The strongest soldier

Chapter 1303 Catch the murderer

The chiming sound of the big clock on the bell tower attracted everyone around, and also covered up the scream of sniper bullets, but the bell tower was more than 1,400 meters away from the Congress building, and it took about two seconds for the bullets to fly. Luo Zheng happened to be looking at the bell tower direction, he vaguely saw bullets flying towards him. He didn't care whether it was true or not, and he didn't dare to joke with his own life. His instinct and experience on the battlefield made Luo Zheng make the most correct choice.

Steve didn't pay attention to the bell tower and didn't realize the bullet was discovered. He was thrown to the ground by Luo Zheng. He was full of curiosity and was about to ask when he saw a Zhongnanhai bodyguard being hit by a bullet. His head exploded instantly, and red and white things flew everywhere. , especially weird in the sunlight, I couldn’t help being shocked, and I immediately reacted.

"Get down!" Luo Zheng shouted while throwing Steve down, but it was still too late. Two seconds was too short. If the danger was discovered in advance, everyone might be able to avoid the bullet with their skills, but for those who didn't know For those who are passionate, there is no way to avoid it.

Others heard the warning and fell to the ground one after another. The host country's guards also reacted and stood in front of them. They raised their guns and searched for the enemy. No one knew where the bullet came from. Then there was another sound. The dull sound of chiming time, this time without bullets.

All this was done in a flash of lightning, lasting less than three seconds. Luo Zheng lay tightly on the ground without moving. When he saw his comrades who had been sniped, his face was as cold as frost. He quickly looked towards the direction of the bell tower and shouted loudly: "Quick, it's inside the big clock." He got up and rushed towards the big clock without any regard for the danger.

Steve also reacted, leaving one team to maintain the scene, and led the other team to chase after him. Someone shot under his nose and almost hit himself. This made Steve very angry and picked up the gun. He picked up the walkie-talkie and mobilized his troops while running. When he found out that Luo Zheng had already rushed out a long way away, he was shocked and quickly ordered the other party to speed up. If the murderer was caught by Luo Zheng, it would be a shame.

Luo Zheng's mind was filled with the tragic scene of his brother who was killed by a sniper. He only had one thought in his mind, no matter what, he must find the murderer and avenge his sacrificed brother. The other Zhongnanhai bodyguards were also angry and wished they could rush to hunt down the murderer, but no one could Didn't move. At this time, we can't be chaotic. The chairman will definitely come out when he learns the situation. Protecting the safety of the chairman is everyone's highest mission. We can't abandon official duties because of hatred.

Soon, Luo Zheng rushed to the road. There was a lot of traffic on the road. Luo Zheng had no intention of stopping and continued to rush forward. This way, he had a clear view. The murderer could have fired a second shot. From the moment he caught up to him, the murderer had not fired a second shot. Movement can only mean that the other party is evacuating and must catch up as soon as possible.

A car came roaring by, honking the horn and applying the brakes. However, the speed was too fast and the distance was too close to stop. The car owner thought he would hit Luo Zheng and was horrified. At this time, Luo Zheng had no intention of slowing down. , did not retreat to dodge, but continued to rush forward, kicked hard with his feet, and his body rose into the air.

In the air, Luo Zheng pressed his feet against the roof of the car, and used the force to fly forward. Like a big bird with its wings spread, he jumped over another car that was driving side by side in the blink of an eye, and landed firmly on the road. On the other side, he kicked his feet hard and continued to rush forward like a cannonball being discharged.

Steve, who was chasing after him, couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Quick, rush up, don't let others look down on you." The others roared angrily, and howled at Luo Zheng's stimulation. Shouting and rushing up.

The incident happened in my own country. As a security guard, I failed to prevent the assassination and failed to protect the guests. If the guests were allowed to catch the murderer first, then there would be no place for everyone's face. The strong have their own dignity and honor needs. Guardian, at this moment, everyone was angry and burst out at an unprecedented speed.

Luo Zheng rushed to the gate of the bell tower in one breath. The security guard at the door didn't know what was going on and came up to stop him. Considering that this was another country, Luo Zheng had to stop. Suddenly he saw a person rushing out of the gate, looking around nervously. , wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses, without any luggage, but Luo Zheng found that the other party's body was still, his eyes were sharp and calm, and he had a military aura.

Soldiers are very sensitive to the scent of similar people. They can feel it with a glance, a word, or even a back view. What's more, the other party suddenly turned around and walked inside. Luo Zheng immediately judged that the other party was suspicious, and without any time to explain, he rushed forward. The two security guards tried to stop them, but Luo Zheng knocked them to the ground and continued to chase them.

After rushing into the lobby, Luo Zheng found the other person running toward the back door and quickly chased after him. He found that the other person was not running slowly. Luo Zheng clung to the other person's back and slowly shortened the distance. The pursuit of the two scared the surrounding people. People stopped to watch and talked a lot.

At this time, piercing sirens sounded all around. Luo Zheng knew that Steve had sent people to surround and surround him, and it was finally working. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and accelerated the pursuit. The suspect may have realized that he had been exposed, so he also accelerated his pursuit. He picked up his pace and rushed forward.

With a sound of "Boom!", Luo Zheng, who was running in pursuit, found that his target rushed to the intersection and was hit by another bus rushing up the road. His body flew out. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and accelerated his pace to rush forward.

The target was severely hit and rolled on the ground. Although he was not killed on the spot, he could not get up. Many people around looked at him and looked at him in surprise when they saw Luo Zheng running over.

Luo Zheng knew his identity and could not interfere with anything in this country, but he still couldn't help but rush forward, squatting in front of the target and looking at the other person. He looked like a Caucasian. He groped for a while on the other person, but couldn't find anything to prove his identity. At this time, a large number of police officers rushed up and surrounded the two people, holding guns in their hands and shouting something.

Luo Zheng gave up on the unconscious target, raised his hands over his shoulders, and stood up slowly to avoid being misunderstood. At this time, Steve rushed up with his people, glanced at the target on the ground, and quickly signaled the police around him to put down their guns. , let his men go to the rescue immediately with the target.

"Are you okay?" Steve said to Luo Zheng after taking control of the situation.

"It's okay. It's a pity. This bastard has nothing on him to prove his identity. He must be rescued. In addition, if this bastard is accidentally caught, the leader will definitely consider a rescue or assassination plan. Let your people be careful. ." Luo Zheng quickly warned.

"Understood, it's a white man, maybe from Sam country, but there is no evidence. This matter is not easy to handle. Come with me to the hospital. This is not the place to talk." Steve reminded in a low voice.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed. After finally catching someone, he would be in big trouble if he was rescued or silenced. He followed Steve and quickly got into the car.

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