The strongest soldier

Chapter 1357 All parties respond

Using complex terrain and relying on heavy weapons to kill targets in the shortest possible time is understandable to everyone. However, the enemy is not a vegetarian. It will not take long for them to react and surround the scene. It is also understandable that they must jump out of the encirclement first. But after rushing to the school, the enemies will definitely follow and surround the school. How will you escape then? Everyone looked at Luo Zheng curiously.

Luo Zheng had already considered this aspect clearly, glanced at everyone calmly, and continued to talk: "It will be easier if there are Chinese people in the school. Find a few freshmen with similar body shapes to us, and find a way to control them somewhere outside the school." place, make silicone masks according to their appearance, obtain their student ID cards, etc. As soon as we arrive at the school, we will immediately disguise ourselves as them and blend in with the crowd, pretending to be students and evacuate. Even if the school is surrounded and investigated, we will not be afraid. Reveal identity and credentials.”

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and no one raised any questions. As long as it was done properly, pretending to be a student to evacuate was the best choice. Seeing that no one objected, Luo Zheng continued: "If you do it at night, the visibility is low and it will not be easy to investigate. When the time comes, Install time bombs in the school's power generation room, and detonate the explosives whenever the enemy surrounds the school, causing commotion and taking the opportunity to evacuate the encirclement."

"Yes, that's okay. Leave it to me to plant the explosives." He Guozhu said in surprise and approval.

"All peripheral preparations are left to you. We are not familiar with the terrain and do not understand the language. We will be easily exposed if we come forward. Do you have any questions?" Luo Zheng asked with a serious face.

He Guozhu pondered for a moment and shook his head to express that he had no objection. Luo Zheng glanced at Hei Shi and saw that Hei Shi had no objection, so he smiled and said: "Since you have no objection, then let's implement this plan. You can decide the specific execution plan yourself. I can't." Asked, just look at the results, whether you can succeed or not is up to you two."

"You're welcome. This is the first time for me to make such a big move. It is completely different from the way our intelligence workers operate. This has broken away from the secret front working method. It is a battle. We really need to make a good action plan. You should review it after it is done. Just a moment." He Guozhu said cautiously.

"That's fine." Luo Zheng smiled nonchalantly and looked at Hei Shi and continued: "If there is nothing else, let's all work separately. Hei Shi, you should contact the people in the palace as soon as possible to see if you can figure out the target's location and feed back the information in time. Come on, there must be people searching for us everywhere outside right now, it’s not appropriate to go out, I’ll leave everything to you two.”

"Yes." He Guozhu exchanged glances and solemnly agreed.

Luo Zheng and others left He Guozhu's office and returned to their residence to recharge their batteries. The appearance of Jackson made Luo Zheng realize that there must be enemy spies everywhere outside. The surveillance cameras everywhere in the city must also be looking for him. If he goes out, he will die. , had to leave the preliminary preparation work entirely to the two of them. Luo Zheng had no idea what could be done, so he could only leave it to fate. This was a last resort.


In a luxurious palace in the Indian Royal Palace, the lobby is filled with various electronic devices. Some people are nervously busy with something at the computer. There are Indians and white people. They all have cold expressions and firm eyes. Not far away On the sofa, Jackson sat quietly, his eyes fixed on the red wine glass in his hand, and he gently shook his arms. The red wine was swaying in the glass, and the bright red liquid exuded a charming luster.

After a while, a middle-aged man hurriedly walked in, followed by two bodyguards. The middle-aged man held a folder with information in his hand. He sat down diagonally across from Jackson and looked at him with cold eyes. Jackson said: "Mr. Jackson, the palace has been completely arranged according to your defense concept, but the enemy has not appeared. Our intelligence department has also been operating at full strength and has not found the target. Has the target not come?"

"No, I feel his presence. He is lurking around us. He will pounce on us at any time and give us a fatal blow. What we have to do is to defend and counterattack. First, defense, then counterattack. Now the defense is basically in place. , the next step is to find him, and then strike with thunder." Jackson said calmly, and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, as if he was swallowing some hatred.

"One thing you don't understand is that this is my country. I have many things to consider, such as time. You can afford to wait, but I can't wait. If I can't find the other party within three days and kill him, I can't move forward. If you tell me face to face, your identity will be very embarrassing." The middle-aged man said with some dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Alas, thank you very much for your trust in me. One thing I must remind you is that you turned to my country for help, and my country sent me here. I represent the country, so I can only do my best. To help you catch the target as soon as possible, hello, me, everyone, you don’t have to worry about this." Jackson said calmly, stood up, picked up the red wine on the wine cabinet next to him and poured some more.

The middle-aged man is Alas, the official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India. He had a conflict with Luo Zheng at the summit forum, but he endured it. He is also a difficult and powerful person. The president of India in this case of protecting the national division. The person in charge, Alas, frowned slightly and said calmly: "I'm very grateful that you think so. If I can't get the results within three days, it will be difficult for me to explain to my superiors. Once someone is replaced, will I still be with you?" It’s hard to talk about cooperation between countries. Once cooperation is canceled, you will also miss the opportunity for revenge, so I hope to see results as soon as possible.”

Jackson looked at Alas with a hint of cruelty in his eyes, but he concealed it very well. He sat down calmly and continued: "If I guessed correctly, the opponent has already come to the palace to explore the bottom and knows that it is heavily defended. , it is difficult to penetrate, so we hide somewhere to peek and look for opportunities to strike. We cannot mess up our position."

"You mean the other party has arrived in the capital?" Jackson continued dissatisfied. Seeing Jackson nod without hesitation, he became even more dissatisfied and said: "Are you insulting our intelligence capabilities? As long as the enemy comes In this city, our intelligence officers will be able to find him, I’m sure of that.”

"What if the other party is hiding in the embassy?" Jackson said angrily.

"Embassy?" Alas was startled, his face became embarrassed, and continued: "If that's the case, it would be difficult. I have no right to go in and search, but I can send people to keep an eye on me."

"They only need to direct the peripheral intelligence personnel to take action. If they want to catch the other party, they can only attack the embassy. Don't you forget the last summit forum? Steve secretly organized people to attack you. Why can't you follow suit? Why can't we storm the embassy?" Jackson sneered.

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