The strongest soldier

Chapter 1287 Clues

The murderer's successive assassinations made Luo Zheng completely angry. A poisonous snake that could come up from the sewer to attack the target would never stay at the scene and wait for death. Luo Zheng had no interest in looking for poisonous snakes. This kind of artificially controlled poisonous snake would definitely not At the scene, all the clues were cut off. What should I do? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly remembered his father's words that night: Whoever benefits in the end is the biggest suspect.

"Let's go, go back first." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

The district-level public security bureau was in charge of the scene. Everyone drove away quickly. Luo Zheng was silent along the way. Everyone knew that Luo Zheng was thinking, so they did not interrupt and remained silent. After returning to the city bureau, they came to the conference room together in a tacit understanding. The conference room has been converted into a temporary headquarters. Before everyone could sit down, Luo Zheng said eagerly: "Director Shi, I have a question. After the three chip dealers were killed, do the people on the list need to be changed?"

"Yes, this visit is of great significance. Representatives from all major fields have been selected, and there are candidates. This is also normal." Shi Feng said affirmatively.

"Let's figure out one thing right away. If someone is replaced, who will be replaced?" Luo Zheng's face darkened and he said immediately.

"What do you mean?" Shi Feng looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, suddenly reacted, his face condensed, and he immediately said: "Okay, I'll do it right away." He hurriedly left.

Everyone was waiting patiently in the conference room. Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng and whispered in surprise: "Are you worried?"

"Yes, but it needs to be confirmed." Luo Zheng nodded knowingly, interrupting Lan Xue.

At this time, Shi Feng hurried over, holding a fax in his hand and handed it to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took it and looked at it. There was a list on it, and three names were circled. Luo Zheng looked at the three lists carefully. , looking at Shi Feng, Shi Feng quickly said: "I have asked someone to check it, wait a moment."

Just as he was talking, a criminal policeman hurried over, saluted and reported: "Bureau Shi, the situation has been clarified. Two of the three companies are affiliated with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the other is a famous company with suspected Indian military background, but There is insufficient evidence to draw a conclusion.”

"I understand, go ahead and do your work, remember to keep it strictly confidential." Shi Feng warned seriously.

"Yes." The other party agreed, turned around and left, closing the conference room door.

Shi Feng looked at Luo Zheng, who nodded knowingly, took out his phone and dialed Blue Star's number. After he was connected, he said, "Help me check the background of a company right away. The sooner the better." He reported the name. After going up, the first murder case was found to be related to the Indian arms dealer. The next two cases have not been traced, but now a candidate list with Indian military background has appeared. The strangeness in this has made everyone vigilant.

Shi Feng thought for a while and said with a heavy face: "If the murderer killed the person to get the candidate to be elected, the purpose may not be simple economic interests. Maybe he really came for the chairman. We have a heavy responsibility on our shoulders and we cannot sit back and wait for death." What should we do when we get down?" He said and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng signaled Shi Feng to calm down and continued to ponder. The profiteers of the three murder cases became candidate companies. If the murderer only killed people to change the list, then there must be something wrong with the newly replaced list. The two SASACs There is not much problem with the companies under its jurisdiction. This company with Indian military background has become the biggest suspect. Now it only needs to wait for Blue Star to prove one point.

The database of the National Security Strategy Bureau is the most complete and complete, including local and military system data. Blue Star did not disappoint Luo Zheng. He quickly found corporate data from the database, followed the clues, and found that the other party did have Indian national data. With a military background, he immediately informed Luo Zheng of the situation.

After receiving Blue Star's accurate answer, Luo Zheng's face turned cold and his tone became cold, and he said: "There is indeed a problem. Is it an assassination for commercial interests or for political purposes? This issue needs to be further confirmed, and we will immediately investigate the company's Top management conducts secret surveillance.”

"This may alert the enemy." Shi Feng reminded.

"What I want is to scare the snake away. As long as I can scare away the venomous snake, I can't bear the responsibility if I hurt the chairman. The murderer can be caught slowly. The chairman cannot receive any harm. This is the bottom line. In addition, let the other party realize No matter if it is exposed, it will reveal flaws to us." Luo Zheng analyzed.

"Okay." Shi Feng said nothing more and agreed.

"We can't arrest people directly, Guishou." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Arrived!" Guishou quickly agreed.

"Find a knife and use his method to pry open the mouth of the general manager of this company. Go to the interrogation in person to see if there are any clues. After you are done, lock him up secretly and cannot let him out. Let's give him a two-pronged approach. ." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes." Guishou agreed and left in a hurry.

Shi Feng looked at Luo Zheng with tears and laughter. Arresting people before there was no evidence, and even conducting secret house arrests, this was a violation of the law, but Shi Feng knew the benefits of doing so, so he did not stop him and could not stop him. Luo Zheng was now a case The person in charge is just cooperating.

"Use extraordinary means in extraordinary times. The murderer has acted arrogantly three times in a row. We still don't know how big the conspiracy is behind this, and what major terrorist acts he will commit next. Therefore, we can only take the initiative. You are the police, Things must be done strictly in accordance with the procedures. I am different. Now I am responsible here. If anything happens, I will bear it. You can just execute it. Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng saw through Shi Feng's thoughts and asked clearly.

"No problem." Shi Feng quickly replied.

"That's enough." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the others. Others expressed their opinions one after another. Luo Zheng was completely relieved. The murderer was cunning, cruel, and troubled. There must be no chaos inside.

"The general manager may just be a figure on the table. He doesn't know much. He can at most act as a warning. Arrange your people to secretly monitor other directors and shareholders and investigate all their activities in the past week. I want to know what they have seen. Where did you meet them, make those phone calls, and find out what they have in common? How long will it take to complete this task?" Luo Zheng asked seriously.

When the leader of the serious crime team saw Shi Feng looking at him, he thought about it, his face became solemn, and he said seriously: "Three days."

"No, I only give you one day. I need the results tomorrow morning." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"No problem." Seeing the leader of the serious crime team hesitating to explain, Shi Feng snatched the topic and agreed. Seeing the leader of the serious crime team looking over in embarrassment, Shi Feng continued: "I will go to other district-level public security bureaus to transfer When people come to help, they must complete the task within the specified time. This is an order."

"Yes." Upon hearing the order, all the members of the crime team looked stern, stood up, and solemnly agreed.

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