of the encirclement." Luo Zheng refused without hesitation, hung thirteen grenades on his body, and then used the remaining Put the two sniper magazines on your waist, put the AK47 on your back, pick up a ammunition chain and tie it to your waist, then insert the five magazines of the AK47 on the ammunition chain, plus a pistol and an M9 saber and a knife, which is considered well-armed.

After bringing enough ammunition, Luo Zheng calmly glanced at everyone, his eyes were focused, and he whispered: "Be careful and rush out of the encirclement as soon as possible. I will catch up with you."

"Be careful yourself." Everyone reminded them one after another.

Luo Zheng nodded, jumped out of the car without hesitation, looked around, locked the highest peak not far away, and ran over quickly. The rolling hills could not stop Luo Zheng's footsteps. He was used to running in the jungle. Running in the mountains is as fast as running on flat ground.

Looking at Luo Zheng who was blowing away like the wind, the scholar's face turned cold and shouted: "Brothers, heavy machine guns block both sides, charge forward and kill!"

"Kill!" Everyone shouted in unison, and a strong fighting spirit burst out. The heavy machine guns were arranged on both sides, and the big trucks were also launched, running towards the front, and soon entered the battlefield. The heavy machine guns began to roar, The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet instantly hit the people ambush on both sides, unable to raise their heads.

The sudden change attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield. Everyone looked at the roaring truck in disbelief. It was like a moving military fortress. Two heavy machine guns fired terrifying firepower. The people surrounded reacted. Come over and smile excitedly.

The monk drove the big truck and ran wildly, and soon came to the hiding place of a man. The man used the big truck to block the fire, struggled to get up from the depression, and ran towards the back of the big truck like a cheetah. He rolled up and the big truck came up, lying on the car. On the road, he looked at the scholar and others with vigilance. They had the same skin and the same eyes. Hearing the crisp sound of bullets hitting the guardrails on both sides of the truck, he couldn't help but smile.

"Brother, are you okay?" The scholar was lying down in the carriage to observe the enemy's situation. When he saw the person coming up, he couldn't help but ask, aiming his gun at the opponent intentionally or unintentionally, just in case.

"It's okay, are you guys?" Hearing the familiar voice, the other party got off guard and shouted excitedly.

The scholar heard the accent of the other party and knew that he was one of his own. He also secretly lowered his guard and looked out through the bullet holes in the canvas that had been sieved. He shouted: "There are weapons and ammunition in the car, take it yourself."

"Great, brothers, we have no ammunition. If you don't come, we will leave here." The other party was not polite, crawled over, quickly picked up the gun and ammunition, rolled to the side, and then carried the big card to the side. He took cover with the fence and looked out through the canvas full of bullet holes. After locking the enemy's position, he opened fire without hesitation.

Another person climbed over the truck. When he saw a familiar person fighting back with all his strength, he didn't ask any questions. He lowered himself down and didn't dare to raise his head. He used his hands and feet to crawl forward a while, picked up the ammunition and rolled to the side with a look on his face. Angrily, he started shooting violently outside.

More people climbed onto the truck, and the counterattack fire from the truck became more intense. Suddenly, the truck suddenly braked to a stop, and someone came up with the wounded on his back. The scholar hurriedly stepped forward to help, dragging the wounded onto the truck, while anxiously shouted: "Quick, get in the car, we are going to rush over."

The dense bullets hit the guardrails on both sides of the carriage, making a ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-ping sound, and sparks flying everywhere. The canvas that covered the truck was already riddled with holes. Everyone lay tightly in the carriage, not daring to raise their heads too high, and fought back with all their strength. The precise shooting knocked down the enemy's arrogance, especially the powerful firepower of the two heavy machine guns, which made the enemy dare not take the lead easily.

Everyone climbed into the car. The scholar took a look. There were seven people and three injured people. There were ten in total. They should be two participating teams, but now was not the time to talk. The monk estimated that after everyone got on the car, he would drive the car. Quickly, his body was curled up under the driving position. He occasionally raised his head to look at the road conditions, and then quickly retracted. In this kind of battle, the driver was naturally the first choice to attack, and the monk did not dare to touch this bad luck.

Fortunately for everyone, this big truck is a modified truck. Perhaps the East Turkestan Islamic Movement members are also worried about being attacked. The important parts have thickened steel plates. When bullets hit it, sparks fly out, so it does not pose a great threat to the people inside the truck. .

Suddenly, the body of the car dwarfed, and the truck slowed down. Everyone felt keenly that the tires of the car were blown out. The monk naturally knew this, so he still charged forward with full power, and he was about to break out of the encirclement. Intensive bullets hit the front of the car, which started to smoke. The engine suddenly stopped working, and the truck slowly stopped.

"What happened?" the scholar shouted loudly.

"The front of the car was hit by a heavy machine gun and the wiring was damaged. It can't drive." The monk replied loudly in the carriage.

"Go under the car and I'll give you a weapon." The scholar yelled.

"Okay!" the monk yelled, his murderous aura burst out, he opened the car door, rolled to the ground, and then rolled twice into the bottom of the car.

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