The strongest soldier

Chapter 1269 Prime Minister’s Compromise

In the Prime Minister's Office of Japan, the high-ranking officials in the Prime Minister's Office gathered together. They all looked at the Prime Minister in silence. No one dared to speak loudly. The news of Sarutobi Saru's failure came, and more than 150 ninjas were killed. The army was wiped out. When did the ninja's combat effectiveness become so weak? It was difficult for everyone to accept this fact. At the same time, they also realized that the kidnappers were not ordinary people. More than 150 people were killed at will. What else could they not do?

Everyone is aware of a problem. This time, the reputation of the Prime Minister's Office has been ruined. It depends on who will take the blame. The Prime Minister said nothing with a cold face, and his eyes swept around everyone. After this incident, his prestige and status will be affected. They will all face increased challenges, and leaving the field is almost inevitable.

Thinking of leaving the field, the Prime Minister's face turned cold. He aimed his overwhelming resentment at the Koga ninja and said coldly: "Minister of Defense, I will give you ten minutes to capture Sarutobi Saru and Ishii Sora's grandson. The intelligence department will fully cooperate." , If you can’t catch anyone, I’ll take you on top.”

"Yes." The faces of the two people whose names were called turned cold, and they quickly agreed and hurried away.

Everyone knew that the Prime Minister was going to compromise, but no one objected. No one could bear the responsibility of thousands of hostages. The Major General of the Guards led people to rescue, but he himself failed to come back. He died outside the airport and was killed by a group of people. The gun blew out the head and the person died, but the matter was not resolved. The Prime Minister asked Sarutobi Saru to be the scapegoat. Who dares to object? Now whoever opposes it will take the lead.

A senior counselor said with a solemn face: "Prime Minister, Sarutobi Saru just came here. Not many people know him, right?"

"What do you want to say?" As a clever politician, the Prime Minister knew clearly what the other party meant, but he did not reveal it and let the other party speak out with a cold face.

"Sarutobi Saru is now the captain of the Emperor's Guards and holds a high position. Why did he instruct Sora Ishii to attack the innocent Hook tribe?" The senior counselor's face darkened and he said seriously.

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically. These words were no longer adding insult to injury, but had risen to the level of a struggle between imperial power and prime ministerial power. How could the Prime Minister be so shrewd that he could not hear the underlying meaning? After pondering for a moment, he looked at everyone and asked coldly: "What do you think?"

"Second!" Everyone was not stupid. They didn't know what the Prime Minister meant, so they all agreed. To jump out and object at this time was to seek death, not to mention a completely unfamiliar Sarutobi Saru, who had no relatives, no reason, no interests, and couldn't do it. Everyone one by one Agreed with the proposal just now.

The Prime Minister did not make a decision immediately, but calmly watched everyone, judged everyone's true intentions, and handed over Sarutobi Saru. To the people, it can be said that he was ordered by the Emperor. There is no reason for a captain of the Emperor's Guards to instruct Sora Ishii to do something for no reason. The Huk tribe attacks? Unless the Emperor gave the order, why did the Emperor give the order?

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister's cold eyes became a little more cruel, and he said coldly: "The Emperor instructed Sarutobi to instruct Sora Ishii to launch an attack on the Huk tribe. This is destroying the country's image and putting the country in danger. It is absolutely not allowed for him to regain control of the country and restore imperial power, but the emperor is the spiritual symbol of this country, so it is up to the people to decide how to handle this matter."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison. Leaving it to the people would mean diverting the conflict and directing the people's anger at the emperor instead of the Prime Minister's Office. Everyone's interests can be guaranteed, so who would object?

"But before that, we must deal with the crisis at hand. I propose that the grandsons of Sarutobi Saru and Ishii Sora be handed over in exchange for as many hostages as possible. Sarutobi Saru is a criminal, and Ishii Sora's grandson is an innocent child. , the people will not object if these two people are handed over, and tell the police chief to change as many hostages as possible." The Prime Minister continued, with a cold expression on his face.

"Are you preparing the army?" a senior counselor reminded.

"Of course, Sarutobi Saru cannot replace all the hostages. What will happen to the other hostages? We have two options. First, storm in; second, compromise temporarily and meet their demands. After they evacuate and the hostages are safe, we can launch a thunderous strike. , mobilize the country's armed forces, we must capture this group of terrorists and give an explanation to the people. Apart from this, any other lucky methods are not advisable. More than 150 corpses are enough to prove everything. This group of terrorists are capable of everything. You can do it, and your strength is not weak." The Prime Minister said coldly: "How do you choose?"

"The second option." Everyone expressed their opinions one by one. Attacking means the sacrifice of hostages. This proposal is too costly and no one dares to choose it.

"Very good, then let's prepare according to the second plan. I don't want to hear anyone complaining, and I don't want to know who is not cooperating. Please everyone." The Prime Minister said with a cold face, and the threat in his words made people nervous. , everyone didn’t dare to say more and turned around to leave.

Half an hour later, at the airport, the buffer zone of the confrontation between the two sides, the police chief received a notification that Sarutobi Saru had arrived, but there was only a message that the body was dead in the room. He committed suicide by disembowelling himself, leaving a standard cross on his lower abdomen. Ishii Sora's grandson was unharmed. When the police chief heard the news, his face darkened and he walked towards the back of the team and saw Sarutobi Saru being carried away.

The one responsible for escorting Sarutobi Saru was the Defense Minister's guard. The police chief understood the Prime Minister's decision at a glance, but still confirmed: "Has the Prime Minister's Office made a decision?"

"Yes." The guard captain in charge of the escort said quickly and handed a document to the police director.

The police director opened it and saw an order inside, stamped with the seal of the Prime Minister's Office. It clearly stated the instructions for the police director to negotiate with his opponent, as well as the bottom line for the negotiation. The police director's face turned bitter. This was Put yourself on the fire. If the negotiation is successful, the Prime Minister's Office will get the credit. If the negotiation is not successful, you will become the target of public criticism.

There were a mountain of orders, and the police director did not dare to delay, but he still called to confirm the authenticity of the order. Then he walked forward with a cold face, came to a hundred meters away from the Guishou defense position, and shouted loudly, asking for further progress. Negotiate and declare people have been brought.

Luo Zheng received the report from Gui Shou and smiled. As long as the Prime Minister's Office chooses to compromise, it will be easy. If you compromise once, you will compromise a second time. It seems that killing the ninja's sneak attack is a blow to the Prime Minister's Office and wakes them up. , Don’t dare to mess around, this is a good thing, let Hook and Sora Ishii pass immediately.

When Ishii Sora heard that his grandson had really come, he glanced at Luo Zheng gratefully and left with Hook. No matter how deep the hatred was before, at this moment, Ishii Sora was very grateful to Luo Zheng for leaving a legacy to his family. Bloodline, with anticipation, Sora Ishii couldn't help but quicken his pace.

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