The strongest soldier

Chapter 1265 Unexpected Person

The Kyoto Airport was shrouded in darkness at night, and the lights were bright. The airport's power grid was different from other places in the city and was not affected. However, the airport lost the hustle and bustle of the past and had a more chilling atmosphere. The two teams faced off at a distance of 300 meters. Who was it? I didn’t dare to go there easily. The airport was also very quiet. Occasionally, there were children crying, but they were quickly comforted by adults.

As long as the hostages do not cause trouble, the scholar and others do not need to force themselves, they just monitor closely, and they are very democratic when they go to the toilet if they can't hold it in. This makes the hostages feel more at ease, and their emotions gradually stabilize, and they patiently wait for the government's rescue. Cooperating with the command of the scholar and others.

There is only one gate left to enter the airport, and the others are completely blocked. Guards are arranged behind each door, leaving gun points. If someone comes in by force, they can fight back. The mountain eagle team is hidden on the roof, and the Snow Leopard people Hidden outside the airport runway to prevent anyone from infiltrating, the ghost hand leads people to guard the intersection, everything is tense and orderly.

Seeing that the preparations were basically in place, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the voice of the mountain eagle came from the headset: "Report, unidentified people appeared east of the airport. They looked like ninjas. There were more than fifty people. The purpose was unknown. The distance was About 500 meters away, approaching quickly, please give instructions."

"Three hundred meters safety line." Luo Zheng said coldly.

Luo Zheng was startled by the sudden appearance of a suspected ninja, thinking that it might be Sarutobi Saru who led the attack. Ninjas are not regular government troops. They don't care about the safety of the hostages. It is not good for him. He shouted coldly: "Everyone, please pay attention. Someone is approaching. Three people." There is a 100-meter cordon, fire the alarm, and anyone who crosses the cordon will be killed without mercy.”

"Yes." Everyone cheered up and agreed.

Luo Zheng hurriedly walked out of the control room and came outside. A sniper shot sounded in the headset. Luo Zheng rushed outside to take a look. Sure enough, he found a group of men and horses appearing in the east and stopped three hundred meters away. Luo Zheng raised his binoculars in surprise and found that he was indeed dressed as a ninja.

After the warning shot, this group of people did not deliberately hide their identity, but stood still, which was very unusual. Not long after, a man walked forward with his hands raised. Luo Zheng was startled, and quickly shouted through the headset: "Mountain Eagle. , don’t shoot, Guishou, go up and see the situation.”

"Understood." Mountain Eagle and Ghost Hand agreed almost at the same time.

Guishou hurriedly ran eastward. The police and troops confronting each other on the highway also saw the sudden appearance of the people and were surprised. The superiors did not say that they had sent people to rescue them. Who were these people? Why do you carelessly walk forward from the east and avoid everyone stationed due south?

The law enforcement force of the Japanese government was suspicious, and Luo Zheng was also suspicious. Seeing that Guishou had already rushed forward, he pricked up his ears and waited. Not long after, Guishou came with a piece of news that surprised Luo Zheng. No one came. Thinking of Sora Ishii and his loyal men, they asked to meet Luo Zheng.

To see or not to see? Luo Zheng was in a dilemma. Sora Ishii was an enemy and his purpose was unknown. It would be unfavorable to meet rashly. However, Luo Zheng had a vague feeling that it was not as simple as revenge. Lan Xue walked up and shook his head to indicate that Luo Zheng was missing. There should be no extraneous matters at the critical moment. .

"Ask them about their intentions." Luo Zheng thought for a while and said through the headset.

"The other party asked to meet you alone, so you can come alone." Guishou said quickly.

"Let him come over and disarm." Luo Zheng was startled and decided to meet this man. He was surrounded by his own people. What could Ishii Sora do if he could fight?

Seeing that Luo Zheng insisted on seeing Ishii Sora, Lan Xue did not object anymore, but stood near Luo Zheng so that he could take action at any time, so that he could call the scholar and arrange several soldiers to protect him. Luo Zheng stood quietly at the gate and waited. , not long after, Ghost Hand came over with Ishii Sora, holding Ishii Sora's Japanese sword.

Sora Ishii was dressed in a ninja uniform, and his expression was invisible. Only his eyes were exposed, exuding a cold murderous aura. Luo Zheng had seen Sora Ishii, and he knew from his body shape that he was really Sora Ishii. He had no doubts and looked at him curiously. The other party, wait for the other party to explain their intention.

The two sides were sworn enemies who wanted to kill each other quickly, but they met in this way. It was God's will that made Luo Zheng feel a sense of absurdity. Ishii Sora stopped five meters away from Luo Zheng. He looked Luo Zheng up and down, his eyes were full of anger and murderous intent, his whole body was shaking with anger, and he looked like he wanted to tear Luo Zheng into pieces. He saw that the people around him were holding on to Ishii Sora as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and were ready to take action.

Seeing that Sora Ishii did not hide his murderous intention and anger, Luo Zheng smiled instead. It was a kind of pride to be able to force the enemy to be like this. At the same time, Luo Zheng also knew that the other party's intentions were not simple and he would not do anything to him. A dead hand, otherwise the murderous intention will not be exposed, but one should deliberately hide his purpose and find a way to get close to him and make a sudden move.

"You are indeed very powerful." Sora Ishii said coldly.

"This is the best evaluation of me." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"It's not unfair for the Ishii family to lose to you for making such a big noise." Ishii Sora's expression dimmed and he continued.

"Do you have something to ask me for?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Yes." Sora Ishii made no secret of his purpose, glanced around, and then looked at Luo Zheng.

"They are all my brothers, there is nothing I can't say." Luo Zheng said coldly, and the soldiers around him were excited by what he said, and they raised their chests high, for fear of losing Luo Zheng's face.

"Fake my identity to force Sarutobi Saru. It's a very clever method. If I'm not wrong, the Prime Minister will force Sarutobi Saru. In order to protect himself, Sarutobi Saru will definitely fight for the opportunity to come here to rescue the hostages. Let's make a deal." Ishii Kong said coldly.

"That depends on whether I have any benefits." Luo Zheng sneered.

"Come here with Sarutobi Saru's people, I will help you kill them, and show up in public to make your lies become true. How about you rescue my grandson, take him out of this country, and deliver him to the hands of the person I designate?" Sora Ishii's eyes flashed and he said seriously.

"Sounds good. Two questions. How can I be sure that you will not threaten our safety? Secondly, your grandson will definitely take revenge when he grows up. Also, why do you do this? There is a grudge between us. How can I trust you?" Luo Zheng asked seriously.

"I feel relieved if you can say that. It shows that you are a person who keeps your word. My people are on the periphery and not close to the two hundred meters of the airport. Once exceeded, you can shoot. As for my grandson, I hope he will resolve disputes." , pass on the bloodline safely. You can supervise at any time. If you find something wrong, you can kill him. I have already accounted for the person who raised him. This country has deceived me and betrayed me. I want revenge. That's all. , As for you and me, this is a public enmity, not a private enmity. We all have our own masters. I need you to protect my only bloodline, so I must ensure your safety." Ishii Sora explained seriously.

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