The strongest soldier

Chapter 1291 Suspect commits suicide

News came half an hour later that the two people who were chasing Guishou in a car were blocked by the police. One of them fired a gun to resist and was shot to death randomly. The man who was driving huddled in the car and did not dare to come out. He was captured alive. It was the chairman. Luo Zheng was overjoyed upon hearing this, and immediately sent someone to bring him for interrogation. Shi Feng arranged the interrogation room and made all preparations.

Ten minutes later, the other party was brought to the city bureau and sent to the interrogation room. His hands and feet were handcuffed on a chair. Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Shi Feng walked into the interrogation room and looked at each other. They sat down on the main interrogation table. Luo Zheng He walked up to the other party uneasily, moved his mouth to check, and made sure that there were no fangs or anything like that in his mouth before he stopped. Without sitting back on the interrogation table, he looked at the other party coldly and said, "Look at you, are you an Indian? "

"Yes, I am an international friend. You can't do anything to me. I want to see a lawyer and an ambassador." The other party roared with a cold face, but no matter how he looked at it, he had a bit of a stern look.

Luo Zheng was not interested in such a person who was tough on the outside but weak on the inside, and said coldly: "The request is invalid. If you do not cooperate with the interrogation, you will be charged with subverting our country's national security, and you will have to spend your whole life in jail. Believe it or not, you can give it a try, and let me remind you, your father is involved in endangering our country’s leaders, which is a serious crime, so don’t expect your father to save you.”

"What? This is impossible." The other party shouted in panic, staring at Luo Zheng. Seeing Luo Zheng's disdainful expression, as if he had a pearl of wisdom in his hand, he was immediately discouraged and shouted quickly: "I don't know. What did you say."

"Since you are unwilling to cooperate and give up your chance of survival, there is no need to ask any more questions." With a lazy expression, Luo Zheng walked back to the interrogation table and said to Shi Feng and Lan Xue: "Leave this person to us. I will let him spend his whole life in a dark place where no one knows where he is."

"You're not a policeman?" the other party shouted in horror.

"I have to say that you speak Chinese Mandarin very well, but you know too little about our country's national conditions. Have you ever seen people in plainclothes interrogating cases in the municipal bureau interrogation room? One last question, do you want to say it? You won't say it. It's okay, I won't embarrass you, there are people who will embarrass you when you get there." Luo Zheng said coldly.

The other party knew it was a secret prison as soon as he heard it. It was a dark place, and more importantly, the prisoners were all serious criminals. If you go in, you will be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth. Not to mention that your good years are gone, and you don't know how many days you can live. You are terrified. shouted: "I say, I say, I will tell you whatever you want to know."

"That's right. Where is the Imperial Master?" Luo Zheng asked straight to the point.

When the other party heard Luo Zheng say the name of the Imperial Master, he obviously understood a lot of the situation and dared to hide it. He quickly said: "I returned home six hours ago, and I drove him there. I must have arrived by now. It is said that he lives in the palace, and I don’t know anything else about it. It’s the first time I’ve seen him.”

"Going back?" Luo Zheng was startled, and his anger welled up. This bastard killed someone and ran away. Six hours is enough for him to return to the country. It is obviously impossible to catch him again, but this security risk worries Luo Zheng. After a thorough interrogation, I found that this person didn't know much and didn't have any valuable clues.

After interrogating for a while, there still was no valuable clues. Luo Zheng left the interrogation room angrily. Shi Feng also got angry. The matter was so important that he immediately called a criminal police officer and said seriously: "Give me a fatigue interrogation. Don’t let him rest until the results are known, and also call a psychologist to come over for interrogation.”

"Understood." The other party quickly agreed. The so-called fatigue interrogation is an interrogation strategy, which is to take turns and constantly ask the same questions without giving the other party time to rest and think until the other party falls down tired. Under such circumstances, you will lose your basic calmness and judgment and speak your true inner thoughts.

Shi Feng came to the conference room after explaining and looked at the angry Luo Zheng and said worriedly: "Since the other party has returned to the country, is the wanted order cancelled? In addition, do you want to summarize the situation and report it?"

"Okay, you can do it." Luo Zheng agreed casually, and carefully thought about the other party's true purpose, letting the national master kill people quietly, and the alternate became the main force. If it was for financial gain, this company should not hire The only right thing to do is to mobilize the National Guard. When the National Guard is mobilized, there should be a strong political purpose. That is to say, the murderer's purpose is to get close to the Chairman and find an opportunity to assassinate him.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but be alert, and told Shi Feng his thoughts, who had not yet left, and finally added: "If the inference is true, the other party may use the national division to assassinate again. Now, this company is exposed , will naturally be removed from the list, and if it is removed, there will be no chance to approach the chairman. What I am worried about is whether there is only one such company?"

"More?" Shi Feng looked at Luo Zheng in surprise.

"With such a big commotion, you only have one plan of action? Can you ensure that the other party has no hidden plans?" Luo Zheng analyzed calmly. Just as he was talking, a phone call came in. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was from a ghost hand. , a bad emotion came into my heart, I quickly connected and said, "It's me, what's going on?"

"The chairman is dead. He committed suicide by swallowing a gun. According to the on-site investigation, it was suicide." Guishou said in a deep voice.

"Suicide due to guilt?" Luo Zheng asked coldly.

"The possibility is high. Once the matter is exposed, the other party will not be able to escape our pursuit. It is estimated that there will be no way to explain it when we go back. He might as well commit suicide." Guishou agreed.

"Seal down the scene immediately and we will come over immediately." Luo Zheng promised, looked at Shi Feng and said: "The target committed suicide, arrange to go there immediately and bring the people from the identification department."

"Understood." Shi Feng's face changed drastically, and he quickly agreed. He stood up and took out his phone. He followed everyone outside while making phone calls to arrange personnel and vehicles.

Soon, everyone rushed out of the city bureau, got in the car and rushed towards the scene. Luo Zheng thought solemnly along the way, trying to sort out the confusing clues. The national teacher left after the murder, leaving the person in charge of the company behind. If he had not After finding the clues, but failing to get to this point, the matter becomes a mystery. This company can be successfully added to the list and close to the killer. Then it can find opportunities to carry out the assassination. In other words, the true identity of the murderer will be revealed. The purpose is the chairman.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face turned as cold as frost, and his whole body exuded a murderous aura. He remained silent. Lan Xue, who was in the car with him, and Shi Feng, who was driving, were also thinking about something. Without saying a word, the team didn't know what was going on. Jue stopped at the door of a luxurious villa in the villa area, and Guishou came out from the villa to greet him.

"What's going on inside?" Luo Zheng jumped out of the car and asked in a deep voice.

"The situation is a bit complicated." Guishou responded in a deep voice.

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