The strongest soldier

Chapter 1260 Controlling the Situation

With the fierce aura, violent roars, coupled with the loaded weapons and black muzzles around them, no one dared to move. They were all restrained by the scholar. The scene gradually stabilized, and more people were driven away in an orderly manner. When they arrived at the lobby, everyone looked panicked. Some tried to call for help, but when they saw that the people holding the airport hostage did not stop them, they all became confused, but they still called the police.

Passengers calling the police were part of the plan, so everyone did not stop them at all. They were busy controlling the situation and kicked out all the passengers in the terminal. The lobby was not enough, so they had to squeeze towards the security checkpoint. There were crowds of people and cries. The scene was noisy and very chaotic.

Luo Zheng put on his hood and got out of the car. He took a look at the expressway entering the airport. It had been blocked by a small team with vehicles of various sizes. More than thirty vehicles were crowded together, leaving some gaps in the middle for people to hide. This team was hidden in the car and set up weapons to defend the police who might come to support at any time.

Ten minutes have passed since the start of the operation. The government has long received the information. However, the roads along the way were jammed due to man-made explosions and power outages. The police were unable to get there and had to use motorcycles instead. Luo Zheng looked at the airport hall. After being basically controlled, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, gave Hook a look, and everyone walked inside.

Arriving at the certificate processing hall, Luo Zheng looked at the crowds of tourists, who were all squatting on the ground in panic. More people were being driven over one after another. When the scholar saw Luo Zheng coming, he immediately signaled to the tourists to make way for him. Nodding towards Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng followed the scholar and walked forward knowingly.

A few minutes later, everyone arrived at the control room. The scholar hurriedly said: "On the first floor are the passengers boarding the plane. All are under control. Downstairs are the passengers disembarking. They are still under control. Give me ten minutes."

"The movement is a little slow. Passengers who have disembarked from the plane should stay in the lobby downstairs and watch with some hands. The total number of passengers has exceeded our expectations. Your movements are also three minutes slower than planned. The ghost hands are at most If you can hold off the police for five minutes, move quickly." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Understood." The scholar agreed and left in a hurry.

Luo Zheng looked at the equipment around him. Two soldiers who were transferred and relatively proficient in information warfare were busy. After a minute, one of them nodded to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng picked up the microphone and said through the headset: "Controlled. how was it?"

"It's under control, it's okay." Blue Star's words rang in the headset.

Luo Zheng signaled the soldier to turn on the microphone, and said coldly into the microphone in Japanese: "Listen, everyone, squat down and don't move around to avoid misunderstanding. Once the matter is over, you can all go home safely. , Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." The voice was processed by Blue Star and spread through the radio. It was floating in the airport. It was in Japanese. Everyone heard it clearly, and the situation gradually stabilized.

In front of the muzzle that exuded the aura of death, everyone chose to compromise with a happy mentality. Even those who did not want to compromise did not dare to do it easily, lest it lead to death. Luo Zheng signaled the soldiers to turn off the microphone and spoke to Hook. Said: "The situation is basically under control. How about it? Are you satisfied?"

"I have nothing to say about the combat effectiveness of your troops. It would be great if my tribe had a team like this." Hook said with some envy.

"Okay, it's your turn to appear later, just follow the plan?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"I understand, don't worry." Hook nodded seriously and said.

Everyone walked out of the monitoring room and came to the lobby outside. The people in the lobby gradually stabilized their emotions and accepted their fate. Luo Zheng saw that the brothers were collecting the passengers' phones. After so long, those who should call the police have also called the police. If they keep their phones, they will call the police in the future. Bad things came outside with Hook. The police hadn't arrived yet. Luo Zheng couldn't help but was startled and asked: "Guishou, can you hear what's going on?"

"On the way back to the team, we will arrive in ten minutes. The city is heavily congested and all vehicles cannot move. We ambushed a motorcycle police team, probably coming to the airport, a dozen of them." Guishou's words were heard in the headset. sounded, with a bit of excitement.

"How many bad things have you done?" Luo Zheng smiled angrily. The ambush of the police team was unplanned.

"I have to be fair about this. The main reason is that the assassination operations in the past few days have weakened the nerves of Kyoto citizens. As soon as they discovered the situation, they abandoned their cars and ran away. It was difficult to avoid traffic jams. The effect exceeded expectations. Police We are busy clearing traffic, but the armed helicopter is about to arrive." Blue Star's words rang in the headset.

"I got it." Luo Zheng couldn't help but look up at the sky. Sure enough, he found two small black dots on the horizon. The small black dots gradually became larger. They were armed helicopters. He couldn't help but sneered. With the hostages in hand, the armed helicopters had no choice but to use the headset. Continued: "Cut to the public channel."

"Understood." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

Soon, the call channel was switched, and Luo Zheng said into the headset: "Brothers, speed up, the enemy's armed helicopter is coming. The brothers in charge of guarding have hidden their heads for me. Don't show your head." As he said this, he looked towards the airport. In the direction of the intersection, some soldiers quickly hid under the car after hearing the order.

Cars have been crowded together for decades, and there is no problem at all hiding more than ten people. Luo Zheng saw the armed helicopter roaring in and circling in the sky. He pulled Hook back a few steps and came to the door. There was a barrier above the door. There was no need to worry about being discovered. The scholar hurried over and nodded to Luo Zheng, indicating that everything was under control. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand. The scholar left knowingly and commanded his troops.

"Snow leopards and mountain eagles, their status." Luo Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Get in position." The mountain eagle and snow leopard replied quickly.

According to the plan, the mountain eagle's people seized the commanding heights to ambush and acted as snipers. The snow leopard's people quickly controlled the airport runway and control tower, and the scholar's people were responsible for controlling the passengers. Luo Zheng was secretly relieved when he saw that the plan was carried out in an orderly manner without any mistakes. tone, looking at Hook.

Hook nodded in admiration and smiled. Luo Zheng heard the sound of a motorcycle and looked around. There were about ten people riding motorcycles on the road to the airport. Luo Zheng knew it was Gui Shou and the others, and he was completely relieved. , immediately said through the headset: "It's one of our own, don't shoot."

The armed helicopter also saw Gui Shou and others riding a motorcycle, and found that it was a police car. It was not easy to shoot directly, so they contacted their superiors. Gui Shou and others took the opportunity to rush up, the motor roaring like a roar. The soldiers were shouting to charge.

"Old friend, the fun has begun." Guishou said excitedly.

"Yes, it's time for the enemy to come." Luo Zheng looked towards the distance of the road. His only exposed eyes were filled with fighting intent, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

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